Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1393: Killer group!

Second trick!

Everyone at the scene heard the words, and they were all shocked. Everyone's face is endlessly shocked!

"This, how is this possible? An attack like Ao Zongxiao was just broken like this? Who, who can know, what did Chen Yu just do?"

Everyone was shocked, their faces were complicated.

"You said, can Pride be successful?"

Someone suddenly said.

Silence, everyone is silent. Everyone's face was a cold look.

After a while, someone sighed deeply.

"Chen Yu has exceeded our imagination. What Chen Yu did just now is simply a god-like method! Pride Zixiao, how to fight with Chen Yu?"

Everyone who was still full of confidence in Ao Zixiao just now is no longer optimistic about Ao Zixiao.

And Ao Zongxiao stood there, and when she heard Chen Yu's words, she became numb all over. The strength of Chen Yu has far exceeded his imagination.

I thought it was a three-pronged approach. Under these stimuli, he was able to kill Chen Yu, but he never expected that the gap would still be so big!

There is only one way now, that is to escape!

"Chen Yu, this matter is not over!"

With a loud roar, Ao Zongxiao waved with one hand, and thousands of light blades flew directly to Chen Yu, covering a whole space. Each light blade is tens of meters long, flying between high speeds, bringing up heavy illusions.

"Good! Every attack is enough to kill us!"

Tianjiao was aware of the power of the light blade, and his heart shook fiercely.

However, Ao Zixiao is not to defeat Chen Yu, but to fight for time to escape!

That's right, Ao Zixiao turned around again and ran away for the second time! This time he was several times faster than before, bursts of sound burst, banged beside him, it was dazzling.

"Five Royal Seals!"

Chen Yu didn't chase up, but just stood in place, one claw fiercely grasped in the direction of Ao Zixiao!


A strange wave spread directly, and you saw a sudden twist in the void in front of Ao Zixiao, and then five golden beams of light rose up to the sky, directly sealing the pride. Xiao's escape route!

Not only that, the five beams of light have a layer of light film connected to each other, and then the beams of light flickered, and surrounded the entire person in the center in a moment.

"This, this is!"

Looking at the five beams of light beside him, Ao Zongxiao sank in her heart and had a bad hunch.

And at this time, the five beams of light shrank sharply, squeezing hard toward the middle of the proud pride!


Only one bang was heard, because the five beams of light collided with each other and instantly shattered, turning into a golden golden rain, falling down.

The figure of Ao Zongxiao also appeared, just now he took Chen Yu's attack firmly. Although he broke out with the strongest force and laid down his defense, he was directly attacked at the moment of collision!

At this moment, he was extremely miserable. There was blood dripping from all over the body, bones stubble appeared everywhere, no clothes were covered, and the hair was like a chicken nest.

Pride in height, defeat? That third move, proud, can it last? . .

Doubts came to everyone's mind.


At this moment, Chen Yu glanced proudly and waved her sleeves.

"Unfortunately, just the second move, you can't hold it."


Second move? Can't sustain it? Ao Zixiao is still standing there?

The crowd was stunned, and before they reacted, they saw that Ao Zongxiao was soaring from the sky, and fell straight down, hitting the ground severely!

"Failed, me, lost?"

Lying on the ground, staring blankly at the sky, Aozuoxiao was confused.

His whole body was broken, Dantian was destroyed, the veins were broken, and vitality was dead! If he hadn't forced himself before, he would be out of breath now.

But even so, there is only a short period of time left in Pride's life.

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous."

At the corner of Ao Zongxiao's mouth, a bitter smile appeared, and he never expected that he would be hit hard in the dust when he was about to reach the top!

"Chen Yu, I'm not willing, if there is a future life, I will fight with you !!!"

Doing his best, roaring proudly.

When Chen Yu heard it, she stepped forward, and glanced indifferently, and then she spoke.

"If there is a future life, I will still kill you."

"Also, still kill me ..."

Hearing Chen Yu's words, Ao Zixiao shook her body, and then never moved again, her vitality was gone! Until his death, his eyes remained wide, full of regret and fear.

Bai Yu Tianjiao was the first person to be proud and killed by Chen Yu!

There was a silence in the audience. Many Tianjiao looked at the scene in front of them. They were shocked for a long time, and some sensitive people had already predicted that the pattern of the hundred domains would change dramatically.


Sun Hong fell to his knees all at once, his body trembled, and his crotch was wet.

"Dead, dead, such a powerful pride, that's how it was killed ... I, we are finished, son, me, I should listen to you, don't come over ..."

Sun Hong looked at Sun Jian beside him, crying and regretting it, but everything has been changed!

After Chen Yu killed Ao Zixiao, he has turned his attention to the others!

At this moment, no matter how many arrogant or come here, many large families who want to divide the Chen family are all like a big hand holding their heart firmly, and they dare not say a word.

"Chen, Chen Yu, I, we were wrong, just let it go? You can rest assured that in the battle between you and Aojia, we will never help Aojia."

Someone smiled awkwardly and pleased his face.


Just as the man's voice had just fallen, Chen Yu lightly pointed out a finger, a golden light passed quickly, and instantly penetrated the man's skull!

"A group of dead people, even if it is to help the proud family?" Chen Yu said lightly.

"Chen Yu, you, what are you doing! Do you know that if you kill us, Baiyu will shake! Do you want to face the siege of hundreds of top forces at the same time!" Someone shouted in shock, just In the voice, there was terror that could not be covered.


A golden light flashed again, and the person who just spoke was also penetrated by Chen Yudong's head!

"Want to move my parents, do you think I will let you go? Naive!"

Chen Yu sneered, and everyone present took a sigh of cold air.

"Run! Chen Yu is going to kill!"

Someone shouted in horror, and then all Tianjiao rushed in all directions, trying to escape from here.

"Third move, I'll leave it to you. Bully Golden Flame Formation!"

With a shout, Chen Yu held up one hand, and with his hand, in the whole sky, there were flame dragons in an instant.

"Why, how can there be so many!" Someone shouted in despair.

They roared and roared, and quickly surrounded them, trapping all the Tianjiao who wanted to escape, none of them ran away.

Subsequently, the dragon blew flames and Jin Yan burned into the air, burning all the Tianjiao and many large families around them.

Only heard bursts of sorrow, ringing through Donglu Mountain! After a full quarter of an hour, the wailing sound disappeared. All the people who besieged the Donglu Mountain just now did not survive!

Chen Yu turned and came to Chen Taiyi and others, smiling slightly.

"Dad, mom, all right."

"Xiao Yu, is it all right?" Chen Taiyi asked a little uneasily.

Chen Yu's gaze turned towards the starry sky, and he nodded.

"Well, when those guys are killed, they'll really be fine."

Starry sky, proud family and many big families are waiting for the end of the battle for hegemony!

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