Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1370: Nine Death Monster!

"Hehe, proud and proud, you have to say, you are so powerful that you can even kill Song Ting and Liu Bei? You are indeed the first day of Baiyu, and you have inherited all the skills of the proud ancestors, even if they are I have to look at you too. "

At this moment, Huang Hongfeng looked at Ao Zixiao, nodded constantly, with a look of admiration. Did not notice the strange faces of others.

"Among these people, only you can make me look forward to it. Others have no qualification to enter my eyes. After all, Song Ting and Liu Bei are enough to crush others."

In Huang Hongfeng's eyes, Song Ting and Liu Bei were originally the best of these people, and after his transformation, they swept the crowd. It was a simple thing to kill them. There is only one proud.

Both had their destiny Yujian stored in Huang Hongfeng's hands. Before the two went to Douwutai, the destiny Yujian exploded. Huang Hongfeng believed that the two died in the hands of Ao Zixiao. Ask this.


Ao Zixiao's face immediately became flushed. Huang Hongfeng asked this sentence, he didn't know how to answer.

This praise is good, and Huang Hongfeng is indeed proud of the heights, but this is not the right target.

Others looked at each other and did not know how to answer this question.

Song Ting and Liu Bei are indeed dead, and from Huang Hongfeng's tone, they can be clearly heard. In Huang Hongfeng's eyes, these two people can only be killed by Pride Sky, but the reality is that they kill They are not others, it is Chen Yu!

"Well, what's wrong?"

Seeing the expressions of all the people, Huang Hongfeng was surprised for a moment.

"Huh, the two of them were obviously killed by Chen Yu!"

At this moment, Mo Zi said unconvinced.

Chen Yu!

Hearing this, Huang Hongfeng's eyes were frozen for a moment, and he looked at Chen Yu in surprise, totally did not expect that all of this was actually done by Chen Yu?

Jun stranger and Gu Yan behind Huang Hongfeng were also surprised.

Some unbelievable looked at Ao Zixiao, Huang Hongfeng found that Ao Zixiao did not say a rebuttal, and immediately knew that Mo Zi was not telling lies, and his face changed immediately.

"Oh, I didn't expect that there was such a hero in my Baiyu College? Chen Yu, a student of Baiyu College, didn't kneel after seeing me?"

Huang Hongfeng laughed.

Looking up at Huang Hongfeng, Chen Yu's eyes narrowed.

"You, really Huang Hongfeng ?! Or, you, just an alien?"


As soon as this word came out, everyone was holding back, and then they laughed wildly.

"Haha, Chen Yu, are you crazy? How dare you say your dean?"

"Interracial? Chen Yu, your courage is really bigger than the sky, you can say that?"

No one believes Chen Yu's words, even if it is proud, it also shows a disdainful smile.

Alien? Do not make jokes! He looked up and down Huang Hongfeng up and down, and found no difference. How could he be an alien?

However, Huang Hongfeng's eyes narrowed, looking at Chen Yu's eyes, full of coldness.

"Chen Yu, your vision is really amazing, even I am a foreigner, can you see it? It seems that Song Ting and Liu Bei died in your hands, not wronged, really not wronged."

Huang Hongfeng opened his mouth, and all of them suddenly froze. He looked at Huang Hongfeng in amazement, his face stunned. Huang Hongfeng is really an alien! ?

how can that be? He is the dean of Baiyu College! A person of this identity is the most prominent gangster standing in the whole hundred domains. Will he be an alien?

Ao Zixiao's pupils suddenly shrank, staring at Chen Yu and Huang Hongfeng.

Huang Hongfeng is really alien? Chen Yu, can he even see it?

You know, just now, he didn't even see Huang Hongfeng's alien identity, but Chen Yu saw it at a glance. Doesn't it mean that Chen Yu's eyesight is better than himself?

Physically, Chen Yu is stronger than himself, but now, Chen Yu's eyesight is stronger than himself? The gap between them is really too big!

damn it!

Proud Xiaoxiao's eyes became more gloomy, killing Ling Ling.

This son, kill!

But then he turned his eyes and looked at Huang Hongfeng. Huang Hongfeng cares more about him than Chen Yu!

After all, this place, logically speaking, should only be known to him, but now, when he arrives, Huang Hongfeng has already appeared here, and it is obvious that Huang Hongfeng knows the inside story!

"Interracial! What did you do to enter the treasure house of Tianyuan?"

Although he already had conjectures in his mind, he still tentatively asked.

"Oh, I'm here for that thing! The Nine Dead Apes Magic Book!"


Hearing this, Aozhuangxiao's eyes flashed fiercely!


He did know!

But the others were stunned, looking at each other, wondering why.

"The Nine Dead Apes Magic Scripture?" Chen Yu's eyes narrowed and he glanced at the dilapidated temple here.

"Hehe, Pride, I know exactly what your proud family has done. This is a relic that can only be seen in this world, and the most important of these is the Nine Dead Ape Demon left by an unknown Tianzun The scriptures, with this method, you can reach the Celestial Master! If you want, I naturally want it! "

Huang Hongfeng laughed.

"What! Tianzun Gongfa, point to Tianzun! My God!" After hearing this, the sound of air-throwing sounds sounded, everyone's eyes widened and they couldn't believe their ears at all!

There are high and low grades in some exercises. Some exercises can only be practiced in a state of confusion, and some exercises can only be practiced in an extraordinary state. These are inherent limitations. Among the hundred domains, the most powerful exercises are also difficult to break through the condensed state. After all, although the hundred domains are large, they are only in the entire starry sky.

The reason why Aojia was able to become the first one of Baiyu is because of its powerful power.

But now, there is a heavenly respect method, which is incredible, it can be said that this is the first treasure of Baiyu!

Naturally everyone is jealous.

Chen Yu also shrank her pupils, never expecting that she heard Tianzun exercises here! Even if it is in the whole sky, once the Tianzun Gongfa appears, it will cause many people to compete. I never expected that it would appear here!

After the earth ’s great change, there will be such a treasure, and there is a giant ape body suspected of Sun Wukong, and there is a message from Meng Meng to himself. There seems to be a heavy fog behind this series of things, waiting Uncover it yourself.

"Huang Hongfeng, do you want to grab me?"

At this moment, Ao Zongxiao stepped out and interrupted Chen Yu's thinking.

"This exercise is mine! No one can take it!"

Huang Hongfeng smiled and said, "Oh, who is in the hands of this practice? We all have our own abilities, but now, shouldn't we kill some flea?"

Then, Huang Hongfeng looked at Chen Yu!

"what do you mean!"

For a moment, Ao Zongxiao looked at Chen Yu.

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