Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1419. Breaking the Astral Guardian Field

The Chakravarti Ghostly King had a love-hate relationship with this 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King.

He desired this treasure but hated the trouble that it attracted.

At this point, he led his children anxiously out of the Chakravarti-raja Star. Since the previous activation of the Astral Guardian Field, the ghostly immortals in Chakravarti-raja Star were excited once again.

These ghostly immortals were staring wide-eyed and nervously at the army of immortal lords outside the Astral Guardian Field. Their tense gazes penetrated through the Astral Guardian Field and landed on the countless immortal lords gathered outside the star.

These immortal lords were all of the Immortal Lord Realm. They were also fearless beings who dared to gather outside the Chakravarti-raja Star.

There had never been such a situation in the Astral Hell before, where a group of immortal lords surrounded the entire Chakravarti-raja Star.

They were temporarily kept out of the Star by the Astral Guardian Field.

Wu Yu finally saw the immortal lords again.

While he did not find who he was looking for, there was no doubt that Gu Huo Immortal Lord, Mo Yuji and Ruling Fate Immortal Lord were hiding among these immortal lords.

"I heard that Zhao Yuanchen was caught by the Chakravarti Ghostly King!"

"The Chakravarti Ghostly King already knows about the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King. That is why he sealed the Chakravarti-raja Star and activated this Astral Guardian Field!"

"We have no more time left. If we do not attack now, the Chakravarti Ghostly King would get the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King and we would have wasted a trip here!"

"We should attack before the news of the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King can spread to the other ghostly immortals!"

Wu Yu was inside the Astral Guardian Field and could hear a little of the immortal lords' loud discussion outside.

The Chakravarti Ghostly King walked out at this point.

"The two of you stay here and don't move!" The Chakravarti Ghostly King ordered both Wu Yu and the Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord to remain at the Hell master's residence before rushing up.

Just as he completed his sentence, the immortal lords outside the Astral Guardian Field started attacking the immortal design.

While there were no top experts among them, they had the advantage in numbers. Hundreds of thousands of 8-realm and 9-realm immortal lords attacked at the same time. It was a manificent scene. At this point, the entire Astral Guardian Field shook violently with constant sharp ear-piercing explosions. The sky was soon covered by all kinds of Immortal Lord Realm techniques exploding!

Within this short span of time, the Astral Guardian Field shook and erupted with fierce violent currents of power. It was dyed in multiple colors by the various Immortal Lord Realm techniques and Mystiques bombarding on it!

"Impudent immortal lords! How dare you invade my Astral Hell and attack my Chakravarti-raja Star! You all deserve to die! I shall give you three breaths of time to retreat. Otherwise, I will slaughter every single one of you here!  I, the Chakravarti Ghostly King, always keep my words! I alone can slay your mere army!"

When the immortal lords were attacking, the Chakravarti Ghostly King's voice boomed out. Every single immortal lord would have heard his warning!

However, the Chakravarti Ghostly King's threat seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. If these immortal lords were easily scared of him, then they would not have gathered here.

At this moment, even with the Chakravarti Ghostly King's threat, the pressure on the Astral Guardian Field did not lift. On the contrary, the attacks intensified as the immortal lords were in a hurry to break into the Chakravarti-raja Star. They intended to spread out and dive into the crowds of ghostly immortals. This way, the Chakravarti Ghostly King could only hunt them down one by one. Then his efficiency would decrease immediately!

If the immortal lords had continued to stay in a group, it would be easy for a few ghostly kings to attack all of them at once.

Instead, when the immortal lords scattered and hid in among the ghostly immortals, even if the Chakravarti Ghostly King had entered the battle fray, he could not track and kill all of them within a short period of time. Now the Chakravarti Ghostly King could only stay in the Astral Guardian Field and summon large numbers of the Chakravarti Imperial Army to support the Astral Guardian Field. He would use the Astral Guardian Field to prevent the invasion of the immortal lords first. This was the only way to buy time!

All the ghostly kings were currently invested in strengthening the Astral Guardian Field as well.

However, there were simply too many immortal lords. Their attacks only grew stronger over time. At this point, the weakness of the ghostly immortals was exposed. There were simply too little of them due to rampant infighting.

Wu Yu and the Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord remained in the Hell master's residence and stared at each other.

The Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord was as anxious and restless as ants in a hot pot. She whined loudly: "What's going on with this group of immortal lords! Why are they attacking so hastily! Are they all tired of living! Father will have to kill all of them to teach them a lesson!"

Wu Yu looked coldly at her. This was the moment when chaos reigned and the perfect time to leave the Hell master's residence.

"Where are you going?" Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord called out to him.

"Of course, I'm going out to help. Do you think I'll stay here and be a cowardly tortoise like you?" Wu Yu sneered.

"Don't lie, you are definitely thinking of hiding in a safer place! Don't think that I don't know you. You are the true cowardly tortoise!" The Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord screamed furiously.

Wu Yu ignored her. He had to leave this place. Hence, he walked out without hesitation. The Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord wanted to stop him but upon thinking, she did not do so. She thought: "Since he is so eager to defy father's orders, I shall not stop him. Things will only get more interesting if he gets killed in this mess! Anyway, if father asks about it, I shall just say that I could not stop him."

Hence, she stayed behind obediently and allowed Wu Yu to leave freely.

Wu Yu left the Hell master's residence and turned into another ghostly immortal. This way, no one would pay him any attention.

"I think that the Astral Guardian Field will break soon. Without it, a large number of immortal lords will rush in and a messy battle will break out between the immortal lords and ghostly immortals. At that time, most of the ghostly immortals will escape since they are not the Chakravarti Ghostly King's subordinates."

"After their escape, the only ones left will be the Chakravarti Imperial Army and they can never defend against so many immortal lords. These immortal lords will definitely burrow into the star to find the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King. While every ghostly king will have to face the threat of being attacked by groups of immortal lords."

Wu Yu hid in the dark and contemplated his targets. He locked onto many ghostly kings and waited for the moment the Astral Guardian Field breaks.

"Hold on!" The Chakravarti Ghostly King pumped his powers into the Astral Guardian Field with all his strength. He stood with the other ghostly kings and ghostly lords around the base of the Astral Guardian Field. All of their powers merged into one, supporting the Astral Guardian Field.

However, there were ten times as many immortal lords as them. No matter how strong the Chakravarti Ghostly King was, the Astral Guardian Field would eventually breakdown under the blast of hundreds of thousands of immortal lords.

As Wu Yu had expected, it only took about 30 breaths of time for the Astral Guardian Field to crack. When a crack appeared in immortal designs, the immortal design was basically broken as it would be close to impossible to repair the crack!

"Shit!" When the ghostly immortals saw that crack, they were shocked. Following, they watched as the entire Astral Guardian Field started to shatter and break. At this point, they all knew that the Astral Guardian Field was about to be utterly destroyed!


"This is our chance to leave!"

"We should run, we are not the Chakravarti Ghostly King's subordinates, don't kill us!"

Indeed, when the Astral Guardian Field shattered, most of the ghostly immortals chose to surrender and escape.

The Astral Guardian Field shattered with a loud explosion and ceased to exist. The whole Chakravarti-raja Star was exposed!

"Invade!" Countless immortal lords had been waiting for this moment. Most of them were pushing forward for fear of being left behind. All of them tried to squeeze into the cracks in the Chakravarti-raja Star. There were few immortal lords who were there with the intention to kill the ghostly immortals. Hence, needless to say, they ignored the ghostly immortals who were escaping.

Of course, there were still the armoured ghostly immortals from the Chakravarti Imperial Army who would try to stop the immortal lords. As long as someone had attempted to stop them, the immortal lords would attack in large groups. With the advantage of numbers, these ghostly immortals stood little chance of victory.

Hundreds of thousands of immortal lords spread out as they entered the Chakravarti-raja Star. They swiftly mixed in with the ghostly immortals. The entire star was soon covered with immortal lords. This way, it would be difficult for the Chakravarti Ghostly King to launch a wide-scale attack even though he had the ability to do so.


In an instant, bloodthirsty battle cries filled the star. Those stronger ghostly immortals would be cornered and killed by large groups of immortal lords.

For instance, the ghostly kings were targets of such group attacks. The Chakravarti Ghostly King had not ordered a retreat yet so they could only force themselves to battle. Each ghostly king would be surrounded by hundreds or thousands of immortal lords. No matter how strong these ghostly kings were, they could be killed just by the simultaneous attack of over 1000 Immortal Lord Realm techniques from the large numbers of surrounding immortal lords!

At this moment, Wu Yu quickly transformed into an immortal lord and crept nearer to his target. One of his target was surrounded by a few ghostly kings.

For instance, the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King and Amethyst Soul Ghostly King whom he was familiar with.

Of them, the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King was nearest to him. Wu Yu blended into the crowds of immortal lords. He watched as these immortal lords surrounded and bombarded attacks on the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King. The 10,000 Bones Ghostly King was very sly and managed to kill more than 10 immortal lords at the start. However, he was beginning to falter. Wu Yu watched as he was engulfed by countless Immortal Lord Realm techniques and Heaven Dao Mystiques. Then his spirit was simply extinguished!

He was the first ghostly king to be bombarded to death by thousands of immortal lords!

Actually, there were casualties on the immortal lords' side as well. However, they had the advantage in numbers and the current casualties did not affect their overall strength too much!

After the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King perished in the battle, everyone stopped attacking and rushed to his corpse instead! They were of course fighting to snatch the treasures hidden in his body!

The 10,000 Bones Ghostly King would definitely have a lot of treasures.

Actually, those immortal lords who died would also suffer the same fate. Most of the immortal lords were here not for the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King, but for the battle fray. As long as they survived such a battle, it would not be difficult for them to scavenge and find Marks of an Immortal King from the corpses. Hence, one could observe the perculiar behaviour of some immortal lords fleeing the star during the battle.

Obviously, they have gotten Marks of an Immortal King from the corpses.

This was the real reason why they had risked their lives to be here.

There were no such battles in the Great Void Immortal Path for them to profit from.

In such a messy battle, they need not even make any moves. They only needed to hide and might chance upon a Mark of an Immortal King. Hence, immortal lords with such goals would join the crowds of immortal lords surrounding the ghostly kings. They even dared to attack those ghostly immortals of the Great Void Ghostly Realm.

They not only dared to attack them but also dared to snatch their treasures!

However, Wu Yu was now very near to the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King, and there was no one in this huge crowd of immortal lords who could be as fast as his Fulgurating Shadows.

During the battle, the immortal lords were still cautious of the ghostly king's attacks and hence chose to launch ranged attacks instead. At this moment, even after the ghostly king had fell, some of the immortal lords were still attacking. Wu Yu suddenly appeared beside the ghostly king and pulled the 10,000 Bones Ghostly King's corpse into the Floating Dreams Pagoda.

"He took it!"

"Kill him!"

In an instant, countless attacks bombarded towards Wu Yu.

Wu Yu left swiftly and appeared outside the frenzied crowd. In an instant, he changed his appearance and left openly. No one paid any attention to him.

Then, he set his sights on another ghostly king.

To Wu Yu, such a mass battle that did not require his active involvement presented the best opportunities!

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