Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1424: Love rival flashes

ps: I have a meeting today, the time is too tight, the update is unstable, please brothers Hai Han

It's over! This guy of the Yan family is absolutely finished!

Everyone at the scene thought so.

Yan Tian had closed her eyes, her body trembling slightly, desperate.

Xu Cheng shined his eyes and looked at Aohong and a young man beside him, with a plea in his eyes.

That man is Aohai and his biggest backer. He really wanted to see, when Chen Yu would kneel on the ground!

Everyone's attention was focused on Aohong's face.

"Why, why is Aohong's face not quite right?"

Someone suddenly didn't wrinkle and said something unexpectedly.

"It seems, it's true, isn't it ..."

More and more people have noticed this scene.

I saw Aohong standing there, stiff, and the whole person's eyes were stunned, as if lost his soul. Then, Aohong's body shocked, and his face suddenly appeared furious!

"Presumptuous is simply presumptuous !!!"

The sound was like a bell, echoing throughout the banquet hall, as if the gods were angry, it was trembling.

Everyone shivered and felt what Tianwei was!

"Master, please take a break from Thunder's wrath, proudly, let's do this, give this guy ... wow!"

Before he finished speaking, Ao congratulated the whole person, and Ao Hong slapped and flew out, slammed into the side wall, and was deeply embedded in it. That way, as miserable as there is misery.

Lying down!

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded. What is going on, why is Aohong, why do you want to be proud? Even if it is dissatisfied with Aohe, Aohong should not do such a thing.

But this is not over yet. Under the attention of everyone, Aohong hurried to Chen Yu's presence and bowed deeply to Chen Yu under the eyes of everyone!

"Mr. Chen, you, why have you arrived? Shu Aohong is incompetent and doesn't even know that you are here."

Bang! !! !!

In the hall, there was complete silence.

Aohong, yes, yes to Chen Yu?

He, isn't he a second-class person? Why did the dignified homeowner do such a thing?

At this moment, many of the core members of the proud family all came down and shouted in unison.

"Aojia, welcome to Mr. Chen!"


Such voices echoed throughout the hall.

Aoming opened his mouth wide and looked at the scene blankly, his mind confused.

This, this guy, is the protagonist of this dinner, is that big man? Me, did I mess with this existence?

Despair, incomparable despair, instantly filled the heart of Aoming.

"Me, my God."

Yan Tian, ​​who had been desperate just now, looked at this scene blankly at this moment, completely stupid. No matter how he imagined it, he never thought that the teacher Yan Zhiyao had found in the bar turned out to be the object of the banquet!

No wonder, no wonder he was so indifferent from beginning to end. No wonder he said that above power is strength. It turned out that none of Ao Ming and Xu Cheng were taken by him!

"My teacher, such a person!"

Yan Zhiyao covered her mouth and looked at Chen Yu, with stars staring in her eyes, extremely worship!

"Stand up."

Chen Yu spoke faintly, and Aohong dared to stand up and look at Chen Yu with a smile on his face. This smile is just like the one that proudly showed before him.

"Go inside, I have something to ask you."

"Okay, Mr. Chen, please follow me."

Aohong nodded quickly, leading the way, taking Chen Yu into the box. Before he left, he gave a command, and the people around him nodded immediately, and then brought Ao Ming and Xu Cheng to the gate. On the ground.

"You offended Mr. Chen. From now on, Pride and Aoming will all be expelled from Pride's house. Xu Cheng will kneel for three days and be degraded to third class!"

The man said lightly, so everyone was jumping.

"No, don't, me, I'm the proud family, why, why !!!" Ao Ming growled sternly.

Xu Cheng shuddered holding the thigh of the proud family who had just spoken.

"First of all, sir, I am a master of Aohai. Don't do it to me, don't do it to me."


After hearing that, the proud man just smiled coldly.

"What about that? Don't say it is you, even Master Aohai, if you offend Mr. Chen, there is only one way to go. You are really blind and go back and provoke that guy?"

As soon as the sleeves were thrown away, the man from Aojia left directly. Only the despairing pride and Xu Cheng were left.

Many of the big men present looked at each other and couldn't help but swallow.

"It's just one person, and it has actually depressed the entire proud family! And, just now, Mr. Chen didn't say anything. The proud family owner has already arranged everything. This is how it is ..."

The speaker only feels poor.

He really didn't know what to say to express his mood.

"Hey, this kind of strong man, if you had known to go out and make friends, then ..."

With that said, many big guys all looked at Yan Tian, ​​their eyes were fiery!

Is the support of the Xu family strong? Maybe in the future, the entire proud home will be proud of the sea. But compared with Yan Tian's backing, it is a world of difference!

The future development of the Yan family is simply unthinkable! After all, Yan Zhiyao is the student of Mr. Chen! Even if it's Aohong, I'm afraid to sit up with Yan Jiaping!

At this point, many of the big brothers who were far away from the Yan family all gathered together at this moment, with a smile on their faces.

"Haha, the master Yan is powerful and domineering. My little girl Nianfang 16, I don't know Xu master, do you want to accept a puppet?"

"Mr. Yan, I got a piece of beautiful jade yesterday, and I hope Ms. Xu can smile."

"Owner Yan, my family has hired a new chef, and the cooking is quite good. When will the owner Yan have time, I still look forward to seeing it."

. . .

Just complimenting Xu Cheng's words, all that was not hesitant at this moment was poured out on Yan Tian's body, and Yan Tian was stunned.

Throughout the venue, the atmosphere was extremely hot after Chen Yu's departure. After all, what happened today is really shocking.

At this moment, at the gate, Aoming knelt on the ground, his eyes red.

"Aoming? What's wrong with you? Why are you kneeling here?"

A voice of doubt came, making Ao Ming startled. Looking up, he saw in front of him that a man and a woman were looking at himself.

"Sister of indulgence ?! Really sister of indulgence !? You, you are back !?" Aoming was shocked, but never expected that this woman would come back!

Because the woman in front of her is called Pride, but Sister Pride! Leaving Aotian Realm long ago, Yunyou is out of sight, almost invisible.

"What the **** is going on? I haven't been back for so many years, why do you look like this?"

Pride asked.

"It's the guy named Chen Yu !!!" Ao Ming gritted his teeth.

"Chen Yu ?!" At this moment, the person next to Pride indulged himself, then laughed.

"Interesting, I didn't expect to meet the sweetheart in the mouth of Xiao Xuan'er, the sage of Tianfeng Xuansu Palace?"

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