Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1346: This scene is not right


Almost at the same time that Aoyun's words fell, everyone's eyes came over. Without exception, with the exception of Ren Tai and Mo Zi, these eyes were full of smiles.

That is a mocking smile!

"Oh, genius, stand up straight when you meet, don't get down."

"Just, hey, we can't watch you die here, we're sorry."

"Yes, Lord Vice-Chairman. After you die, you must stay and abide. We are very envious. Haha."

. . . . . .

Bursts of ironic laughter erupted from the crowd, making the three brothers and sisters of the Mo family pale.

Mo Zhou was defeated. In their eyes, this rescue mission failed. And Chen Yu? But it's just dispensable.

"Rentai, I'm sorry, I can't save you." Mo Ziman looked at Rentai in the distance apologetically, and suddenly hesitated.

What did she see? Rentai, actually, laughing?

Rubbing his eyes in disbelief, Mo Zi looked again, and still found Ren Tai was laughing, and in that smile, there was quite a bit of sarcasm to everyone around!

Why is that? Aoyun is about to take a shot. Rentai is not only worried about Chen Yu, but is laughing at everyone. Does he think that Chen Yu can defeat Aoyun?

Thick doubts surfaced in Mo Zi's heart. At the same time, what Chen Yu had done before suddenly flashed into Mo Zi's mind.

Is it just a coincidence to complete the exercises and judge the battle results?

For some reason, Mo Zi's desperate mood just now, at the moment, there was a hint of hope.

Maybe, he can really do wonders? Maybe it's really possible. What about Aoyun?

Looking at Chen Yu, Mo Zi only felt that this idea was really crazy, but she couldn't restrain it.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Mo Zi's look, Mo Ming was surprised and surprised. At this time, why is your sister so surprised?

This mood is a bit wrong, shouldn't it be disturbing?

Looking down at Mo Zi's eyes, Mo Ming was stunned. Your brother-in-law is laughing? Not only that, but Yan Bao and others beside Rentai also had a smile on their faces?

Don't they know that Aoyun is going to take them back and execute them publicly?

"Mo Ming, you, do you think Chen Yu will win?"

Saying such words, even Mo Zi herself felt crazy.

"Sister, you, are you kidding me, that Chen Yu, how could he ..."

Mo Ming couldn't say any more, because he was shocked to find that such a possibility even appeared in his heart!

Is this true? Aoyun who can easily defeat his elder brother, really, will he lose to Chen Yu? how is this possible! !! !!

"Aoyun, today, you can't live without it."

At this moment, Chen Yu said lightly, waiting for the sky step by step, calm and elegant.

"Oh, are you? You are confident, but confidence comes at a cost! Today I will let you know what is fear!"

"Dead to me!"

His eyes glared violently, and Aoyun's eyes were full of fierce light, and he stepped out one step, backhand and one pump, and volleyed an electric light.

As if the thunder **** came into the world, with the wave of Aoyun's sleeves, the electricity flashed across the distance between the two people, rushing to Chen Yu with a bursting sound!

"So strong!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was hoping.

But Chen Yu only smiled slightly, raised her palm and fluttered, and that beating thunder, like a fly, was directly killed by Chen Yu.


Seeing this scene, Aoyun was a little surprised. Although this blow was not exhausted, it was not a person who was able to resist the transcendental perfection.

But did not expect that Chen Yu blocked so easily.

"You don't have to go all out now, you have no chance."

Looking at Aoyun, Chen Yu smiled slightly.

"Huh! I'm afraid I'll kill you accidentally!"

Aoyun's face was a bit ugly, and then he grabbed five fingers and slammed out at Chen Yu!

"Five Prison Thunders!"


Above Chen Yu's head, five thunders suddenly appeared, each of which was a full thickness, suddenly appeared in the void, and blasted away in a frenzy against Chen Yu!

"This is a rare rafa!"

When Mo Zhou saw this scene, he shook his mouth and widened his eyes.

This trick, even him, is not capable of enemy! I never expected that Aoyun's strength would be so strong!

If I were in Chen Yu's position, the only way would be to use the rapid evasion of Wan Jian Dahua! Otherwise, you will be seriously injured if you are hit!

Unconsciously, Mo Zhou thought so.

And Feng Sudong, San Deng, and others all had smiles on their faces, as if they had seen Chen Yu being beaten into a dead dog by Aoyun's blow!

However, Chen Yu looked up at the five mad thunders without moving, but there was a sneer in the corner of her mouth!

"Chen Yu, what are you doing? Hurry up!" Mo Zi was startled and suddenly roared.

"Hide? These five thunders are not eligible for me to hide. If you are more than Leifa, you are proud to be my grandson!"

Eyes flickered, Chen Yu was one arm with the sky, and the sky shook!

"Nine Calamities Thunder Dragon!"

Boom boom boom boom. . . . . .

There were nine explosions, shaking the whole sky suddenly, and I saw from the center of Chen Yu's palm as if the door of the dragon's nest was opened. Nine realistic thunder dragons surged out and roared!

Each Thunder Dragon is a few feet thick and imposingly terrifying!

The five thunders that were just violent just now seemed like a scourge, but under nine thunder dragons, they were torn apart instantly!

"What! Impossible!"

Aoyun was frightened, his eyes widened and he growled.

Lei Hong, his five prisons, was so broken that he was also broken by Lei Fa! Just when he was shocked, Jiudao Leilong carried unparalleled momentum and had already come to him with fierce bombardment!

not good!

When seeing Jiudao Thunder Dragon, Aoyun's scalp was instantly numb. Immediately retreated backwards, while laying successive layers of defensive shields in front of him!

But useless!

These defensive shields have been broken up and down, and even made Thunder Dragon a little slower, they can't do it!

Seeing that Lei Long was getting closer to himself, Aoyun's eyes were bloodshot, and he found a villain-like thing in his arms and threw it out.

"go with!"


Jiudao Thunder Dragon bombarded the villain, and it suddenly exploded. The layers of electric arc spread, covering a distance of 100 meters, and turned into a boiling thunder pond.

Aoyun stood in the sky five hundred meters away and looked at Chen Yu with horror in his eyes.

"Oh? For the dead doll? I didn't expect you to have this kind of thing? Just next time, can you escape?"

At this moment, Chen Yu smiled slightly, the wind was light and light.

On the ground, everyone was completely truthful, staring blankly at Ling Fan.

This scene doesn't seem right?

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