Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1417: Let it be for you

Surname Chen!

Hearing this surname, everyone's appetite has dropped even higher!

Only Yan Tian and Yan Zhiyao were surprised.

That big man is also surnamed Chen? The two coincidentally turned their eyes to Chen Yu, didn't they? But then they shook their heads secretly.

Impossible, Mr. Chen is only a little older. How could he be that big man?

Yan Tian and Yan Zhiyao only felt that their imagination was too rich. Mr. Chen, and that big man, who is in both worlds, how can it be the same person?

This idea came fast and went faster, but in the blink of an eye, the two of them were left behind and focused on Xu Cheng's speech again.

"Mr. Xu, what is this big man, and how can it make Aojie so?"

Someone asked. Aojia, in their eyes, is the existence of God, which cannot be shaken, but now, the posture of Aojia is obviously lowered, making everyone feel confused.

Xu Cheng smiled gently and said, "This person is called Chen Yu. Do you know what kind of earth-shattering things he has done?"


Hearing this, the crowd froze and shook their heads.

"He, kill Pride !!!!"

The words were not astonishing, Xu Cheng said a word, and everyone was choked. Then, the sound of breath-taking sound was heard, and everyone's face was full of incomparable horror.

"Killing Ao Zixiao? This, how is this possible? Isn't it that Ao Zixiao is the first person in the history of Aojia? Its combat power is almost comparable to that of Aohong, the owner of Aojia, how could it be killed?"

"Yeah, I even heard that even in this hundred-space starry sky, Ao Zixiao is the first person to be well deserved. Only the owner of Aohong can crush him. How could this Chen Yu kill? he?"

"This, this, this is definitely not a joke? Oh my god, this is too sensational."

Incredible exclamations kept ringing. No one can believe that Pride is killed!

"This Chen Yu, so powerful?"

Yan Tian was shocked.

In the proud world, Aozongxiao is almost unknown, because he is too powerful. But now, Xu Cheng said that Ao Zixiao was killed?

"Mr. Xu, hasn't the Ao family responded? Why should we entertain this Chen Yu?"

Someone asked.

"Oh, why? Why do you say that? I'm afraid you don't know yet. The owner of Aohong became furious when he knew the news of Ao Zongxiao's death, and wanted to find Chen Yu's trouble. Owner! You say, what else can we do?

one move!

Hearing this, the crowds froze.

"Oh my god, how strong is this Chen Yu?" Someone said with great emotion.

How strong?

Xu Cheng laughed. "The strength of the Aohong family's masterpiece is the complete condensed state. What level do you say that Chen Yu?"


The thunder exploded, and everyone was stunned. They were second-class people. The strongest were only half a step beyond the realm. In the middle, there were seven or eight levels.

"It's terrifying! I really don't know, what a big man is."

Everyone raised their hearts of hope.

"Yeah, such peerless characters are really exciting." Xu Cheng looked with a look of worship.

"Haha, but Mr. Xu is different now. Mr. Xu will carry us more in the future."

At this moment, a big man suddenly reacted and looked at Xu Cheng's charming smile.

The crowd reacted immediately. Behind Xu Cheng, the proud sea of ​​the proud family! Aohai, however, is second only to the existence of Aozi Xiao. Now Aozi is dead. The future is Aohai. Xu Cheng has Aohai as a backer. Will it not be the future, it will become the entire Aotian. Wait for the absolute overlord in the world!

"Haha, the master Xu is powerful and domineering. My little girl Nianfang 16, I don't know the youngest son of the master Xu, do you mean it?"

"Master Xu, I got a piece of beautiful jade yesterday, and I hope the master Xu can smile."

"Master Xu, my family has hired a new chef, and the cooking is quite good. When will Xu have time, I still look forward to seeing it."

. . .

It was only a moment, everyone stunned Xu Cheng.

"Ha ha ha ha, good to say, good to say."

Xu Cheng didn't refuse to come, haha ​​laughed, a proud look.

"Huh? Master Yan, what? Couldn't he have eased from the shock?"

Xu Cheng looked at Yan Tian and spoke coldly.

The Xu family and the Yan family did not deal with it, all because the Xu family once had a junior who had a conflict with Yan Zhiyao among the stars and was taught. Yan Tian was a daughter and was not controlled by him. Punish Yan Zhiyao, so Xu Cheng has never liked the Yan family.

And just now, of all those who congratulated him, there was no Yantian alone! It made him feel bad.

Are you blind? Don't know the status of my Xu family in the future?

Yan Tian froze, and instantly understood Xu Cheng's meaning, his face turned red. The others present laughed.

"Master Xu, I heard that Yan Zhiyao was once chased by your nephew. But now, they are fancy by the sons of the city's city masters. If you want to be accepted as a small concubine, you can't offend much. "

Someone laughed.

The sons of the city owners of the stars, and also the proud family, are a more noble class than them! For them, they must not be offended.

"Oh, Mr. Xu, it turns out that you are here so that I can find it easily. This nephew of Yan Zhiyao fancy you? Let him be it, it's just a small room, it doesn't matter."

A voice floated from a distance, so that everyone was stunned, and Chen Yu looked at it with curiosity.

I saw a young man walking with a smile, a touch of pride hanging on the corner of his mouth, and embroidered a word of "arrogance" on his clothes, letting his identity come out!

Son of the city's owner, proud!

"Good son, proud!"

When they saw the people, all the big brothers all changed their faces, bowed down, and paid their respects.

Only two people never bowed, one was Chen Yu, and the other was Xu Chengcheng!

"Proud son, fortunately I will."

Xu Cheng held his fist with a smile on his face.

"Oh, Mr. Xu, I have heard of your name for a long time. I saw it today and it was extraordinary. I have been in love with you for a long time. Today's banquet, I must not be drunk!"

Aoming smiled, holding Xu Cheng's arm, very affectionate.

Everyone was shocked to see this scene.

As the first-class pride, I was so enthusiastic about Xu Cheng! !! !!

The Xu family is already so strong! ? Looking at Yan Tian and Yan Zhiyao, everyone could not help shaking their heads slightly.

The Yan family is in big trouble.

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