Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1587: Hundreds of beasts fight, conspiracy and doubt!

he? !!

Seeing Liu Yunyu's actions, everyone was stunned, and did not understand what Liu Yunyu meant.

What does this have to do with Chen Yu?

"what do you mean?"

Mo Liang frowned.

Liu Yunyu chuckled and said, "Tell you, it was Chen Yuntai who saved me. At that time, I was in a desperate situation. Chen Yuntai fell from the sky. When the large group attacked us, Chen Yuntai waved with one hand, and suddenly A golden light flashed and broke the array straight from the middle! Then I was saved! I can remind you not to mess with him, otherwise you will all be killed by him. "

Glancing at Feng Ming and others, Liu Yunyu said.


Feng Ming and others froze, and then their faces became strangely weird.

One finger broke? Fool it!

What they said to Liu Yunyu didn't believe a word.

"Is it because that array is also like the training ground, because of the age, so what's wrong?"

Mo Liang said, Feng Ming blinked and nodded secretly.

"That's right! It must be so. Even if my father is close, it's impossible to come out unscathed. But the two of them didn't have anything at all, probably because they were in it. Fa has long been broken, and this boy happened to catch up! His luck is really good! "

Feng Ming glanced at Chen Yu, his fist clenched fiercely.

Really **** see a ghost, all the good things happened to him!

"Well? Why are you so embarrassed? Could it be possible, what danger did you encounter? Oh, that was really an accident. You do n’t know, we were in that formation, but we were very happy. You do n’t know, the two of us ... "

Liu Yunyu said a word, and then giggled, so that Feng Ming and others almost spit out old blood.

This is only half the words, giving them unlimited space for reverie.

"Keep on your way!"

Feng Ming spoke coldly, and continued to move forward as he turned around.

It's just that his complexion is always extremely gloomy. Not only that, looking at the corpse of the beast on the ground, Feng Ming's eyes flashed with icy murderous power.

Hundred Beasts.

Oh, it's a good place, Mrs. Chen Yun, let you be the food of these fierce beasts!

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and Feng Ming kept coming out for a moment.

The crowd moved forward again, very fast, and flew towards the storeroom.

Chen Yu and Liu Yunyu are side by side, behind Feng Ming and Mo Liang.

"Hey, you bastard, why did you throw me down! You were so gentle to me in the big battle before! I looked at you all the way up and down, you guys, I really do n’t know ! "

Liu Yun hurriedly whispered, and in front of him, Mo Liang twitched.

The meaning of these words is really too explicit!

See Jing Jing, so gentle!

What happened to the two of them in the devil's formation?

Turning his head to look at Feng Ming, it turned out that Feng Ming's face was already iron-blue at this moment. From the side, he could clearly see his forehead. Qing Jin was rumblingly agitating, his cheeks were biting tightly, showing Feng Ming Extremely angry!

In his eyes, Liu Yunyu was his woman long ago, but now!

Feng Ming felt the greenness on his head.

"Huh, you know what you do." Chen Yu said coldly.

When Liu Yunyu heard this, he giggled.

"Oh, don't be shy, but you didn't expect that your capital is so strong. Hey, how can I bear it."

puff! !! !!

Everyone is a puppet in the air. Feng Ming, in particular, almost fell from the sky.

It's green! This **** green is too cruel!

Little bitch, after I killed Mrs. Chen Yun, I want to let you know, what exactly is the capital! !! !!

With a low roar, Feng Ming stepped out, and the whole person was like an arrow off the string, and hurriedly shot out. He was really afraid that if he couldn't control it, he would start directly against Chen Yu. It's okay to kill Chen Yu at that time, but in case Liu Yunyu died, that's not what Feng Ming wants to see.

Seeing Feng Ming's appearance, a sneer appeared from the corner of Liu Yunyu's mouth.

The reason for saying this is to tease Chen Yu on the one hand, and to anger Feng Ming on the other.

To all of this, Chen Yu naturally looked in her eyes and didn't say much.

The group continued to hurry, and before long they stopped again.

Because in their eyes, it is the beast ring!

Just in front of their eyes, there was an open-air platform with a very large area and a very complete preservation, quietly located there. There are hundreds of football fields in size.

Nine huge and stout pillars stood quietly around the platform. Each pillar was engraved with a variety of beastly patterns.

Around the platform, there were densely packed seats, enough to imagine the grand occasion of the year, but at this moment, the seats were dilapidated, a sense of desolation and loneliness, spontaneous.

Surrounded by seats, the platform is surrounded by a huge high wall into a circle. The ground was covered with huge blocks of stone. Above the high wall, there are dozens of gates. The gates have been damaged. You can only see the darkness in the past, and you can't see anything.

It was just from the gate, not the sound of roar, which made people feel extremely shocked.

The entire beast platform is surrounded by a powerful formation method!

"Is this the beast beast? It really is extraordinary, even if it is so far apart, I can feel the terrible atmosphere inside!"

Moran's eyes shook incomparably, and he looked at the ring.

Never step in! Otherwise, there will be no doubt!

In his heart, such an idea rose instantly.

The same was true of the others, each of whom was a bit timid and couldn't help taking a step back.

Just the momentum that just escaped, they have made them feel great pressure. If they were caught in it, they could scarcely imagine it.

"Go, take a closer look."

Feng Ming sneered and came outside the large array, and looked at Chen Yu with some provocation. At the same time, Feng Ming's back was in the hands behind him, secretly holding a jade Jank, and slowly rubbing a moment, full of murder.

"How's it? Do you dare to come here and see?"

Chen Yu raised a brow and looked at the beast ring, with some surprises in the eyes. Why, in this beast ring, would there be a sense of familiarity?

what is this?

With a frown on his face, Chen Yu walked step by step toward the large array, trying to see why.

With the footsteps of Chen Yu, Feng Ming's eyes flashed, his eyes looked forward to more and more!

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