Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1430: Soul refinement!

"Well, these nine-tiered soul-locking towers are amazing! Listen, how screaming there is, how beautiful it is."

"Yeah, I feel like it's like Xianle, it's intoxicating. Oops, if there is a good wine at this moment, I really want to drink 300 glasses!"

"Oh, we will take Chen Yu's flesh as an appetizer, drink two glasses, and fuck. The old man is the elder of the proud family. In front of this kid, he must bow and salute. It's so bad!"

"Hey, I really want to see what kind of devastation Chen Yu is experiencing in the pagoda. Ah, this wonderful scream, Shutan, it sounds really soothing! "

Everyone in Aojia was very happy.

"Hehe, there are hundreds of thousands of evil spirits in this pagoda. Anyone who falls into the pagoda will experience the deepest horror. Those screams are the best proof." Pride smiled.

But at this moment, in the pagoda, the scream of the molar suddenly stopped, and it was quietly dead.

Everyone was dumbfounded. What's going on? I was talking just now, why are you silent?

"What's going on? How could it stop? Is Chen Yu dead?"

Everyone wondered.

Ok? what happened? What happened in the pagoda?

A moment of pride.

"What's wrong?" Aomu frowned, his face stunned.

At the moment in the pagoda, Chen Yu was smiling. He hugs his hands and looks at the things in front of him, with a thick smile on the corner of his mouth.

Opposite him, countless evil spirits, all crowded in a corner at this moment, shivering, his supposedly fierce face, but now there was only fear.

That's right!

Just fear!

At that time, when Chen Yu came in, all these wicked spirits and evil spirits swarmed up and drilled into Chen Yu's body!

To them, the consciousness of outsiders is their best supplement.

No matter how strong the opponent is, they rely on the sea of ​​tactics to kill the opponent in an instant!


They met Chen Yu!

Then they are tragedy!

Chen Yu! You're a bit too **** strong! If the other person's knowledge of the sea is, for example, most of them are small rivers, which are stronger, that is, lakes, and even those who are against the sky are just the size of several lakes!

But **** you!

You **** is not the sea, it's the **** starry sky!

I Cao! !! !!

These evil spirits are just like crying without tears.

Half of them had rushed into Chen Yu's sea of ​​knowledge before, but it was only an instant. Those evil spirits and ghosts disappeared completely!

Yes, disappeared! Completely dead!

As soon as he entered, he was killed by Chen Yu, not even resisted!

You know, although Chen Yu's current soul power can be manifested in the level of heavenly respect that is not available in the outside world, but in his body, the soul power is real, it is heavenly level!

And because of rebirth, it is not yet a soul power of the Venerable, but doubled!

It's like, a huge pond, but there is only one drain, and the water discharged is naturally limited, but if you fall into the pond, what is waiting for you is the entire pond water!

This is crushing!

Although these evil spirits have the lowest instincts, but they also know how to avoid harm, and immediately know that the guys in front of them are by no means able to compete! Now all shudder.

If they are wise and can speak, these evil spirits and evil spirits must now scold Omo, so why put in such terrible gods!

"Now that you are half dead, then you can also die."

Slightly speaking, Chen Yu took the initiative to let go of consciousness and began to absorb these evil spirits into her body.

So a funny scene appeared!

Originally fierce and evil, once encountering outsiders, these fierce spirits will flood into their bodies, but at this moment, they are all screaming, fleeing frantically, for fear of being inhaled by Chen Yu!

Because their instincts tell them that once Chen Yu is sucked in, it is a dead end!

The scream that just disappeared suddenly became extremely fierce!

People who were so scared and insolent were stunned.

"My Cao, what's the matter, why did this scream growl suddenly? And it was so much bigger than just now?"

The big man was surprised.

The tragic sound at this moment resounded over the entire city of stars, making people scalp.

"I don't know, but, how, how do I feel, in this scream, even so scared? This ..."

Unlike the original howl, the just howl was fierce, fierce, and mad to tear everything up!

But now? But there is only one emotion, that is panic!


Pride and indulgence were also silly. She was the first time to see this situation. After all, she didn't understand the situation inside the Soul Tower. After thinking about it, she suddenly felt a shock.

"I see! This is definitely Chen Yu's guy was torn by thousands of fierce spirits, so this terrible cry!"

what? Is that so!

Hearing this, everyone in Aojia laughed.

"Haha, I really didn't expect that Chen Yu's little hybrid will have today? Haha, I really want to see what he looks like now!"

"Yeah, unfortunately, letting this guy be so dead, I am really uncomfortable. When I get to know his flesh, I must play with it, otherwise it will be difficult to let go of my hatred!"

Pridefulness listened to the voices of everyone, and smiled, "You have no chance, see the light on that pagoda? Wait until the light on the top level lights up, it means that Chen Yu's consciousness has been thoroughly refined. ! "

Pointing at the nine-story soul-locking tower, you can see that the light on the tower has been lit to the eighth floor!

Everyone was shocked and looked forward.

Light it up! Light up fast!

At this time, a weak voice sounded.

"Are there any accidents? Chen Yu, really will die like this?"

It was a proud young Tianjiao who spoke. He had heard a lot about Chen Yu's deeds, and had a shadow on Chen Yu.


Everyone else looked over, his eyes angered.

"Huh, how could something be wrong? Could it be possible, the light on this pagoda will disappear? You proud family, why are you so timid? It's a shame! After this incident, punish you to kneel in front of the ancestral house Three days! "

Immediately someone looked at the young man and yelled at him. But the young man turned a deaf ear, his pupils shrank instantly, and he pointed his finger at the pagoda in the sky, and his mouth was crazy!

"You, guys, hurry up, look at it !!!"

The young man trembled, his voice changed.


Everyone froze, turned and looked, and all of them were petrified at once!

The proud parent who was just yelling and scolding just now suddenly shakes himself, yelling incredibly crazy!

"My Cao, this fuck, it's true and false !!!"

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