Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1321: Strong in the starry sky


Seeing Li Ba look like this, everyone is stunned. This old guy, facing Chen Wudi and Xiancao Group, is so tough? What is his dependence?

The crowd couldn't help but look inquisitively, and they saw in the distant sky that several silhouettes were rushing forward like a streamer.

"Father, is this what you said before, those in heaven!"

Li Tianqiang shuddered and said incredulously.


Heavenly man!

Upon hearing this, everyone's pupils shrank fiercely. When the Li family held this banquet before, they said that there would be people from heaven! Before, because of Chen Yu's incident, they all forgot about it, but now, hearing Li Tianqiang's words, everyone immediately remembered it.


Li Ba glanced at Chen Yu with a sneer in his mouth.

"Do n’t think that I do n’t know that these visitors from the sky have told me something about the practice world. Our planet, in the entire practice world, is just a humble bottom ant. What Chen Wudi is, Only stubborn on our earth, but placed in the stars? Oh, it's not worth mentioning! "

"Chen Wudi, do you think the world is invincible when you return this time? Hehe, those people are mine, I will let everyone see how you died! Not only that, I also want you The Xiancao Group is completely destroyed! "

Li Bazhen laughed.

"Xiancao is about to die, the Li family stands! On the future floodland, the last name is Li, not the last name Chen !! Stand up for me, you two!"

With a roar, Li Tianqiang and Li Chengdong both stood up, and their expressions were full of surprise.

I never expected that their Li family had found such a strong backer!

"Haha, Chen Wudi, you're done! This time you're done! The humiliation you gave me just now, wait a minute, I'll let you return a hundred times!"

Li Tianqiang laughed and regained his confidence again, and his look was extremely arrogant.

How humble he was just now, how crazy he is now!

"Hehe, Chen Wudi? Legendary characters? Idols of the younger generation? You people can only see these small patterns in front of you. What looks like my Li Chengdong, my eyes have already surpassed you! Look at it, the future The myth of the day is my Li family! "

Li Chengdong waved his hand and looked at the many arrogant presents, his face filled with pride and contempt.

"Damn! How did you kneel on the ground just like a dog?"

Someone looked at Li Chengdong with a curse in his heart.

But at the same time, they are also shaking. This thing is really too fast. I thought that Chen Wudi would be able to dominate the scene, but the owner of the Li family had a relationship with the strong among the stars! At this moment, the situation immediately became a little more subtle.

"You said, can Chen Wudi still win this time?"

Someone looks forward to asking. The deeds of Chen Yu have been spread throughout the earth, but after the great fusion, everyone knows how wide this world, this starry sky, is. Although Chen Yu's record is very impressive, but in the starry sky, there is nothing worth mentioning.

"It's hard to say, although Chen Wudi is invincible on the earth, but after all, he is too young, and some people have studied that the level of our earth ’s practice is in the bottom of the starry sky, but Chen Wudi is probably in the starry sky. China is nothing but a low-level person. "

"Yeah, I also think that Chen Wudi might not be able to get through this level so easily. After all, if Li Ba didn't have a 99% certainty, how could he dare to be so disdainful with Chen Wudi at this time? I am afraid he invited A few of them are the strong among the stars! "

Hearing the conversation of the crowd, Guan Le'er's heart raised again. Not only him, but also many young generations of Tianjiao, were all tense. Now in such a battle, have they ever seen this?

Moreover, as their idols, from the bottom of their hearts, they do not want to see Chen Yu fail. What they hope is that Chen Wudi's name will last forever.

"Mr. Chen, are you sure?"

Ye Donglai looked at Chen Yu with some worry. Chen Yu didn't speak, but there was a slight murder in her eyes. Skeins of sword gas suddenly appeared in his palm.

Are these people the arrogance of hegemony?

At this moment, several people are not far away from everyone!

"Haha, now let me introduce the identities of these people!"

Li Ba glanced proudly at Chen Yu and laughed.

"Everyone knows that our earth is the solar system, but do you know that the solar system is just a few tiny corners of a star field? In this star field, it is more powerful than the solar system. I do n’t know how many star fields and civilizations! And the star field where our sun is, and the other four star fields, are collectively called the five fields! "


When they heard what Li Ba said, they all widened their eyes and were surprised. These things are the first time they have heard of them.

Chen Yu, however, bowed her head, and looked very old.

Li Ba was very satisfied with the response of the crowd.

"And these three are the Tianjiao in the five star domains! Each of their families, in their own star domain, is the premier family! Wait for a while, you will see what is supreme Strong, what is the end of the legend! "

Everyone's heart was tight, and many people swallowed subconsciously.

Too small, they are too small. The vastness of the starry sky is truly terrifying!

Looking at it this way, Chen Wudi seems to have nothing remarkable.

"Mr. Chen, this !!!" Ye Donglai was worried.

"Anyway. Just ants."

Chen Yu said faintly, his expression remained unchanged, but the sword qi in his hand was gently dispersed. It turned out, but just the people from the five domains came?

He thought it was Tianjiao who was here for the hegemony. If it is a character in the Five Realms, maybe he still knows.

Who is the one? Tibetan bell? Jiang Ruotong? Or Tang Qianshuang them?

In Chen Yu's heart, he thought of the Tianjiao characters in the Five Realms one by one.

At this moment, Li Ba raised his finger sharply and pointed at Chen Yu, sneering.

"Chen Wudi, tremble, you will know later, there are people in need of awe above you!"


A strange sound came. A few people who were still in the sky just now. At this moment, they had arrived at Li's house and stood beside Li Ba!

Li Ba looked very happy, bowed deeply to several people, and looked extremely respectful.

"Li Ba welcomes several adults!"

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