Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1391: Just one finger


Everyone looked at the giant ape phantom behind Ao Zixiao, all moving in their hearts. Just now, Ao Zongxiao was just like this, and the sea that hit directly hit the blood and flew out. This kind of strength is not bad!

Chen Yu's eyes narrowed, a sneer appeared in the corner of her mouth.

Is this the false Nine Dead Apes magic book? Sure enough, in the beginning, it was very powerful.

Although the nine dead apes magic script in the hands of Ao Zongxiao is a fake, but even so, it is based on the Tianzun method as a reference, and it is still a lot stronger than the proud Ao Family tactics.

And this false Nine Dead Apes magic book must be practiced later to be able to find the anomaly. As for now? Ao Zixiao just got three days. Although he has begun to practice, with his eyesight, he can't tell that this is fake!

"Oh, why? Scared? How about my Nine Dead Apes?"

Proud Xiaoxiao smiled softly when she saw Chen Yu's appearance.

"Thank you so much for allowing me to kill Huang Hongfeng and get the Nine Dead Apes magic sutra! Now I have taken the initiative to come to me so that I can be ashamed. You said, how can I thank you? Why not, let me interrupt your bones? "

Generally cats must tease mice before killing them. Obviously, Auntie Xiao is holding such a mind!

At this moment, his eyes flickered suddenly, and he stepped out one step, and appeared in front of Chen Yu only in an instant, then raised his fist, and suddenly blasted out at Chen Yu!

At the same time, the giant ape phantom behind him is also roaring in the sky, and punches with the movement of Ao Zixiao, and coincides with Ao Zixiao!

"Nine dead ape demons, one dead army!"

Proud Xiao Huo roared, a punch punched out!

This fist is very particular about using special methods to transform the true power of the body into a pure physical force, which can greatly enhance the physical strength and strength of the human body!

This broken army is a trick on the Nine Dead Apes Magic Scriptures, and this trick is indeed Tianzun Gongfa. Although the Nine Dead Apes Magic Scriptures in the hands of Ao Zongxiao are fake, they are also mixed with real things so that they can be confused. This is the trick recorded in the real Nine Dead Apes Magic Scripture.

However, what is recorded in the false scriptures is a simplified version, and it can only digest one-tenth of its true power and become physical power, which cannot reach one-third of the true scriptures, but even so, this A punch is also extremely scary!

I saw the boxing front of Ao Zixiao, under the blessing of the giant ape, there was a small mountain peak in size, like a meteorite falling, and smashed against Chen Yu!

Anyone who sees this scene is horrified!

"This kind of power, who can resist it !!!"

Sun Hong's eyes widened, his face flushed with excitement, and the anxiety just now disappeared under this punch.

Chen Wudi, your invincible name is today!

Chen Taiyi and others had a severely shrinking heart. Looking at this scene in horror, they were extremely worried. This level of fighting far exceeds their imagination.

"Chen Yu, get out of here!"

The sea could not help shouting.

But Chen Yu just raised her eyelids and faced the oncoming fist without any action at all!

No, it is not accurate to say that there is no action. At this moment, Chen Yu moved, the range of action was very small, the little one just raised a finger!

Yes, there is only one finger! Facing such a punch, Chen Yu did not shy away, just raised a finger!

"Chen Yu, are you looking for death because of despair!"

There was a bloodshot in Ao Zongxiao's eyes, and the laughter was mad! Want to block him with one finger? How is this possible? Not to mention Chen Yu, no one in Baiyu can do this kind of thing, otherwise, he might as well do it alone!

I was thinking, only to hear the loud noise of the clang, Ao Zongxiao just slammed forward and stopped suddenly!

Then the crazy smile on his face solidified!

The smiles of all people are all frozen!

The whole scene was silent, only those pairs of shocked eyes, staring at Chen Yu's fingers!

There, a very white finger was against the giant ape's fist, which was the size of a house, but the fist of the giant ape did not advance in the slightest!


The two airstreams suddenly bombarded from both sides of Chen Yu, directly destroying the landscape park behind Donglu Mountain, which was more than ten kilometers in length, as if experiencing a twelve typhoon.

That's the air wave brought by the fist of the giant ape!

But Chen Yu stood in the sky, motionless!

"Hey, your fist, it's too soft."

Chen Yu spoke faintly, full of irony.

"Why, how can this be?" Sun Hongyi said, his head was empty.

"Oh my god!" Cang Hai widened his eyes and looked at the scene inconceivably. Ao Zongxiao's strength, she has a deep understanding, but now, in the presence of Chen Yu, is so unbearable? What strength should Chen Yu have! ?

"Impossible! This is impossible!"

After a brief shock, Ao Zongxiao stared at his eyes, all eyes were bloodshot, and he almost burst his eyes.

Chen Yu blocked him with one finger? This is a **** joke!

"I don't believe, how could you be my opponent? I'm the protagonist!"

Roaring proudly, Ao Zixiao was already hysterical. The scene in front of him is too shocking!

"go away."

Chen Yu glanced arrogantly, not even talking about nonsense. She flicked her head and hit the fist of the giant ape directly.


Chen Yu's finger seems very light, but in fact, it is extremely heavy!

Ao Zongxiao felt an irresistible force that surged from the boxer's head like a sky falling down and the sky overturned. He was simply unable to resist it!

Oh wow!

A spit of blood burst out from the mouth of Ao Zongxiao, and the back of the giant ape behind him was also mournful, like a broken mirror.

At the same time, the arms of Ao Zixiao continued to explode continuously, only a moment, it broke into seven or eight knots, twisted into a twist, extremely miserable!

"You! Your strength! Have you been promoted? The ultimate concentration, or great consummation !?"

Ao Zixiao covered her arm and shouted unbelievably. Before Chen Yu, wasn't it a great consummation? This time, even jumped three or four? Otherwise, how could Chen Yu be so scary? !!

Many of Tianjiao's breath was suffocated, watching Chen Yu incredibly. This kid, is the talent so evil?

"You're wrong. I'm Xiaocheng Jingcheng now, but killing you? It's enough!"

Chen Yu said lightly.


"Ning, Ning Shenjing Xiaocheng ?!"

Ao Zixiao stayed, murmured and opened her mouth, her lips were very dry. Then he made a sudden shock, and under the watchful eye of everyone, turned around and ran away! !! !!

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