Looking at Xu Cheng and Aoming who were smiling and smiling, many big eyes were dazzling.

Ao Ming, but the Ao family is a first-class person! In the eyes of ordinary people, these big men who are present are extraordinary big men, but they know that in the eyes of Aojia, they are just small people. It is impossible to stand on equal footing with Aojia.

But now! Aoming was so enthusiastic about Xu Cheng, if you put it in the past, it would be unimaginable!

"The Xu family is ready!"

Many big brothers think so.

Aoming also has his own plans. Although he is a proud family member and the son of the city owner, in the proud family, he is not a core member, just a marginal figure. Otherwise, it will not be in the stars.

The relationship between Xu Cheng and Aohai is clear. Now, when Ao Zongxiao dies, Aohai Iron will definitely become the next owner of Aojia! If you can catch Aohai, it will be a big step for Aoming!

Xu Cheng is like an **** beside the emperor. Although he is proud of his family, in some respects, it is really not as useful as Xu Cheng's speech.

Naturally, Aoming has a good relationship with Xu Cheng.

"Oh, Master Xu, I just heard that your nephew chased Yan Zhiyao? Since that's the case, she gave it to your nephew. It's just a little bitch, I haven't moved at all, don't mind me."

Aoming said, in words, Yan Zhiyao was a commodity.

"no, do not want!"

Yan Zhiyao's face changed dramatically. She did not expect that Ao Ming would say such a thing! Xu Cheng's nephew, she knew it, was a playboy, and she was of bad character, and ruined many women.

To that guy, Yan Zhiyao simply didn't look down. And she was treated as a proud concubine, and this kind of thing could not be rejected by the entire Yan family. Yan Zhiyao had already given his fate.

After all, being a puppet of the proud family, although not her wish, is still good for the Yan family. But now, he was actually given to Xu Cheng's nephew?

"Huh? Presumptuous! What the **** are you? Is there room for your refutation here? Remember, what I want you to do, what you want to do, bitch!"

Aoming's face changed, gloomy. Shouted at Yan Zhiyao.

"Then what do you count?"

At this moment, a fluttering sound came, making many big brothers all startled.

Just next to Yan Zhiyao, Chen Yu looked at Aoming and smiled disdainfully.

"What? How dare you talk to me like that? Who are you !?"

Aoming asked in amazement.

"I'm his teacher." Chen Yu said indifferently, looking at Yan Zhiyao, and said, "Ziyao, you have to remember one thing."

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Yan Zhiyao froze.

Chen Yu's eyes turned to the distance, her voice indifferent.

"No one can persecute you because I am your teacher!"


Yan Zhiyao was shocked, his mouth fluttered, and tears were in his eyes. A strong sense of security wrapped her instantly.


Yan Zhiyao nodded heavily.

But many of the big guys on the side looked at Chen Yu in shock.

"Who is this kid, how dare you talk to Aoming like this?"

"I don't know, but he said he was Yan Zhiyao's teacher? How could he be Yan Zhiyao's teacher if he was so young?"

"Well, it's interesting. It looks like there's a good show today."

Everyone whispered.

Ao Ming's face was gloomy, and she was extremely angry.

"Oh, just a second-class person, dare to talk to me like this? No one can persecute Yan Zhiyao with you? Oh, I'll see if you have this ability!"

Stepping out, Ao Ming is about to start, but at this moment, a voice sounded.

"Aunt, why don't you take care of this little thing yourself? Today is a big day for the Australian family. How bad would it be if it got too big? Let me do it for you."

A young man stood up beside Xu Cheng, looked at Yan Zhiyao, and smiled.

It's Xu Cheng's son, Xu Cang!

"It ’s better to have a fight with Yan Zhiyao. If I win, then Yan Zhiyao will marry my younger brother, and her teacher will kneel down and admit it to the proud son. If I lose, then it will be all right .What is Auntie's intention? "

"Oh? Xu Cang?"

Seeing Xu Cang, Aoming raised a brow, thought about Xu Cang's proposal, and nodded. Indeed, today there are big men coming, and we must not make any accidents because of a second class of people.

"Oh, this teacher, I don't know what you think?"

Xu Cang looked at Chen Yu, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but this smile was full of irony.

"It's okay to want a bet, it's just your bet, it's too small."

Chen Yu said lightly.

"Oh? I wonder what kind of bet you want?" Xu Cang laughed.

"If Yan Zhiyao wins, the Xu family and this proud song all bow down in front of my students, kneeling and admitting mistakes!"


Xu Cang's face suddenly changed, and many big brothers also changed their faces, looking at Chen Yu incredible.

Could this guy be crazy!

A man is the hottest second-class family now, and a man who is proud of his family. Is he now going to offend both of these forces?

"Sir, it's a big game, it's a big game!"

Yan Tian's face was all white, and never expected that Chen Yu would make such a bet.

"Oh, good! Good! Good! I promised !!!"

Pride's face flushed. An offended feeling appeared in his heart.

"Yan family, and you, I remember Aoming!" Looking at Yan Tian and Chen Yu, Aoming glare gloomily.

It's over!

Yan Tian immediately felt cold in his heart, feeling a sense of disaster.

Sir, how can you do that! My Yan family, it's over! It's over! !! !!

Yan Tian thought, but Yan Zhiyao had a different feeling.

Ever since Chen Yu gave her the power, she has a feeling that her teacher is invincible!

Trust your teacher? Can you resist the proud home, or will you concede it deliberately and steal it?

Yan Zhiyao felt that he was facing a shocking gamble!

Hesitating for a few seconds, she gritted her teeth fiercely.

Damn, this girl is fighting!

"Come on, Xu Cang, you will definitely lose today!"

After drinking, Yan Zhiyao's eyes were cold.

Between Chen Yu and Aojia, she chose to believe in Chen Yu!

Seeing Yan Zhiyao's performance, Chen Yu nodded. Sure enough, even if there is only a trace of the blood of Sun Wukong, there is a kind of grandeur.


"Yan Zhiyao, I have to say that you have courage, but courage is the most useless. When you know the difference between you and me, you will regret it."

Looking at Yan Zhiyao, Xu Cang gently twirled his mouth.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, now, I'm Xiaocheng!"

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