Tianfeng Xuansu Palace?

Xiao Xuaner?

Hearing this, Aoming froze and didn't understand what the other party meant.

"What are you talking about? He's the guy you're looking for?"

Hearing this, the pride was indignant.

This person who walked with her was not a small one, and his goal was the sacred daughter of Tianfeng Xuansu Palace, Xiao Xuan'er's man, Chen Yu!

"Haha, yes, I didn't expect it. It took no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nothing. I thought it would take a long time to find this guy, but I didn't expect that this guy is here! Indulge, you are just My lord! "

The man spoke.

Pride smiled, looking proud.

In that case, let's go and take Chen Yu's head so that we can go back for business.


Take Chen Yu's head!

Hearing this, all the people present were stunned, and then took a breath.

"Oh my God, who is this person? How dare you say such a thing? But even the proud owner feels the presence of panic!" A gangster trembled.

The other person on the side fluttered and said, "Isn't it! She is the other arrogant, proud pride in the rumor!"

"Hey? What another Tianjiao, you can make it clear." Everyone froze at this.

How is this going? Proud of home, isn't it just Pride Zixiao? How could there be another?

The crowd hurriedly asked, and the man was just staring.

"I have heard that in fact, before Ao Zixiao, Ao Jia still had an extremely arrogant genius, who was no less talented than Ao Zi xiao, and also learned the Ao Jia's peerless skills. She can inherit the ancestors of Aojia, but she is very high-spirited, determined to surpass the ancestors of Aojia, so she gave up and went away, but she never expected that this time she would return!

The speaker obviously knew Aojia very well. When he said something, everyone immediately exclaimed and looked at the woman inconceivably!

Ao Ming's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Indignant sister, he, who is he? That Chen Yu is very powerful! He killed Ao Zixiao, even the master is not his opponent!"


Hearing this, Pride raised a brow and giggled.

"He? Oh, he's my man. As for his name, you have no right to know. There is one more thing, my sister wants to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Ao Ming frowned.

"The elder sister's man is the strongest, but you are not allowed to say that he can't beat that Chen Yu! Otherwise, I would kill someone."

After that, the smile on Ao Ziqing's face has revealed the intention of killing!

"Indulge sister, you! Ah!"

Without saying anything, Pride indulged in Lightning shot, grabbed Aoming's neck, and twisted it!

Aoming, dead!

"Oh, since it's gone, don't live anymore, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste?"

Pride smiled, and glanced at the others kneeling on the ground, and licked his tongue.

"You, it's a shame to live."

After that, pride was connected with the fingertips, and a blood hole appeared on everyone's forehead!

In a flash, everyone, including Ao He and Xu Cheng, died!


The moment the audience lost their voices, they were all deterred by the method of pride. That's a proud family! But in Aoming's eyes, it's like a ants on the roadside. It's terrifying to kill and kill.

Many big brothers saw the pride and indulgence coming, quickly separated, and automatically gave up a passage to the room where Chen Yu's secret talk!

Yan Tian and Yan Zhiyao looked at the pride and the man, and were nervous enough to breathe a little.

Pride indulged in Yan Zhiyao's side, raised her brows gently, stopped, and looked at Yan Zhiyao.

Instantly, Yan Zhiyao's heart suddenly lifted up!

Raised Yan Zhiyao's chin and smiled with pride.

"The little girl is very beautiful, this kind of scared expression is very good, keep it up."

She patted Yan Zhiyao's face, and then she smiled and left. And Yan Zhiyao and Yan Tian have been scared to paralysis!

In the room, Chen Yu was unaware of all this. At this moment he was sitting in the top main seat, looking at a book lightly, with a little disappointment in his eyebrows.

This book is exactly the arrogant tactic of Aojia. I thought I could find something from here, but I didn't expect that this book would have nothing else except the exercises.

"You got this exercise?"

Closing the book, Chen Yu put it on the table aside and asked lightly.

"Mr. Chen, in addition to this, our ancestors also received a copy of Heavenly Craftsmanship."

Aohong replied respectfully and gave another book to Chen Yu. This is a very dilapidated book. Chen Yu opened it and looked at the methods of making some strange items. The suspension cars he saw on the street before are also recorded on it.

Tiangongkaiwu did not expect such books to really exist.

Chen Yu also knows about this book. "Gonggongkaiwu" in history is the world's first comprehensive work on agriculture and handicraft production. Some people also call it an encyclopedia-style work by the Ming Dynasty scientist Song Yingxing. It is the most abundant one in Huaxia's historical materials.

But the book in front is obviously not the book that appeared in the Ming Dynasty in history. Many of the technologies recorded in it, if placed on the earth, are simply black technology, combining practice and the use of true power, even Chen Yu Seeing it, I was a bit surprised.

It seems that many things and legends in history are most likely from the ancient times of the earth, and things in the practice world have revealed some of the world.

I really don't know what secrets are left in the mythological relics!

Capturing the book, Chen Yu's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes, there is nothing else but these."

Chen Yu asked. Aohong shook his head.

"These things are all we got. We just know from the last words left by our ancestors that there are mythological relics, which have great fortunes, so we will organize this Tianjiao battle, but we never thought ...

Aohong sighed. He didn't finish his words, but the meaning was obvious.

If it weren't for Chen Yu, now the proud family should have risen.

Chen Yu said nothing, but sighed softly. It seems that this time, there is no useful news from Aojia. If you want to solve these puzzles, you can only understand from the martial arts of the Cangli Empire.

As I was thinking, suddenly the door slammed open, and an arrogant laughter came in.

"Haha, I heard someone named Chen Yu is here? Let him roll over!"

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