Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1369: Sanxiong meet, who will die?

"Interesting, interesting."

Chen Yu said, we must catch up.

"Chen Yu!"

At this moment, Gong Nian grabbed Chen Yu's arm, and her eyes were full of worry. That's pride! Its strength is even stronger than the sea! Chen Yu has gone, I'm afraid it's so fierce.

"Chen Yu, let's hurry up now. Ao Zixiao obviously has other things. There is no time to worry about us. If he waits for his hand, we won't be able to leave."

Hong Xuan stood aside and persuaded.

"Yeah, Chen Yu, you have to leave now. If we are united together, plus your identity, even if you are proud, it will not be easy to deal with you in the future. And, he killed before So many people have already committed public anger, and we can unite with them and fight against the proud family together! "

Mo Zi stood aside and persuaded.

"Oh, who said that proud son committed anger?"

At this moment, Tianjiao who had survived before, someone stood up and smiled softly.

"What do you mean?" Mo Zi looked cold.

The man frowned, "It's not interesting, but I can't get used to you being so scornful of the proud son. Before those people, it was obviously Chen Yu who used tricks to trick everyone into eating poisonous drugs, and this made everyone die!"

"Yes! I can also prove! I saw it with my own eyes, Chen Tufu killed hundreds of Tianjiao. This is not satisfied. As a result, I was on the Douwu platform because I was afraid of everyone and designed to kill many Tianjiao!"

Someone stood up and looked at Chen Yu coldly, with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, I also saw that Chen Yu designed to kill Tian Tianjiao. In order to give a lot of Tian Jiao an argument, he proudly fought with Chen Yu and finally killed Chen Yu. I don't know the plot, do you like it?"

The survivors all smiled as if they were winners, watching Chen Yu and others.

The truth of the truth? There is no such thing, the truth is never as important as public opinion! Only by mastering public opinion can you take the initiative.

Even if they saw with their own eyes, Ao Zixiao killed so many people? At least, they are still alive! They were alive because Ao Zixiao let them go! Not to mention, the proud family, but the strongest family among the hundred domains!

What about sacrificing some truth in order to lick this family?

As for Chen Yu? As an enemy, dying is dead, and it is not a big deal. Before he died, giving him such a name gave him some glory.

"You, how can you guys !!!"

Mo Zi's eyes widened, and he looked at all of this suddenly, completely dumbfounded. Just now, they saw it with their own eyes. They killed so many people proudly! Now, it is said that Chen Yu did it? How ridiculous this is!

"You are shameless! You open your eyes and talk nonsense!" Mo Ming stood aside, his face flushed with excitement.

"Hehe, nonsense? Mo Ming, as a top-level arrogant, are you so naive and naive? This world is full of lies and deceit!"

Looking at Mo Ming, the crowd was full of sarcasm, making Mo Ming's breath stagnation, but he didn't know what to say.

"Well, you really think you can cover the sky with one hand? Don't you be afraid we will tell the truth?"

Mo Zhou spoke coldly.

Hearing this, the laughter of the crowd was even louder and full of joy.

"Do you think you still have a chance to go out alive? Even if you survive, who would believe it if you were a few of us? Here we are, but there are hundreds of people, one word per person, enough to make your voice disappear not see!"

"Haha, you have to carry this pot, do n’t you? You must carry it! Let's go!"

The crowd laughed, followed directly behind Ao Zixiao, and rushed out.

"This bastard! Chen Yu, what are you going to do now?"

Mo Zi couldn't stand it anymore, she was out of breath. But she was also very worried. That's more than two hundred top forces! This pressure of public opinion is enough to cover up the truth!

"What to do, just do it."

At this moment, Chen Yu spoke faintly, her expression was dull, and she was not affected by the crowd just now. In his experience, this kind of thing is really strange, and his mind is extremely calm.

Mo Zi, they will still be angry, aggrieved and so on, but for Chen Yu, those people just now are just jumping beam clowns. As long as you kill Pride, all the problems will be solved naturally.

Mo Zi waited for a moment and wanted to say something, but Chen Yu shook her head slightly.

"Let's go and see what medicine is sold in the proud gourd."

Stepping out, Chen Yu turned into a streamer and ran to the heights of pride!

This. . .

Mo Zi clenched his teeth and stomped his feet fiercely. This time he followed closely and followed.

It's not big here, but for a moment, Chen Yu and others have caught up with Pride!

"Huh? Interesting."

Seeing the vision of his eyes, Chen Yu frowned.

As you can see, there is a palace standing hundreds of meters high. However, this palace was obviously destroyed, and only the remains were damaged in many places.

In the forefront of the palace, there are two giant beast stone carvings up to 100 meters high, full of ferocious and terrifying momentum. With just a glance, you can see that this stone carving is very old.

The entire palace is full of desolate atmosphere, which makes people feel a sense of looking up.

And Ao Zixiao stood in front of the palace, holding a roll of ancient pictures, and there were more than two hundred people standing behind him. The shocked expression appeared on everyone's face. After all, this kind of scene is really rare.

In another position, three people stood there, looking at the ruined palace in front of them, looking excited.

Chen Yu's eyes were frozen and she saw Jun stranger and Gu Yan! In front of the two, a middle-aged man was carrying his hands, his body was covered with dark air, full of mysterious mystery.

Are they here? Who is that person?

Seeing the three, Chen Yu's heart rose into confusion.

"Huang Hongfeng! As the dean of Baiyu College, why are you here?"

At this moment, Ao Zongxiao spoke coldly.

"Crouch! Dean of Baiyu College ?!"

After hearing this, everyone was exclaimed. Why does this existence come here?

Huang Hongfeng? When Chen Yu heard the name, she raised her eyebrows, and her expression immediately became gloomy. Before he was in the college, according to Gong Liushui, only Huang Hongfeng could start the ten kills, but now Huang Hongfeng appears here?

Chen Yu thought a lot.

"Oh, Pride, you took so many people to enter this treasure trove of heaven. How can you, like me, have other ways to enter here?"

Huang Hongfeng was so proud that he glanced proudly and said, "Song Ting and Liu Bei, did you kill them?"

After hearing this, everyone's faces were very strange.

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