The powerful voice echoed throughout the venue, making everyone's actions and expressions froze.


Ye Donglai, who stood on the top of the Dragon Kingdom, waited for someone to kneel? Moreover, they shouted the name, Mr. Chen!

Let Ye Dong come to kneel, and call Mr. Chen, who else besides that one!

Legendary characters, Chen, Wu, enemy! !! !!

Crazy thing!

"My God! He, he really is!"

Guan Le'er looked at Chen Yu, covering her mouth with her hands, her eyes widened, her eyes full of shock.

At this moment, all her guesses have come to fruition.

This man is her idol, Chen Wudi!

Lu Le and Meng Qin stood still, completely stupid. A guy who just picked it up on the road is the legend? Is this true?

Until now, they both felt that this was so unreal, it seemed like a dream.

"This, is this true?" Liu Hongyan looked at all this stupidly, his eyes were dull, and thought that Ye Donglai was waiting for someone to talk to the Li family, but now he is kneeling? !!

"Get up, Ye Dong is here, it's been a long time."

At this moment, Chen Yu just stood up, turned around and looked at Ye Donglai and waited with a faint smile on his face.

"Mr. Chen, it really is you! You are finally back again! I know, I know, the Earth has changed so much and you will definitely come back!"

Ye Donglai was extremely excited, and the earth changed dramatically. They were completely embarrassed. Although the Xiancao Group is still the first, to be honest, their hearts are somewhat bottomless.

It can be seen that at the moment of Chen Yu, it seems that everyone has a backbone and a fluttering heart. At this moment, it seems that it finally landed.

"Teacher, you are finally back! The students did not humiliate you!"

Prajna Liuli, Huangpu Juetian, Yunluo Feng, and Qingfu City looked at Chen Yu's eyes, and they were full of worship and joy of reunion.

Chen Yu smiled faintly, looking at a few people in Prajna Ruri, with a smile on his face, "You are very good."

"Ye, Ye Lao, you, what are you talking about? Are you wrong? He, how could he be Chen Wudi?"

At this moment, Li Tianqiang's body shook and his heart was all together. He felt that his whole body was cold and his face pale.

Deep down, he had a hint of fantasy.

"Master Li, how brave you are, how dare you disrespect Mr. Chen?"

At this moment, Ye Donglai's face changed, and instantly became cold.


Li Tianqiang took seven or eight steps back, his body trembled, and then he made a sound and knelt directly on the ground. The whole person's head was cold sweat!

"Chen, Chen, Mr. Chen, yes, it is Tianqiang who has no eyes and does not know that you are here. Please, please adults, please ignore the villains, forgive me, forgive Tianqiang ..."

There is pity in the sky, and the lord of the Li family is kneeling on the ground at this moment. His body is constantly trembling, and the whole person even talks and is stuttered.

Although Li Tianqiang talked so hard just now that Chen Wudi was not in his eyes, but it was only because he thought that Chen Wudi could not come back, but now that he really saw Chen Yu appear in front of himself, he realized that he Those so-called courage are just a joke!

Chen Yu hasn't done anything yet, he is already afraid!

When everyone saw this scene, they all took a breath.

"His, just how arrogant Li Tianqiang was just in the room. He talked arrogantly and regarded the world as being innocent, but now, even speaking, it's unfavorable!"

"This is the majesty of Chen Wudi. Even if it is motionless, it is like the ancient magic mountain, which makes people desperate."

Many big brothers are filled with emotions, and many Tianjiao are shocked at this moment.

Just now, they thought that Chen Yu was just a young man like them, and even because Chen Yu was just an imitator, they still despised them, but now they can only look up!


Li Chengdong also knelt on the ground, looking at Chen Yu in despair, his face terrified.

"I killed your brother, didn't you want revenge?"

Looking at Li Tianqiang, Chen Yu said faintly.

"No, I dare not, Tianfeng irritates your majesty, and he is more than dead, please, please don't blame my Li family, our Li family, has always maintained the highest respect for you!"

Li Tianqiang spoke hard.

Chen Yu looked at Li Tianqiang, didn't speak, just turned around, looked at Guan Leer, and smiled softly.

"Since you called me a teacher, I can't treat you badly. From now on, you are Liuli's little sister."


Guan Leer's eyes widened and his head was full. Oneself, became the first strong in the Dragon Kingdom, the sister-in-law of Prajna Liuli, known as Xiao Chen Invincible?

"Oh, Leer, right, starting today, we will help you, rest assured."

Four Ruolu Liu came over, everyone's face was a smile.

Lying down!

Seeing this scene, everyone was envious. How bad luck it is to be able to become a student of Chen Wudi. Now, with the Prajna Ruri as a backer, the future, the development of the family, should not be too good! Even the Li family can never be compared with it!

At this moment, the original protagonist, Li Tianqiang, was kneeling on the ground at this moment, and he did not dare to move, because he was afraid that he might move a little, and the entire Li family was completely wiped out.

"Ah, Tianqiang, you have lost all of Li's face."

Suddenly, a sigh passed and Li Tianqiang was shocked.

Suddenly looking up, I saw an old man with white hair flying in the sky in the distance. He appeared in front of him only for a moment.



Seeing this person, Li Tianqiang and Li Chengdong both shouted. Come, it is Li Tianqiang and Li Tianfeng's father, Li Ba!

"My son!" Seeing Li Tianfeng's tragic death, Li Ba's whole heart shrank fiercely, and his eyes were full of endless pain.

Subsequently, he stared fiercely and looked at Chen Yu fiercely.

"Chen Wudi, since you have become a legend, just feel at ease as a legend. Now coming back and killing my son, I want to let you destroy this legend!"


Seeing someone coming, Chen Yu frowned. Ye Donglai and others also narrowed their eyes slightly.

"Li Ba, you have been cultivating for so long, I really think that our Xiancao Group doesn't know, but we are too lazy to investigate you. Why, do you think that now you can compete with Mr. Chen? You are too naive and immediately kneel I apologize, maybe there is a trace of life for your Li family! "Ye Donglai said in a cold voice.

"Oh, Ye Dong is here, don't scare me. Chen Wudi is a legend on earth, but in the starry sky, what is he? Do you think that only he is from the starry sky? You see Who are they!"

Talking, Li Ba pointed to the distance and looked proudly.

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