Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1394: The savvy Liu family

"Father, don't we really go to the Chen family for a drink! If this is a god-given opportunity, if we miss it, in the future, the gap with the Sun family and the Zheng family will grow wider!"

Within Long Mang, in a mansion, a young man looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, waving his fist excitedly, his face flushed.

In Liu's mansion, Liu Yunfeng, the son of Liu, looked at his father Liu Jiukai, his eyes filled with puzzlement and complaints.

In the mansion, there are several young people, both men and women. Everyone is wearing expensive clothes, and his eyes are bright. At first glance, he is an elite.

These people are all Liu's juniors. In addition, there are two middle-aged people sitting here, but Liu Jiukai's two younger brothers.

"Brother, Yunfeng is right. You are too conservative this time. Chen Yu is dead. This is what Ao Zongxiao said personally. There will never be a problem. Why can't you shrink?"

"Yeah, you don't know. I went to inquire before. When the proud family came, the Sun family and the Zheng family had already hugged their thighs and presented immense gifts, but you forbid our Liu family. Everyone visits. Now we are behind, step by step. How can we fight with other families in the future? "

The two younger brothers of Liu Jiukai complained. The other juniors also sighed deeply.

"Hey, uncle was frightened by Chen Wudi ’s name. Want me to say, how could Chen Wudi be alive? How powerful is the character like Ao Zixiao? He said that Chen Wudi was dead, and I do n’t believe it , Chen Wudi is alive! "

"Yeah, uncle, you haven't heard. In the past few days, some of my friends are laughing at our Liu family. They all say that you have no courage and are a turtle with a shrinking head. I heard that their families are today I ’ve been to Donglu Mountain, and I just received a message from my friend saying that this afternoon, they will decide on a plan to divide the Chen family. This time, we are too far behind them! "

Several young people talked eloquently. One of the women, named Liu Yan, even took out her mobile phone, retrieved the communication records, and showed Liu Jiu a look.

Liu Jiukai sat on the sofa, took the black tea from the coffee table, and sipped his mouth gently, his eyes were calm and unaffected.

"You guys, look down on Chen Invincible!"

Liu Jiukai said coldly.

"How many despairs have Chen Wudi encountered since this journey? When people think he has stepped into despair, he will jump out and hit everyone hard. You haven't seen him live, and you don't know the spirit of him. , How powerful is it. That's why he thinks he will fail. I think, this time, Chen Wudi will come back! "

In a voice full of emotion, Liu Jiukai thought of the past again. He had seen Chen Yu once before, and it was exactly that time, he noticed the unparalleled domineering of Chen Yu! This domineering is far from being comparable to Ao Zixiao, so he firmly believes that Chen Yu will return!

"Ah, Uncle seems to be old, too careful, even thinking that Chen Wudi will come back?"

Liu Yan shook her head and looked helpless. But just then, her cell phone rang and made her stunned. It was the friend who sent him the message before!

"Xiaoya's phone? Did they divide the Chen family!"

With a jump in her heart, Liu Yan answered the phone.

"Liu Yan, dead! Everyone is dead! Chen Wudi is back! I really regret why I didn't stay at home safely like your Liu family! Now everything is late, late. Chen Wudi is coming Our house is over !!!!!! Whoooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when you save my house, save me, save me ... "

On the other side of the phone, a desperate voice came!

Right. . .

Liu Yan's cell phone dropped to the ground, staring at her eyes, dull, her ears were filled with the desperate voice on the phone!

"Liu Yan, what's wrong?"

Liu Yunfeng looked at his sister and frowned.

Liu Yan was shocked, turned her head hard, and opened her mouth.

"Chen, Chen is invincible, not dead, others, all, all dying !!!"

Bang. . .

Nuo's Liu family died instantly. Everyone was dead, and couldn't say a word. After that, everyone collapsed instantly. Liu Yunfeng was sitting on the ground with one buttock, looking at the floor in front of him, wearing thick gas.

They, and destruction, are only one step away! Thanks to Liu Jiukai, thanks to Liu Jiukai!

"Sure enough! Chen Wudi is not dead, he is still Chen Wudi !!!"

Liu Jiu opened the tea cup in his hand, looked out the window, and shivered.

Among them, there is fear and excitement!

"This time within Longdu, I wanted to divide up the large family of Chen's family, but there were hundreds of them, occupying seven-tenths of the entire upper class! I am afraid that within Longdu, there will be a storm Now! And my Liu family will rise! "


Everyone was shocked and all excited!

Sure enough, as expected by Liu Jiukai, all the families who had previously traveled to Donglu Mountain were spared. Only in the afternoon of the day, they were all killed!

The whole dragon is surrounded in a **** state!

And Chen Yu did not stop at all, moved the entire Chen family from Donglu Mountain to the mythological relics, and handed over the key to the mythic relics to Chen Taiyi.

"With the protection of the outside world, and the mythological relics, even Tianzun, I don't want to hurt my family!"

Until now, Chen Yu was completely at ease.

Since the solar system turned into a floodland, Chen Yu also felt a sense of urgency.

So he didn't stop there, took Gong Nian and others, and left directly.

On a planet away from the floodland, here at this moment, it has almost become the focus of a hundred domains.

There is no reason for it, because now here, all the top forces in the 100 domains are gathered here, waiting for the final result of the battle for hegemony.

In the most central part of the planet, there is a huge open-air palace.

Representatives of many forces are here right now.

Outside this palace, there are major forces in the hundred domains who have heard the news from various places. Although they are not qualified to participate in the hegemony, it does not prevent them from coming to watch the war.

After all, after this battle, the pattern of the future hundred domains has almost been determined. Which characters need to be **** and which characters cannot offend, they must grasp the first time.

I saw that there are now more than 100,000 people outside the palace. This group of characters, without any weak people, are all leading figures in all fields, and they are talking endlessly.

"Speaking of which, the battle for hegemony is coming to an end, and those who are proud of heaven will return. I really look forward to the results this time."

Someone opened his eyes and looked at the direction of the continent, full of expectations!

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