Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1400: She wants benefits, so do I!

"Chen Yu, it's so easy for you to be here, and we've been bitterly killed."

Gong Liushui looked at Chen Yu with a grin on his face.

Ever since Chen Yu returned, Baiyu College has been in a state of insanity. No one expected that Chen Yu would do such a crazy thing, and Shengsheng stepped under the proud family, and achieved the identity of the first person in Baiyu.

Everyone in Baiyu College wanted to rush to Chen Yu to see Chen Yu's demeanor, but after Chen Yu returned, he gave an order directly, and no one was allowed to disturb him, so the teachers of the entire Baiyu College All of them were used passively, and it was even with the assistance of Ren Tai and others, that created a good environment for Chen Yu.

And not only that, in addition to Baiyu College, people are constantly coming from all over the place to visit Chen Yu. They have been stopped outside Baiyu College. Now if you take a look, you can find that before the entire Baiyu College, Numerous temporary buildings have been erected, one after another, the prestigious big guys outside, at this moment are like people looking for jobs in the talent market, all crowded together.

One hundred colleges sent special personnel to maintain order. If these big brothers are left in peacetime, they will definitely not have any good looks to these staff. But now, every big brother is extremely kind to these staff, without any dissatisfaction. Some people secretly stuffed red envelopes into the staff.

All this is just to be able to see Chen Yu earlier.

"Is that so?"

After hearing the introduction of Gong Liushui, Chen Yu smiled and didn't care.

"Since they are waiting, then wait. You and Canghai come just right, I need you to try."

Try it out?

The palace water and the sea looked at each other in amazement.

"Yes, it's a trial move. You will attack me with all your strength. I won't fight back. I will only dodge. As long as you can touch my corner, even if you win. Moreover, the scope of my activity is limited here."

Carrying both hands, Chen Yu introduced the specific trial recruitment process.


Hearing this, the sea and the flowing water of the palace were all at a loss. Chen Yu is very good, but if they don't fight back, they are still very confident and can meet Chen Yu.

"It seems you are very confident. If I win, what good is it?"

The sea looked at Chen Yu, with a sly look in his eyes.


Chen Yu froze and shook her head with a smile. "I really didn't think about it. What do you want? Gongfa, elixir, and treasures are all fine."

Chen Yu didn't ask Cang Hai at all what he wanted, because Cang Hai could get it! This is Chen Yu's confidence! After all, he is really rich to the extreme.

From the mythological relics, the Tianyuan Treasury was evacuated, and he was rewarded with the first place in the battle for hegemony. In addition to what he had accumulated before, it is no exaggeration to say that Chen Yufu can be an enemy country.

Gong Liushui smiled and shook his head, with a beard in his hand, and laughed at Canghai too.

Gong Nian hid his mouth and smiled. Sun Wuya, the president of the Alchemy Association who came with him, looked at the sea and smiled lightly, holding a pair of fine nine-color jade bracelets in his hands.

"Really? Hey, that's good, if I win, I'll go to you again!"

In front of everyone, Canghai's **** were sturdy, looking at Chen Yu, his eyes could not be turned.


Gong Liushui directly dragged his beard, and the nine-color jade bracelets in Sun Wuya's hands were directly pinched!

Their mouths were wide open, completely dumbfounded.

Gong Nian covered her mouth, her eyes widened, and her eyes were incredible.

No one thought that the sea would say such words in front of them!

You are the Beast Emperor of the Beast Mountains! You are the top powerhouse among the 100 domains. How can you be so shameless?

"Cang, Canghai, what do you say ?!"

Chen Yu also froze. He thought that the sea would ask for something, but never expected that the sea would say such a thing!

"Hey, I went to the mythological relics, I just wanted to take the opportunity to sleep with you once again, but now you are so strong, I want to be strong, and I have no chance. Of course, I have to sleep while I can sleep with you Slightly. "

Looking at Chen Yu, Canghai did not evade, and even licked his tongue!

Lying down!

Everyone thought so, and looking at Chen Yu's eyes was full of weirdness.

Nima, do you dare to be more aggressive, do you dare to be bolder? You have to be strong against Chen Yu, can you avoid it a little bit?

But this is the sea, she is such a woman, dare to love and hate, to say something. If you want to sleep with Chen Yu, then say what you think. Anyway, she is just a Warcraft who loves Chen Yu.

Chen Yu pumped hard at the corner of his mouth. To outsiders, he could kill decisively, but the relationship between Canghai and him was still very special, and for a while, he didn't know what to do.

promise? not good.

Don't promise? I have already spoken.

"Changhai! You're so ridiculous!" At this moment, Gong Liushui looked at the sea, and spoke angrily.

Chen Yu sighed secretly, fortunately Gong Liushui stood up. Encouragingly looked at the flowing water in the palace, and let's say, reject this proposal from Canghai!

Gong Liushui nodded to Chen Yu and gave it to me.

"Hmm! How can you talk to Chen Yu like this? Don't forget, Chen Yu said just now, it was for the two of us to go together. How can you eat alone?"

Eat alone!

not good! Hearing the words of Gong Liushui, Chen Yu suddenly felt a bad feeling.

really! I saw that Gong Liushui pushed the aggressive palace expression to Chen Yu's face, his face was extremely solemn.

"I also participated in this trial move. If I win, it should be sleeping by my granddaughter and Chen Yu. You will stay aside!"


The nine-color jade bracelet that was crushed by Sun Wuya just now is completely crushed into powder!

"Shit, old, old palace, you, you changed!"

Sun Wuya looked at the palace water, his eyes widened. This is still in my memory, the incredible palace running water? Nyima, even the sea is gone, how can you even become so bold? !!

"Ah? Hey !!!"

After a short period of persecution, Gong Nian's eyes widened suddenly, looking at Chen Yu in front of her, and she burst into a blush!

She lowered her head quickly, only feeling so happy that she did not dare to look at Chen Yu.

"Water in the palace! You!"

Seeing Chen Yu talking, Gong Liushui immediately made a gesture.

"Chen Yu, don't worry, my palace is so gentle that you will never be strong on you! If you want to, you are strong!"

Gong Liushui opened his mouth solemnly, glanced at Gong Nian, and his heart was full of infinite war.

Gong Nian, rest assured, the benefits of the sea, I will definitely give you over! Chen Yu is from our house!

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