
In the deep night, suddenly the thick dark clouds in the sky were torn instantly, revealing the bright star river, even after being in the heavens, can see the starry sky.

The layers of ripples that Omo had set off before disappeared at this moment. At the same time, a grand sense of solemnity suddenly came!

Later, a golden villain emerged from the cover of Chen Yu's heavenly spirit!

"This, this is!"

The people who couldn't stand before, suddenly felt light, and their eyes were surprised. When the black knife appeared before, they only felt fear, but in the face of this golden villain, they felt awe!

Yes, it is in awe!

That is the life at the bottom, facing the upper life, the awe from the bones! This is not the same as fear, obviously more advanced.

It's like when you meet a tiger, you will be scared and even try to resist. But if you meet a God who can control everything, even the fearful mind can't be born.

"This, this is impossible!"

Seeing the golden villain on Chen Yu's head, Omo shouted in shock.

He can't let the consciousness imitate such a realistic look. How can he be a guy with a condensed state?

This is absolutely false!

"This, this is it!" Pride indulged his eyes wide, unbelievable.

Aohong and other members of the family are also mentally stunned.

"Hey, no, isn't it? His sacred power is so strong?"

No one can believe it all. After all, Chen Yu is just a condensed state, a condensed type, and so perfect, even if it is complete, it may not be possible!

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Omo screamed in shock, then a black humming sound disappeared directly in front of Omo, and when it reappeared, he had reached the top of the golden villain's head!


This voice echoed throughout the sky, and it seemed that thousands of ghosts were roaring.


The little golden man looked up at the fallen underworld and spit out two words.

Miniature Chen Yu lifted two fingers!

That's right, there are only two fingers, and they stick out directly when the black knife falls. A few meters long black knife, but only a golden man the size of a slap, no matter how you look, it seems that Chen Yu is finished.

But the reality is that Chen Yu directly caught the black knife, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, lifting heavy weight.

"What! How is this **** possible!"

Omo yelled, his eyes widened and couldn't believe everything in front of him. He used his sense of madness to pull the black knife, but it was useless!

The black knife was caught by Chen Yu in his hands, but he didn't move!


With a light drink, Chen Yu's **** snapped sharply, and only a click was heard. The black knife was broken into two halves directly from the middle, and then directly broken like a mirror.

Oh wow!

Oma spit out blood, and his expression fell down immediately.

The black sword just now was transformed by his consciousness, and now broken by Chen Yu, it means that his consciousness has been seriously damaged!

"How can this guy be so strong!"

Looking at Chen Yu, Aomo stared at his eyes, with incredible strength. The physical body, true power, and consciousness, no matter which one is strong enough, are extremely rare. But Chen Yu, all three were so powerful, they completely crushed him!

Can such characters exist?

Omaha was speechless. He looked at Chen Yu and his pupils kept shrinking.

I am afraid that only His Royal Highness the mysterious Prince can fight him!

Omo suddenly thought.

"You just do that? Then you can die!"

At this moment, Chen Yu's faint voice came, and the golden villain suddenly launched, like an arrow off the string, and shot directly at Omo.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Aohong and others were shocked in their hearts, and their eyes widened.

As soon as Omo died, it was their proud home!

"What's panic? Omo hasn't failed yet!" Pride frowned, sulking coldly, she looked at Chen Yu, and was amazed in her eyes.

"I didn't expect that His Royal Highness was so prescient that he gave the piece of treasure, otherwise, this time we are really going to capsize."

Pride indulge in a cold smile, and Omo in the sky has the same expression.

"You are strong, so you die!"

After that, Omo took out a miniature tower from his arms!


Seeing this small tower, Chen Yu instinctively felt a dangerous atmosphere.

"go with!"

Omo waved with one hand, and the miniature tower rose to the storm and turned into a ten-meter giant tower. He covered the golden villain and hovered in the sky quietly!

In an instant, the sky that was still trembling just now suddenly quieted down.

"This! What is this?"

Aohong shouted in shock. Just now Chen Yu's coercion like the sea always haunted everyone.

But after being suppressed by this little tower, the coercion in the sky disappeared!

"Oh, this is the crown prince of the Cangliu Empire. The treasure given to Aomo is called the Nine-Story Locked Soul Tower! Even in the Cangliu Empire, it is one of the most precious treasures! It is specifically targeted against the gods.

"His Royal Highness was worried that an accident would happen, so he gave Omo such a treasure. Omo is already very powerful. If he can kill each other, then it is naturally the best, even if the other is strong. But with these nine After layering the soul tower, they can suppress the other party ’s consciousness and make the other party a waste! ”

Pride smiled.

"His! His Royal Highness is so thoughtful!" Aohong marveled.

"Hehe, why is His Royal Highness His Royal Highness? This Chen Yu thinks he has a strong sense of knowledge and can do whatever he wants? Ridiculous! These nine layers of soul-locking towers, but specialize in knowledge! They can infiltrate into each other's body with invisible power and take each other God ’s consciousness is passing away quickly. This Chen Yu will become an idiot with only a shell in a moment! Hahahaha. "

Pride indulge in laughter.

Ding Ding Ding. . .

With the words of pride, the nine-story soul-locking tower in the sky was lit up one after another, and there were screams of shocking sounds!

Everyone in Aojia heard this, and all of them were in front of them!

"Great! I'll take his body and dip it into the pit in a moment! Let the corners of his mouth be filled with dirt!"

"Well, you are too cheap for him. I'm looking for a hundred boars and giving them all irritating drugs. Let them from the backyard and give Chen Yu a hundred times!"

"Chen Yu is so humiliating to us. I'm going to cut off his little brother and stuff it into his mouth!"

. . . . . .

Proud of everyone, one is more vicious than the other!

Hehe, that's natural, no one can denigrate our proud home! Did you hear that? This screaming? This is the nine-story soul-locking tower that is obliterating the consciousness of Chen Yu!

Speaking, pride pointed at the pagoda in the sky, the corner of his mouth raised.

Chen Yu, this time, how else do you think? Your physical body will soon become the object of venting!

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