Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1392: Desperately, then, despair!

Me, my cao?

All the people present were dumbfounded, and never expected that Ao Zixiao would do such a thing!

You are the first day of Baiyu. What about your pride? What about your overbearing?

What the **** are you running? You run away, what should I do?

Everyone's complexion was wonderful. No one can think of it, being arrogant and arrogant, and being flicked by Chen Yu!

But they don't know how the inner pride of the moment collapses!

It was just a contact just now, and he knew that Chen Yu was by no means his enemy!

That perverted physical strength, the invincible momentum that overwhelms everything.

Ao Zixiao is not an idiot, and naturally I can know that Chen Yu now has far more strength than herself. If you continue to stay, then there is only one way, that is death!

And in the realm of practice like Chen Yu, he has this kind of strength. In the inheritance of his proud ancestors, he has learned that this kind of existence exists only in the entire starry sky, the middle star field, and so on. Great guy!

Chen Yu is enough to enter Zhongtian Star Field!

You know, they are all in the entire starry sky, but they are just out of the backcountry. The starry sky in Zhongtian is the real place where the situation converges!

Even if Ao Zongxiao got the Nine Dead Apes Magic Book, in a short period of time, he did not dare to go to the Celestial Star Domain, because there were too many strong, evil, and peerless males!

If you have to compare, then the current Baiyu is a poor small county with a per capita monthly income of only two or three thousand, and Zhongtian Star is the top level of the highest-ranked hotel in Dubai! A glass of wine will cost tens of thousands! There is no comparability at all!

Chen Yu, even at this level, how can you fight?

What dignity, what face, in front of Xiaoming, these are all empty. The arrogance of arrogance, it is just in front of others. But in front of Chen Yu, he couldn't be proud!

"Damn, hurry back to the proud home, and use all your power to kill Chen Yu!"

Ao Zongxiao gritted his teeth, his eyes stared.

The existence of Chen Yu has threatened the entire proud home! Now he and Chen Yu have reached the point of endless death. Between the two, there must be a death!

Ao Zixiao had already exploded in haste to escape from here, but the next moment, he stopped in the air, his body trembling.

In front of him, Chen Yu stood there, motionless, looking at Ao Zixiao, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Where are you going? I haven't said to let you go."


Cold sweat, instantly spread on the head of Ao Zixiao! Ao Zixiao stepped back three or four steps, a heart sinking continuously.

Quick, too fast! Chen Yu's speed is so incredible that he hasn't responded yet. Chen Yu has stopped his way. How powerful is this?

"Chen Yu, you, what do you want to do?"

Ao Zixiao insisted on his mind and said.

Looking at Chen Taiyi, Cang Hai and others, Chen Yu's face was cold.

"No one can hurt my family and friends, otherwise there is only a dead end!"


With Chen Yu's words on the ground, Ao Zongxiao suddenly flew up, knowing that this battle had been inevitable.

"Don't be too arrogant! The Nine Dead Apes, Wan Ao's heart, Night Devil Dan!"

I saw that Ao Zongxiao actually inspired the fighting method of the Nine Dead Apes Magic Script and Wan Ao Tianjue at the same time. From the appetite, he took out a black paint, Swallow it directly.

Three stimulation methods are used at the same time, which is equivalent to drinking coffee and strong tea, smoking a cigarette is not enough, and eating a large bottle of Viagra! The effect can be imagined.

Proud of heights is really very human. It was just an instant that he raised his combat power to the highest level, because he knew that if he didn't work hard this time, I'm afraid he would never have a way out!

For only a moment, the arrogance of Ao Zixiao was desperately soaring, an extremely powerful pressure erupted directly from his body, and he saw that his entire human skin became pale and transparent, and the blood vessels under the skin were Is clearly visible. The hand that was just interrupted by Chen Yu was restored after a few twists!

Humph. . .

He snorted his nose gently, and two white qi ran out of Ao Zongxiao's nose like a sharp sword, hitting an unlucky Tianjiao body, and directly extinguished the ash fly that was exploded to the sky.

"Okay, so scary!"

Seeing this scene, many Tianjiao were all shocked, all backed away. His eyes were full of fear.

"In this state of pride, who else can resist?"

"This Chen Yu is already very good. He can push Ao Zixiao to this step! Next, I am afraid that Ao Zixiao will directly kill Chen Yu by means of thunder!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the extreme combat power of Ao Zixiao was so strong. This state is four or five times stronger than he was just now!"

Many Tianjiao were discussed.

Although Ao Zixiao fled just now, in their opinion, it was because Ao Zixiao was not forced into a desperate situation.

Now Ao Zixiao has a desperate posture, and uses three methods to stimulate herself in succession, such a powerful combat force broke out, how could Chen Yu resist?

Canghai's pupils shrank, staring at Pride.

too crazy! It's no wonder that Pride Sky is reluctant to use these methods even if it wants to run. In fact, these three methods, of course, can be exchanged for the ultimate fighting power, but the same, the price paid is also extremely heavy.

It is no exaggeration to say that this method of Pride Sky is overdrawing its own life and potential! I am afraid that this is half of his life, in exchange for such combat power!

"Yes, you're in good shape now, but you can give me some energy."

Chen Yu nodded and raised three fingers.

"Within three strokes, I will kill you."


A circle of air waves wafted wildly from the proud body.

"Chen Yu, you are too arrogant! You forced me to overdraw half of my life, and today I will kill you! Wan Ao kills fist !!!"

Proud Xiaoxiao screamed, punched out, only heard a rumbling in the sky, a sudden roar of thunder, heavy white air waves, just like sea waves.

The wind was rising and the thunder was shining.

The punch of Ao Zongxiao seemed to drive half a sky, and the air flow of hundreds of miles was turned into a weapon for killing. It turned into numerous tornadoes with flashes of thunder, and struck Chen Yu crazy.

"His! It's so horrible!" Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

"The first move, Dragon Dragon Optimus."

Chen Yu's eyelids were still drooping, his face was indifferent, and he swayed in front of him with one hand. The whole space was rippling like water, and it didn't seem to have any pyrotechnic atmosphere. , And then annihilated!

The whole process is extremely calm, and the peace is scary!

"I Cao! This, what kind of means!"

Seeing Chen Yu ’s actions, many arrogant presents were present, and they were completely shocked. They even found out that with their knowledge, they could n’t see how Chen Yu did this step!

"You, you, you!" Ao Zixiao was dying and looked at Chen Yu, unable to believe that his attack was so resolved?

Chen Yu's eyelids were still drooping, opening slowly.

"Second move ..."

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