Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1421: Realm dispute


Everyone froze. Looking at Chen Yu a little unexpectedly, it seemed that Chen Yu would not say such a thing.

Even the proud voice was a rigid smile and looked at Chen Yu in amazement.

"Unexpectedly, you still have some insight. However, what about insight, you are right, if you have absolute power, you can indeed override power. However, this absolute power is also in the hands of my proud family! Now, kneel down for me, and I can spare your life and only abandon your cultivation. "

Aoming said.

Everyone jumped in their hearts, looking at Chen Yu's eyes, full of gloating. You have Aoming, then this guy is absolutely over!

There is an iron rule in Aotian Realm, that is the status of Aojia, which is supreme! No matter how powerful you are, you must be inferior to Aojia. Even if he is a proud dog, as long as his surname is proud, then Xu Feixian has seen it, and he must give it to him!

Xu Feixian smiled coldly and said, "What was just said was good. What about now, aren't you going to kneel? Is it possible, you want to resist?"

Xu Feixian looked at Chen Yu and smiled coldly.

He suffered such a big loss in the hands of Chen Yu, and naturally could not bear it. Now there is Aoming platform, he will never miss the opportunity to ridicule Chen Yu.

"Pride, kill him, kill him! And that Yan Zhiyao, abandoning her practice, I will let my nephew play it and sell her to the cheapest kiln to let Third class tramp, one by one! "

Hysterical, unbridled!

Xu Cheng shouted wildly in front of Yan Tian, ​​like a beast who wanted to eat people!

"Kneel down? Abandon the practice? That's a good idea."

Chen Yu looked at Aoming and said coldly.

"Now you take everyone from the Xu family down on your knees, and then abandon the practice. I can't kill you."


The whole scene was instantly silent!

Everyone widened their eyes, looked at Chen Yu inconceivably, their mouths widened, and their pupils shrunk.

He, what did he say?

Let Aoming kneel and self-destruct? Does he know, what is Aoming's identity?

A second-class person, dare to talk to a first-class person like this?

This, isn't this kidding?

After a short silence, suddenly the noise exploded!

"Crouch! Crazy, this guy is completely crazy!"

"Is there something wrong with my ears? He, how dare he say such things? Well, that's a proud man!"

"Crazy, this is a complete madman!"


Ao Ming's face was gloomy immediately.

"Okay, okay, okay! Second-class people who dare to talk to me like this, you are still the first. What do you think you are? Today, I will show you, you are not the one who offends you ! "


A terrible weather surged from Aoming's body!

Behind Ao Ming, a sea of ​​blood emerged, among which there seemed to be a surge of **** smell, an invisible coercion that overwhelmed the audience!

"This, what's going on?"

Throughout the venue, the attention of all the big brothers was attracted. Today at the venue, only Aoming, a proud family member, presided over the whole situation. As for Auming's father and others, they had already gone out and were ready to welcome Aohong and others. So everyone recognized Ao Ming at a glance.

"It's the son of the stars of the city, the pride of the proud family! My God, is this the strength of the proud family? Actually, this is so scary !!!"

All of them were taken by the pride of Aoming, and the closest Xu Feixian felt even more intense.

"This is the strength of Ao Gongzi? I heard that Ao Gongzi is not too prominent in Aojia's house, but there is such a strong cultivation practice? What level has this reached?"

Xu Feixian was shocked. Although he was the first master among the second-class people, in front of Ao Ming, he felt like an ant, perfect without any courage to resist.

Who can resist this kind of realm and this kind of strength?

Looking at the amazing eyes of many big men present, Aoming was very proud.

See no, this is the majesty of my proud home!

This is my strength! Since you are so amazing, let you be even more amazing!

"I forgot to tell you that my strength is the ultimate in transcendence."

Pride spoke proudly.


Many of the big men present had their eyes widened and looked at Aoming inconceivably.

"Oh my God! Extreme world! This, this, this is the proud person? This is three levels better than Xu Feixian! This is too great!"

"Who the **** is it? Which fool is dare to challenge Ao Ming? Is he impatient?"

Everyone was talking wildly. Xu Cheng laughed.

"Yan Tian, ​​you are finished, you Yan family are all finished! Hahahaha!"

Yan Tian didn't answer, just standing still, his hands and feet were cold. How old is Aoming, which is already the ultimate? This existence, Mr. Chen, how could it be blocked?

It's over, it's over!


Yan Zhiyao's heart was beating fiercely, her complexion was white, and she bit her lip tightly. She couldn't stop shaking, a feeling of self-blame was flowing in his heart.

Knowing this already, she shouldn't do it. In this way, she won't involve the teacher.

Blame me all, blame me all! !! !!

Yan Zhiyao was blaming herself, but heard Chen Yu's soft laughter.

"Aoming, are you here for fun? The transcendental realm is extreme? Ha ha, then you see, what is my momentum?"

Bang! !! !!

There was no longer any concealment, and a shocking weather rose suddenly from Chen Yu's body!

Invisible air waves, wrapped in a strong wind, centered on Chen Yu, swept the audience instantly! Just behind Chen Yu, nine golden dragon ghosts appeared vigorously. Each golden dragon was full of majesty, every scale and every hair was clearly visible.

Kowloon vacated, Chen Yu Ling Ran set off inviolable.

Behind Aoming, the sea of ​​blood that had condensed, evaporated immediately, without any trace at all!

shocked! The entire venue was completely shocked.

All of them were blindfolded and agitated.

what's going on? How could this guy be so strong? Is this a realm that a second-class person can reach?

"This, what is the realm of this? Why, I feel he's proud, but even better?"

These second-class people know the most, but they are just transcendental realms. As for the realms above them, for them, they are legendary existence.

Xu Cheng is also horrified. I never expected that this guy's momentum would suppress the pride? He was almost certain,

Aoming was also silly, staring blankly at Chen Yu.

No, why is this so?

My limelight was just stolen? He, what level has he reached?

"By the way, I also forgot to tell you that my realm is Xiaocheng Realm."

Chen Yu laughed.

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