Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1399: Huanglong Nine Style Fourth Style!

The first person in Baiyu!

Aojia bowed his head!

All the big men in the field bowed their heads, and their eyes were horrifying.

"If you kill so many Tianjiao yourself, you can force everyone to bow down to the court. This is simply incredible!"

Cang Moji looked at all this, exclaimed again and again.

"Who said no? Ao Zongxiao and Ao Hong's strength, but above us, Ao Hong is the ultimate sacred state of mind, even he can not support a move in front of Chen Yu, I really do not know, this Chen Yu, what realm has you reached? By the way, Li Kai, Chen Yu, what realm is he in? Is it the ultimate realm? "

Beside Cang Mo, a group of big men gathered, one of them asked. Tianjiao under their door, this time came back alive, very grateful.


Hearing this, many of the big guys on the side were shocked. Looking at Chen Yu, his eyes revealed a strong unbelievable.

"I remember before that his realm was just a great consummation. How long did it take for him to reach the ultimate state of mind? How could he have such a terrifying speed?"

"Not only is the horror of the cultivation speed, his combat power is also very shocking. The same is the ultimate condensed state. Chen Yu can even kill Aohong in a stroke! You know, Aohong has entered the realm of condensed state for a long time. How long has Chen Yu been here? It ’s a real evil. "

"Yeah, this kind of talent is really terrifying."

Many big brothers looked at Chen Yu with incredible looks. In their eyes, it has been determined that Chen Yu is the ultimate in mindfulness.

Li Kai and other young Tianjiao looked at each other with a strange look.

"Then, Chen Yu, he is not the ultimate in indulgence ..."

"What? Isn't it? Is he already in the state of consolation ?!"

Someone looked surprised, and then nodded. "Yes, how could it be so easy to suppress Aohong directly if it wasn't for the complete consummate state of mind?"

"This Chen Yu is not only talented, but even luck, it is also extremely amazing. Otherwise, how can I be a powerful man with great concentration in the mythological relics? I really want to know if it has What an adventure. "

Everyone looked so clear.

Kai Kai spoke again.

"Chen Yu, he broke through the condensed state among the mythological relics. Now, it is a small condensed state ..."

Small, Xiaocheng? !!

"Crouch! Xiaocheng !!!"

After a brief stagnation, someone suddenly shouted with wide eyes.

"Li Kai, you, are you really telling me ?!"

Cang Mo shook his hands and grabbed Li Kai's shoulders, shaking his mouth.

"It's true, Chen Yu was indeed promoted to a condensed state, and we can all testify to this."


Like a thunder blast, Cang Mo and others looked at each other and stayed completely.

"Xiao Cheng with Ning Shen Jing, a trick to suppress the extreme proudness of Ning Shen Jing, what kind of anti-sky combat power is this?"

Cang Mo muttered to himself, the sea of ​​hearts had set off a terrible storm!

The same is true of other big brothers, everyone has lost their voices. Chen Yu's current level and combat power are far more shocking than those of Ning Shenjing.

"Li Kai, fortunately you are weak, otherwise, you may not be able to survive."

Cang Mo sighed endlessly. Kai Li and others had strange faces, and twitched fiercely.

Who would have thought that they survived because of their inferior strength, and for a time they didn't know whether they should be lucky or angry.

Cang Mo and others are shocked, while Aohong is aggrieved, unparalleled aggrieved!

His grandson was killed, but he could only surrender!

Because he knew that with Chen Yu's strength, if he did not surrender, the only thing waiting for the proud family was destruction! He is the owner of the proud family. For the survival and continuation of the proud family, even if it is a struggle for perfection, he must bear it!

"You, saved the proud home."

Looking down at Aohong, Chen Yu said lightly.

Aohong was shocked and smiled bitterly.

"After three days, I'm going to Aojia."

Chen Yu spoke. Aojia once obtained Wanao Tianjue from the mythological relics. He also wanted to see if he could get some information about the mythological relics from Aojia. Chen Meng was very concerned about Meng Po's time.

"Yes, Aohong bowed his back, and dare not show any respect."

Bai Yu Tianjiao battle for hegemony came to an end in this form. However, the storm brought by it swept across the entire domain!

First, the changes in the pattern of the Hundred Domains changed, and Aojia fell directly from its supremacy, becoming a downright joke. Chen Yu officially became the first person in Baiyu, and everyone also directly referred to Chen Yu as Chen Wudi!

Chen Wudi's name spread throughout the entire domain!

Secondly, thousands of days of pride in the proud blood festival of arrogant Xiaoxiao have spread to Bai Yu, and the reputation of the proud family has been greatly damaged, and it has even offended many big brothers. Since then, the proud home has become a street mouse, everyone shouted.

Third, Baiyu College directly surpassed the Tiannian Sword Palace and other forces, and became the largest force in Baiyu in one fell swoop. All the big brothers hope that their children can enter Baiyu College to study.

. . . . . .

One big thing after another happened, everyone knew that it was all because of a man, Chen Yu!

Every major force is talking about Chen Yu. No matter whether there is hatred or not, in the end, they will sigh with sincerity.

"With one's own strength, changed the pattern of the entire hundred domains. This Chen Yu is too great!"

"Chen Yu does not die, we will never retaliate!"

"Respect Chen Wudi, fear him, and stay away from him!"

. . . . . .

Every consensus was shouted out by everyone. In this regard, Chen Yu didn't know and didn't care.

At this moment, he is now in Baiyu College, staying in Yin Shanqing's teaching place, standing there with his hands on his back. His face had a strong expression of excitement.

The reason is without him, because he has completely mastered the fourth style of Huanglong's nine styles!

Emperor Dragon Nine Style Fourth Style, Tamron Technique!

He has been practicing this style since he returned from the battle for hegemony, and now he is finally practicing!

"It's really powerful, even if it's my body in the Feathered Sutra, compared with this dragon technique, it's far worse!"

Tenglongshu, as the name suggests, is the ultimate in physical ability. Chen Yu spent two full days to finally learn Tenglongshu.

"Now the Emperor Dragon is in the nine styles. I have mastered the four styles. I really want to know, to what extent can my extreme combat power be achieved? And this dragon technique, if you can fight against others, that's great. . "

For a time, Chen Yu was a little bit itchy.

"Chen Yu."

At this moment, Cang Hai came over, with her, Gong Nian and others, Chen Yu immediately looked at the sea.

Just right!

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