Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1344: Is it a coincidence?

Hearing Chen Yu's words, Aoyun raised a brow, and the corner of his mouth outlined a scornful arc.

"Talking is arrogant, but it is useless. Rest assured, although you killed my brother, I will not kill you. I just scrapped your limbs and took you to Douwutai to meet the young master. After all, your life , But the owner. "

"But I can't kill you, but I will make you die!"

Aoyun's killing is intense.

Douwutai. . .

Chen Yu's eyes flickered and he said, "Are my parents also at Douwutai?"

"Yes, your parents are in Douwutai, rest assured, they are very good. My young master has no need to bully the weak. After you go, the young master will kill them."

Aoyun said with a smile, looking very relaxed.

"At that time, it will reunite your family, but it is underground."

Chen Yu heard that she was secretly relieved, as long as her parents were fine, that's good! Looking up at Aoyun, Chen Yu smiled.

"Yes, you bring me this news. When I wait, I will kill you directly without causing you much pain."

Chen Yu said with a smile.

Aoyun froze, her face glooming. Chen Yu's attitude made him very angry. No one has ever dared to show up like this in front of him!

On one side, Mo Zhou's face was extremely ugly, the blue veins on his forehead violently increased, and his breathing was quick.

What do you mean!

What does your proud family mean! Don't you look down on me, Mo Zhou? I asked your name just now, and you didn't even bother to answer, but to Chen Yu, you took the initiative to report yourself! Not only that, when you were talking, you didn't even look at me, you didn't ask me if you asked!

I am the protagonist! It was me who defeated Feng Sudong and San Deng!

You just let me kneel down and apologize, then it's gone?


At the sound of Mo Zhou's grinding of his teeth, Aoyun frowned and looked over.

"Why are you still standing here? I told you to kneel, haven't you heard of it?"

In the faint repulsion, there was a strong disdain!

Among them, it is absolutely overbearing! After making you kneel and apologize, I didn't even look at you!

"Too much bullying, really too much bullying!"

At this moment, Mo Ming, standing on the ground, gritted his teeth and shouted into the sky.

"Brother! Teach him hard, let him know your strength!"

Hearing his brother's words, a sneer emerged from the corner of Mo Zhou's mouth.

"Aojia really is amazing, just because you are a servant, want to let me Mozhou kneel? Not qualified yet!"

"Oh? Why, you want to challenge me?"

Aoyun said unexpectedly.

Mo Zhou nodded, "I really want to discuss with the proud people, I wonder if you dare?"

Mo Zhou had made up his mind, and then defeated Aoyun with a thunder, and then let Aoyun go back to preach, so that his reputation would reach a peak! At that time, he will carry the invincible reputation to challenge Pride, and he will certainly be the existence that all Tianjiao will look up to!

From the beginning to the end, Mo Zhou didn't think about killing Aoyun. At most, he just wanted to defeat Aoyun. After all, the proud family, but he could not afford to offend the existence, defeated the proud cloud, the proud family can still stand, but if they kill the proud cloud, then their Mo family, there is really no place to die.

"It's really an idiot. How dare you kill Pride in the battle of martial arts? This Chen Yu is simply bold! If you have half of my wisdom, I can give you a high look, but unfortunately, you're letting me down!"

Mo Zhou was very disdainful of Chen Yu. In his eyes, Chen Yu is an idiot, regardless of his strength and methods of dealing with people, he is completely crushed by himself!


Hearing Mo Zhou's words, Aoyun smiled, her smile was contemptuous.

"Do you think you can challenge me with your great sword? Yes, I will give you a chance to kneel on the ground convinced."

Aoyun glanced at Chen Yu, "After clearing this little garbage, Chen Yu, I'm looking for you to settle accounts."

Mo Zhou's face turned red instantly.

"Okay! I'll see how you have such pride! Fight!"

With a roar, Mo Zhou shot violently, and the long sword pointed at Mo Zhou fiercely, and saw this sword, which instantly split into millions, and converged into a torrent of sword gas, rushing towards Aoyun!

"Brother, good job!"

Mo Ming shook his fist fiercely and was very proud.

"Chen Yu, if you don't see it, my elder brother is not so good!"

Chen Yu shook her head and said lightly, "Your brother is about to lose."

Mo Ming froze and said unconvinced: "You bullshit! You're jealous! Naked jealousy! Look at it, see how big my brother is!"

At this moment, the sword torrent has reached Aoyun!

"Huh, the eagle bug trick!"

Aoyun dismissed a smile, a five-finger one, a huge disc with a diameter of 100 meters, appeared in her hands, and then spun up frantically.

The torrent of sword gas blasted on it, only to hear the sound of banging, but it couldn't break through. Until all the Jianqi torrents disappeared, Aoyun was still pale and light.

"Is it just like that?"

Olympic sneer.

"It's not over!" Mo Zhou yelled, his legs were slightly curved, the whole person held the sword handle with both hands, and slammed straight out, slamming his sword at Aoyun!

Jianmang is tens of meters long, which is extremely pressing.

"A good sword!"

When Feng Sudong and San Deng saw such a sword, they were all shocked in their hearts. This guy was originally not seen by him, but now he crawled over their heads.

In all fairness, even the two of them felt amazing when they saw the sword of the curse.

However, Aoyun still sneered, leaning directly to the side, he avoided the sword!


Mo Zhou jumped in his heart, and Aoyun's performance was too easy! But then, he gritted his teeth, made a long shout, and danced the sword again!

I saw Mo Zhou's entire person, almost turned into a phantom, and slashed wildly at Aoyun!

However, Aoyun had never moved a distance of one meter beside him, and always avoided it at the last moment.

Even later, Aoyun closed her eyes, raised her mouth, and shouted with a smile.

"Left, right, left, up, oblique, right, left ..."

Every word was spit out, Mo Zhou's face became pale, and in his eyes, there was a thick and terrified look.

Because, what Aoyun said was the direction of his slash!

how can that be? !!

"Why, why is this?" Mo Ming opened his mouth wide and murmured incredulously, then shocked and looked at Chen Yu suddenly.

If Chen Yu happened to guess that Mo Zhou would defeat Feng Sudong and San Deng the last time, is this a coincidence? !!

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