Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1427: Seventh Phantom Kill


only you?

Hearing this, Omo froze, and then his face darkened, and his eyes were full of Ling Ye's murderous power.

"You are arrogant. I'll be enough to kill you!"

Proud indulgence also smiled coldly, looking at Chen Yu with a smirk.

"What do you really think you are? Defeating Ao Zixiao and my father here is invincible to the world? Tell you, this world is much bigger than you think! Many real strong men, you People in small places cannot be seen at all! "

Pride indulge, with a strong sense of superiority.

She practiced abroad for a long time. In his eyes, Baiyu was like a small pond, and she was a big fish jumping out of the pond, thinking that she had seen many great faces outside. Returning to the pond this time, looking at everyone, even her own father, Aohong, has a superior mentality.

In her eyes, Chen Yu is the most powerful small fish in this pond. Her vision is only the size of the pond. She doesn't know the vastness of this world and this starry sky!

This is like on the earth, many people in the countryside, after leaving home and going to a big city, when they come back again, they always think that everyone in the village is inferior to themselves. .

The pride of the moment is exactly this attitude!

"Oh, yeah, this world is really much bigger than you think."

Chen Yu could not help laughing. More than billions of strong men he has seen? A arrogant affection, who dared to say such words in front of him, made him feel very ridiculous.

"Father, don't be afraid of him. With us and with Cangli Empire, what is he about to be a dying man?"

Chen Yu also looked at Aohong, bowed her fingers around her lips, and smiled slightly at the corners of her mouth.

"Aohong, how do you choose? You know, the life and death of Aojia is just in your moment."


Aohong immediately sank.

From a rational point of view, he naturally thinks that Omo is stronger, but when he played with Chen Yu before, Chen Yu's overwhelming advantage made Aohong have a shadow over Chen Yu!

After struggling for a long time, Aohong slowly walked to the side of Aohong's indulgence. With the actions of Aohong, the other people in Ao's house also came to the side of Ao's indignant!

"Chen Yu, can you be tarnished by the majesty of my proud family? Today, you don't want to go back alive from here!"

Aohong said coldly.

"That's right! You killed me and proud of my proud family, and you made my proud family kneel on the ground, it is simply a great insult to our proud family! We are proud of our proud family Unyielding, how can you tolerate it? "

"That's right! Our proud family never yields! Never compromise! Chen Yu, now my proud family Tianjiao has returned, you frog at the bottom of the well just wait to die!"

Everyone in Aojia scolded and said righteously. I don't remember their humble appearance just before Chen Yu.

"Oh, Chen Yu, let me use your head to pave the way for the future of my prince!"

Omo blinked, then stepped out and went straight to Chen Yu!


With Omo ’s actions, behind him, a series of phantoms were directly pulled out, and these phantoms seemed to be alive. When Omo came to Chen Yu, all the phantoms accelerated and Omo ’s body. Blend into one!


Aohong couldn't help but exclaim when he saw the action of Ao Mo. With his eyesight, he can naturally see that the combat skills used by Aomo are extremely brilliant, even if they are proud of their proud home tactics, they are slightly worse!

"Oh, the seven phantoms of Omo, but it was given by His Royal Highness himself. The power can be superimposed several times in an instant. It is not comparable to the skills of a small place like Baiyu. I do n’t know how Chen Yu should respond?

Pride said with a smile.

At this moment, Omo has started!

Buzz. . .

With the palm of Aoma's palm, he brought an invisible tremor and hit Chen Yu as a chest!

Chen Yu's eyes flickered, and she also raised her palm.


The two fought each other and withdrew five steps each.

it is good!

Seeing the result of this fight, Aohong shouted. He was also worried that Chen Yu would have an advantage. Now he saw the two men draw a tie.

"Oh? You are very good. I used 50% of my strength and you all took it down. Presumably just now, you have done your best? If so, then you must die!"

Omo glanced at Chen Yu in surprise, and said a little unexpectedly and proudly.


Hearing this, Aohong's heart was shocked. So strong, is it only 50% strength? Great! Five Chengdu and Chen Yu had a tie, then this battle is stable!

The proud family members present were all very happy and could not help but clenched their fists.

Chen Yu, the big devil, is finally dying!


Chen Yu smiled and shook her head.

Just now, he only intentionally tested the strength of Omo. He used pure physical power, but even Huanglong Yuanli had never used it!


This is, Omo spoke again, bullied himself again, and attacked frantically! This time, he didn't have any temptations anymore. He burst out with all his strength and bombarded Chen Yu!

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The entire room was completely torn apart just at the moment of the fight, and the strong wind spread directly to the surroundings.

Outside the room was the venue of the dinner. Someone was immediately torn by the strong wind, leaving no bones.

"What's going on? What happened!"

A big guy looked up and saw two figures, shining brightly, colliding madly!

"Oh my God, this, what kind of battle is this! It's terrifying, it's terrifying!"

The sound of mad collision resounded over the entire city of stars, and a stream of bright lights, like the most dazzling fireworks, bloomed in the sky. In an instant, the two played against each other a thousand times, and the speed was so fast that people could only see two streamers.

Everyone in the whole city stayed. People put down their things and looked at the sky.

"I didn't expect this Chen Yu to be so powerful that she can survive until now?"

Pride is also looking at the sky unexpectedly, with a little surprise.

Originally thought that this was a crushing battle. As a result, they had fought so long!

"This guy!" Omo widened his eyes and looked at Chen Yu incredible. He has now used the most powerful force, but Chen Yu seems to be endless and always equal to him!

This made him crazy!

"You have exhausted all your strength?"

Seeing Omo's shocked look, Chen Yu punched Omo with a punch and smiled slightly.

"That being the case, then you can see, I'm doing my best!"


Chen Yu's body suddenly trembled, and a terrible momentum suddenly rose.

not good!

Amor felt a crisis in his heart.

The crisis of death!

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