Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1586: Liu Yunyu's shock

"Oh ..."

With a soft hum, Liu Yunyu lay directly on the ground, his face weak.

"You, can you help me, I was caught here just now, in order to resist this formation, I have already collapsed."

Liu Yunyu blinked and looked at Chen Yu, looking pitiful.

Chen Yu sighed slightly and had to walk to Liu Yunyu's side. A princess hugged and embraced Liu Yunyu as a whole.

"Yeah! You touch someone."

Liu Yunyu smiled and said, like a kitten, arching into Chen Yu's arms.

A fragrance of virginity, with a touch of charm, floated into Chen Yu's nose.

Helplessly shook his head, Chen Yu looked pale.

"Come on, slower, I'm afraid they can't catch up with Feng Ming."

Chen Yu spoke, stepped forward, and when it appeared again, it was already above the sky.


Started violently, Chen Yu's whole person is like a streamer, straight out, speed is fast.


Liu Yunyu exclaimed in shock, and was very surprised.

Chen Yu's speed is really too fast!

It's going to be several times faster than her outbreak!

Speed ​​is also a manifestation of strength. Chen Yu's speed has already shown that Chen Yu's strength is far stronger than everyone imagines!

This man is so mysterious.

Liu Yunyu looked up at Chen Yu's side face, his eyes turned, his hands were a little dishonest.

I'm curious, why did I do that, and he didn't respond? Didn't she say that? If a man sees my body, no one can resist it, they will all pounce on it, occupying people like a hungry wolf, unless they are eunuchs.

Can't do it!

Liu Yunyu's heart was suddenly startled, his face suddenly became a little scared.

No, no, such a man would be a eunuch? No! I must confirm it!

With a bit of worry, Liu Yunyu's hand suddenly looked down, then five tightened sharply!


Chen Yu, who was thinking about the next thing, suddenly shocked, bowed his head suddenly, and looked at Liu Yunyu inconceivably!

At the same time, Liu Yunyu also opened his mouth, staring blankly at Chen Yu, and his face was dull because of shock.

how come? How could it be so. . . majestic? !!

And that amazing heat, soft, like the feeling of glutinous rice dumplings, just made her a little bit addicted. Even subconsciously, he made two crosses!

That's right, leave him alone!

"You, aren't eunuchs ?!"

Liu Yunyu's mouth opened.

The corner of Chen Yu's eyes was beating wildly. This Liu Yunyu was just like that! !! !!

"Get off!"

Throwing his hands violently, Chen Yu directly gave up and let Liu Yunyu fall from the sky!


The exclamation sounded suddenly, Liu Yunyu giggled and looked at Chen Yu: "Haha, you are not a eunuch! I am scared to death!"

. . . . . .

On the ground, Feng Ming and others all got together at this moment. Everyone's body was scarred and gasping heavily.

And in front of them, a huge fierce beast with a head of more than forty meters, was lying on the ground at this moment, and the ground was all covered with blood.

"I didn't expect that there is such a existence here, immortal beasts, and their strength is still so terrifying!"

Looking at the corpse of the beast in front of him, Mo Liang still had a lingering fear.

When they were marching just now, such a beast suddenly appeared. Several people worked together and spent a lot of energy, and this beheaded the beast.

Feng Ming nodded, looking at the corpse of the beast, his eyes were gloomy.

"Here, it should be close to the beast ring. This beast ring is even more terrifying than the one that used to practice the devil formation. The formation has been in disrepair for a long time, and it will probably be broken soon. The beast stand looks like it is still running, otherwise, no such beast would run out! "

Looking at the carcass of the beast on the ground, Feng Ming frowned slightly. This ferocious beast exists like a zombie, immortal.

I am afraid that all beasts in the beast ring are like this. A fierce beast is already so horrible. If it is caught in the beast ring, isn't it dead that cannot die again?

"This beast beast is actually the same as Bailian Devil's Array?"

Moran's eyes flashed, and he was a little shocked.

Not only him, everyone's face is not good-looking. After all, just now, Chen Yu and Liu Yunyu have already died in the Demon Array!

Liu Yunyu!

The thought of this name made Feng Ming's mood even worse.

Such a stunner! He had planned to stay at the last time and enjoy it. After all, such a woman, he has never played. However, he did not expect that Liu Yunyu died in the Demon Array!

"Thinking about Liu Yunyu again? Don't think about it. A man cannot be resurrected when he dies, and he can never fall from the sky."

Mo Liang had a good relationship with Feng Ming. Just now he had formed an offensive and defensive alliance. At this moment, when he saw Feng Ming's appearance, he could not help but say.

Feng Ming nodded and just wanted to speak. Suddenly, his body suddenly started to look at the sky!

Not only him, but also his eyes narrowed, and he looked into the sky!

"Ah !!! **** !!!"

The scream, accompanied by a stream of light, suddenly fell from the sky, and the sound of a bang on the ground raised a burst of dust and smoke.

After the dust had cleared, and several people saw the scene inside, their pupils suddenly shrank fiercely, and their eyes were full of shock.

Liu Yunyu!

Turned out to be Liu Yunyu! She is not dead!

Liu Yunyu's face was very bad, didn't he just grab it for a while, and did a little bit of a check? As for such a big response, it even threw me directly from the sky!

Looking up at the sky, Liu Yunyu's silver teeth clenched and snorted, and then he turned to look at Feng Ming and others with a grimace.

At this moment, Chen Yu also fell from the sky and fell to Liu Yunyu's side.

"Liu Yunyu, you, you are not dead ?!" Feng Mingchen asked.

Mo Liang was also blinded, and he was still talking about Liu Yunyu, but he did not expect that Liu Yunyu really fell from the sky!

"Yeah, I'm not dead, what's wrong?" Liu Yunyu raised an eyebrow, not caring. It doesn't seem to be in the dark before.


The sound of absorbing air-conditioner sounded. No one expected that Liu Yunyu could escape from the devil's array!

That's a terrific battle. How could it be so easy to get out of it? And it seems that Liu Yunyu was not hurt at all! What exactly is going on?

Everyone has deep doubts.

"Liu Yunyu, you, how did you get out of trouble?" Mo Liang asked.

Liu Yunyu turned his eyes, smiled, and pointed at Chen Yu beside him.

"It's all because of him!"

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