Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1428: One punch, broken armor!

Looking at Chen Yu, Omo felt the whole man's scalp numb, and great fear came to his mind.

I saw Chen Yu pinching his punches and banging with a punch. Jin Guangcancan was surrounded by a dragon around his fist, shouting and roaring, which was extremely shocking.

This punch was rapidly enlarged in Omo's pupils, and he just felt that the entire sky seemed to freeze, and struck him!

With a punch, the world moves, what a majestic force!

"Ah! Seven Kills in One!"

Omo growled. Behind him, a lot of phantoms appeared again, each phantom was full of anger and then turned into the body of Omo again like a movie upside down. At once, the momentum on Omo It was a sharp jump, and a single hand blasted a punch!

This fist, with the whistling wind, is next to its fist, surrounded by six illusive fist shadows.

"Seven kills in one! Omo used such a trick so fast!"

Pride indulged his eyes wide, and his face was incredible.

This is similar to the previous Seven Phantom Kills, although it looks similar, but the pride is known. The combination of the Seven Kills is one of Omo's killings. It can concentrate all the power in one point and can be used perfectly The flesh and the real power, in an instant, erupted into a powerful force, its destructive power, far more than the Seventh Phantom Kill!

"Chen Yu is finished!"

Pride smiled confidently. With this move, Chen Yu couldn't possibly have a chance to survive!


Aohong was surprised for a moment.

Die, hurry!

Chen Yu, if you don't die, I'm upset!


In the sky, the two men fought against each other, causing a deafening explosion, and then a figure stunned and flew out!

"Haha, it's over!"

Pride indulged in laughter, and as she was about to continue talking, her face suddenly changed, and she screamed, "Impossible! How could it be Omo who stepped back?"

Not bad!

It was Omo that was hit!

He fought with Chen Yu, and as a result, he flew directly!

And Chen Yu did not step back!


Omo, who flew upside down, forcibly stopped in the air, looked at Chen Yu in shock, his face was all horrified.

At this moment, he didn't have much damage, just his arm felt sore.

But all this is not because Chen Yu's strength is not enough, but his armor!

That piece of armor named Qingshan was given to him by the Prince of Cangli Empire!

This armor is one of the best in the entire empire. It is made of special materials and is extremely strong. It also has heavy arrays carved by the Master of Formation, even if it is the strongest who has the ultimate concentration. Hit, can not cause him the slightest damage.

A moment ago, Omo wrapped his body with armor, leaving only a pair of eyes outside.

But now, what scared him happened. The armor on his body, after a punch just now, all the formations on the armor have collapsed, and the armor has become damaged and completely destroyed!

Pieces of armor fell from Omo's body and scattered in the air.

With only one punch, Qingshan was destroyed?

This, this **** or human? !!

This is his full strength?

Is he really just concentrating?

Looking at Chen Yu, Ao Mo rumbling in his head, his scalp tingling for a while. Ning Shen Jing Xiaocheng has such a combat power. If he is allowed to grow up, wouldn't he be able to compare with those monsters in Zhongtian Star Field?

As soon as he thought about it, Omo took a deep breath and felt a tremendous shock.

"Me, my God."

Pride covered her mouth, widened her eyes, and looked at the scene in the sky inconceivably.

How is this possible?

That armor, pride and indulgence, was known. At that time, Ao Mo could not stand and stood still and could not penetrate the strongest state of mind, but now he was broken by a punch?

This **** kidding?

"The quality of that armor is not good." Aohong wondered.

"Yeah, a punch is broken? Shall we take out a set of armor from the treasure house of Aojia?"

"That is, in my treasure house, there are many armors, the best one, even if it is a powerful man who has condensed the gods, it is not easy to break it."

The proud family looked at Pride in a charming way, making Pride's complexion look extremely ugly.

Nima, are you willing to show your broken armor?

"Give me aside!" Shouted impatiently, looking proudly at the sky again.

"Oh? Interesting, you don't have much to do? Is it because of that armor?"

Chen Yu stood in the sky, watching Omo all right, with some surprises.

This is the first time he has punched himself since he stepped into the condensed state, without killing anyone.

"Just next time, do you still have armor armor?"

Chen Yu sneered, stepped out and rushed again!

"Presumptuous! Cut!"

Omo's eyes flickered, and a sudden roar suddenly burst into the sky, ripples like water.


Chen Yu's footsteps frowned slightly.

This power is the power of consciousness?

Sure enough, a gap suddenly opened between Omo's brows, from which a black blade of several meters long appeared slowly! The black sword is huge and suspended in the sky, as if to cut everything.

With the appearance of this black knife, the ripples in the sky became even more violent!

On the ground, the third- and second-class people in the stars all felt a shudder and fear, bursting out from the soul! Some people passed out on the spot! No one can stand in the entire city of stars!

"Here, what is this?" Yan Tian and Yan Zhiyao, who had collapsed to the ground at this moment, were weak and murmured to themselves.

"It's Omo's secret skill, savvy attack!"

Pride indulged, and then shouted.


Aohong was also stunned, his eyes widened immediately.

"Great! Even at such a distance, I can feel that the soul is shaking! His godly power is so strong! And there is such a powerful godly attack method!"

Aohong was shocked. He is also the strongest in the condensed state, but in the face of the black knife, he has a feeling that under the black knife, he can't afford a blow!

You know, Omo is only half-step condensed, and he is half a level higher than him, but the soul power is so much stronger than him!

"That's nature! The most powerful part of Amor is his soul power! Otherwise, how could His Royal Highness give him such good treatment?" Pride spoke with pride, looked at Ling Fan again, sneer. .

"I don't believe it, Chen Yu can live?"

"Chen Yu, you are enough to be proud of yourself when you die under my magic sword."

Omo started, and the black sword followed, cutting off at Chen Yu!

"Is it? Attack of consciousness? Just so, I have it too!"


From Chen Yu, a surge of power rose!

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