
As Chen Yu finished speaking, everyone froze.

"His. Ning, Ningjing Realm? Well, that legend ..."

The powerful homeowner took a cold breath, widened his eyes, could not help taking a step back, and felt his scalp tingle.


In this realm, they have only seen on ancient books in their home! But in reality, they have never seen it before!

To these second-class people, those in the proud family who are above the level of God, they are not eligible to see!

But now, such a young guy, even said that he is Xiaocheng in a state of mind! ?

"No, this is impossible."

Xu Cheng shook his head again and again, the whole man was going crazy. The teacher of the Yan family turned out to be in a state of mindfulness? Fuck, is it that I am crazy or is this world crazy?

"My God, this, this is the realm of Mr. Chen? Condensed Realm Xiaocheng ?!"

Yan Tian looked at Chen Yu with a bang in his head. He had previously speculated that Chen Yu was definitely a strong person in a transcendent realm, but it never occurred to him that Chen Yu was already a strong person in condensed state!

One step away is the difference between heaven and earth.

If we say that the people of the extraordinary world can still be reached by these second-class families, the strong man who condenses the state of God is, to them, the heavenly dragon, who can't see the end.

And now, they met, and, still such a young person!

"This, this is my teacher ?!"

Yan Zhiyao looked at Chen Yu, and after a short shock, she was infinitely worshipped!

My teacher is a state of mindfulness!

This is such a fantastic thing. This feeling is like you play a game in an Internet cafe, and a teacher you accidentally recognize is actually the world champion of this game!


Aoming was stunned. He couldn't say a whole sentence.

He thought he could overpower the audience, but he never expected that there would be a person who surpassed him in cultivation!

In the history of Aotianjie, no second-class person has broken into the condensed state! How could he! !! !!

Aoming's face was fickle, looking at Chen Yu, speechless.

"What? Aren't you arrogant just now?"

Chen Yu sarcastically said.

"Huh! Even if you are in a state of mind, then what? I am a proud person! You are always inferior to me in front of me! Xu Cheng, let's go!"

Aoming said.

Chen Yu's strength now shows that it is absolutely impossible to kneel on the ground. Playing with a handful of Chen Yu was anxious, maybe it would still be ugly to him. Really at that time, Chen Yu could not escape, but his status in Aojia would also drop sharply. The proud family will not allow the proud family to be defeated in the hands of second-class people.

For Chen Yu's death, in exchange for his status in the proud family, this business is not worth it!

Ao Ming retreated!

Seeing this scene, many big brothers were shocked, with an unspeakable shock. This is the first time that the proud family has flinched before the second class!

This is a historic moment!

When Yan Tian and Yan Zhiyao saw this scene, they were shocked, but also took a deep breath. The crisis was finally lifted!

"Stop, do I let you go?"

With a touch of a word, the hearts of Yan Tian and Yan Zhiyao shrink again!


Footsteps stopped, Aoming turned to look at Chen Yu, eyes cold.

"What do you mean?"

Chen Yu sneered, forefinger pointing at his feet.

"I said, kneel down, and discard Xiuwei."


Upon hearing this, Aoming's pupils suddenly shrank!

"Well, he, what did he say? He really wanted the proud and Xu family to kneel? Is he crazy ?!"

"Presumptuous, too presumptuous! He really thought that if he had these strengths, he would be able to fight against the proud family? This is really unwise!"

"Even if it is more powerful, he is only a second-class person. He and he, how dare he be so mad?"

Maniac, idiot, wanton!

Many big brothers all looked at Chen Yu in shock.

"You, really want to die?"

Aoming's voice was cold, and his eyes were like poisonous snakes.

"If you don't kneel, I will help you!"

Chen Yu smiled coldly and started suddenly!

With the palm of one hand, the Kowloon behind Chen Yu condensed into a golden square seal, covering the sky above Aoming.


The big seal fell, and Ao Ming's face suddenly changed color. He wanted to escape, but was shocked to find that all the space in the Quartet had been sealed, and he couldn't run.

Since I ca n’t run, I will fight hard!

Forced with anger, Ao Ming yelled in a low voice, and the true power of the whole body rose in madness, converging to his hands.

"Hundred Magic Night Walk, kill!"

The two punches exploded suddenly, and suddenly there were two black rays rising up against the sky. There were thousands of ghosts on the black light, which made people shudder.

"What a terrible move!"

Seeing Ao Ming's shot, many big men were all exclaimed.

But the next moment, the light hit the big seal, just like tofu hit a stone, and it cracked directly.

There is no delay at all, Da Yin continues to drop!


Aoming's complexion changed so much that he never expected that his full blow could not even delay the other party!

"Do not!!!"


In the horrifying shout of pride, Da Yin fell! Aoming raised his hands above the head to block, but was instantly broken. The powerful force made Aoming kneel on the ground!

Oh wow!

A bite of blood spit out of Aoming's mouth.

At this time, Chen Yu's eyes flickered, and a finger pointed out, and a golden light penetrated directly from the proud Dantian!

Ao Ming, was scrapped!

"You, you abandoned me ?! You abandoned me !!! Ah, you're done! Aojia won't let you go, you're dead!"

Pride trembled, and then shouted wildly.

Many big brothers have stayed at this moment, Xu Cheng is even more foolish in his head.

And at this time, Chen Yu moved again, **** connected, one golden light, directly penetrated the knees and Dantian of everyone in Xu family! Let them all kneel on the ground.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Yu's face has not changed half a point!

"Isn't it a good relationship between you? Since that's the case, naturally you can't be equal. After all, the family must be together."

Looking at Xu Cheng and Aoming, Chen Yu said lightly.

The big guys on the side were all stunned.

"I, my God, this, this is going to turn the world up! He, he, how dare he stand in public, do something to Ao Ming, and also abolish the other party, this is to put Ao's face on the ground and step on it , This, this is freaky! "

"Boy, you're dead! When my proud family comes, you will have nowhere to be buried! I proudly swear to heaven!" Aoming roared hysterically.

"Aojia, Ohong, here!"

Just then, a loud shout came suddenly!

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