Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1345: Arrogant Cloud

"Snoring ... snoring ..."

The intense panting sound, mixed with a lot of sweat, made Mo Zhou at this time look very embarrassed. He was shaking with a sword in both hands, and a shocked expression appeared in his eyes.

"How, how?"

Mo Zhou spoke, but in his voice, there was no more self-confidence, just a touch of panic. Those slashes did not have any effect at all. Not only that, the other party did not even change their breathing. From beginning to end, they were attacking insanely, but the result was completely useless!

"Brother, he's scared !!!"

Mo Zi covered her mouth, and she couldn't believe it. She knew too much about her pride! For so many years of forbearance, it was for an outbreak. When others respect and respect the five forces, she knows how disdainful her elder brother is. Even Ao's family has never been seen by Mo Zhou.

"If you don't have me in the sky, Baiyu practice is like a long night!"

Mo Zi still remembers his elder brother's words of arrogance, but now, his elder brother, leaning his waist and panting, facing a servant of the proud family, is afraid!

Is this the big brother I know?

Mo Ming, who was aside, was ashamed, as if the God of War in his heart suddenly collapsed.

"For, why, you, why can you ..."

Mo Zhou opened his mouth hard and his pupils kept shrinking.

"Hehe, why are you afraid? The Mo Jian's Wanjian Dahua is really good, but it's not in the eyes of my young master, so my young master naturally didn't learn, and rewarded me. I was bored. After learning, I know your routine. "

Aoyun said faintly, but fell into Mo Zhou's ear, but it was tantamount to a dry land thunder!

The Mo family ’s top skills, Wan Jian Dahua, even the Aojia know? Moreover, Pride Sky, even disdain to learn? !! Rewarded one of his servants?

And this servant, even casually, learned it? See through all your attacks?

How ridiculous this is! !! !!

"No, it's not true, it's not true!"

Mo Zhou stepped back and forth, shaking his head frantically, totally unbelievable. That's the million swords! More than a dozen generations of the Mo family did not learn. He thought that after he had learned it, he would be invincible in the hundreds of domains, and challenge the arrogance. However, the reality was so cruel!

He couldn't even match a proud servant?

Feng Sudong and San Deng both looked at Aoyun, their pupils kept shaking, and they were extremely shocked.

"Unexpectedly, one of Aojia's servants is so Tianjiao. We are already among the top in the 100 domains, but in front of Aojia, it is nothing."

Feng Sudong smiled wryly.

"Yeah, Aojia, who is indeed the nameless king. It's just a horrible thing. It's so horrible. It's unimaginable. How proud is Xiaozi?"

The three lights were emotional again and again, his eyes turned to Chen Yu as if looking at an idiot.

"How can Chen Yu have the courage to challenge Aojia? I don't know if he has regretted seeing this scene now?"

"Oh, regret? What can regret do? When he did such a thing, he was doomed." Feng Sudong shook his head.

Chen Yu had no interest in what they said. At this moment, he looked at Mo Zhou and shook his head gently.

This is the gap. What you have spent endless energy on can be solved for others by just playing around. And it's better than you.

"No! I don't believe it! You're lying to me! Wanjian Dahua, how could you possibly? Break me! Wanjian Dahua, Dahua Wanjian!"

At this moment, Mo Zhou suddenly made a loud roar, and a dazzling light burst out of the entire body. His hands trembled, and the sword in his hand was shattered directly. A real force sprayed out of his body directly. Finally, he The whole person is completely covered by Zenith.

With his sword in his body, Mo Zhou turned into an extremely sharp sword at this moment!


A strange noise suddenly spread throughout the sky. Mo Zhou, using himself as a sword, cut off directly to Aoyun!

At this moment, Mo Zhou had a strong decisive momentum, and no longer had any scruples. He no longer thought about whether he would kill the other party, but an unprecedented power broke out!

"It's a good sword. It looks like your Wanjian has become more and more powerful. Since that's the case, I'll give you a defeat."

Aoyun smiled lightly, stepped forward, and leaned forward with a single palm.

"Folding swordsman!"

When you stop drinking, you can see that Aoyun's palm suddenly emerges one by one, each swirling air is surrounded by a thick sword air!

"Brother! Come on! You can do it!" Mo Ming shouted.

Chen Yu shook his head and said, "He can't win, he is doomed to lose."

Mo Ming gave Chen Yu a hard look, even Mo Zi, looking at Chen Yu's eyes, became a bit cold.

"Are you happy to lose? Do n’t you know that we all rely on Big Brother! If my Big Brother is defeated, the most unlucky thing is you! My Big Brother is your umbrella, do you not understand this ? "

After hearing this, Chen Yu smiled.

"He's my umbrella? Oh, he's not worth it."

"You!" Mo Zi stomped his feet fiercely, no longer looking at Chen Yu, his eyes turned to high altitude again.


Mo Zhou and Aoyun met each other in an instant. Everyone thought that there would be a shocking collision, but the reality was shocking.

The moment the two collided, they covered Mo Zhou's body, and the sharp sword energy, like a mirror, suddenly collapsed!

Then, Aoyun held Mo Zhou's neck directly, and instantly connected 15 large holes on Mo Zhou's body, which directly sealed all the repairs of Mo Zhou!


Mo Zhou looked at Aoyun in horror, but did not expect that he was so defeated?

"Oh, don't be surprised. When this young swordsman was bored while eating, he suddenly thought of your Mo family's great sword, and he just got a crack."


After hearing this, Mo Zhou was shocked, and then it was endless decadence.

The Mo Family's Wanjian Dahua turned out to have been cracked by Aozongxiao just for a meal? How is this possible?

Mo Zhou stared blankly at Aoyun, his mind blank.

Mo Zi and Mo Ming were ashamed. The peerless talented brother is even better than the servants of the proud family. What a disparity this is? !!

"Kneel down!"

Aoyun said lightly, shot Mo Zhou down with one foot, and then pressed it with a single palm. With the center of Mo Zhou as the center, a circle of ten meters fell instantly, and Mo Zhou was kneeling in it. Bloodstained, the fist clattered, staring straight at the ground in front of him.

"Huh, the praying arm is a cart, and you can't help it."

Aoyun chuckled before turning to look at Chen Yu.

"Now it's your turn."

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