Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1420. 3 Great Ghostly Kings

He had his eyes on his next target.

The 10,000 Bones Ghostly King was dead and those with similar level of strength as him was nearing death even if they were valiant in killing several hundreds of elite immortal lords.

Wu Yu changed his identity and showed up beside his next target.

That was Gloomy Dreams Ghostly King.

She was assigned by Chakravarti Ghostly King to protect Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord. However, as they were lacking in manpower recently, he was reassigned by Chakravarti Ghostly King to search for Chifeng Immortal Lord who was in fact Wu Yu.

Therefore, it's obvious that she wouldn't find him.

Previously, she was involved in strengthening the defence of the Astral Guardian Field. Once the Astral Guardian Field was breached, she bore the brunt of the attacks. Close to 1,500 immortal lords surrounded her and they were intelligent to keep a distance from her while showering relentless bombardments.

She saw 10,000 Bones Ghostly King dying in battle. Before Wu Yu got close, she was already panicking.

Although Wu Yu wasn't a ghostly king, he surpassed the ghostly kings in the aspect of fleeing for his life.

Gloomy Dreams Ghostly King couldn't withstand the new wave of attacks as she cried tragically. Although the attacks wouldn't pose a huge threat to her, the volume simply devoured her.

After she was devoured, several waves of attacks ensued and the Gloomy Dreams Ghostly King was blown to pieces.

Before this, several immortal lords risked the danger of being hit by others in charging to snatch the belongings of Gloomy Dreams Ghostly King.

However, Wu Yu was quicker. With Fulgurating Shadows, he appeared beside the ghostly king and kept her corpse at the first instance without thinking.

The next instant, a large number of attacks rained on him. Wu Yu was almost blown apart but was fortunately quick enough to escape. However, there were few spots on his body that weren't injured.

He changed another identity immediately. Within his body, there were still voluminous autonomous realm powers and Immortal Lord Realm techniques from immortal lords lingering that had to be expelled as soon as possible. Therefore, he couldn't get out to contest immediately.

At this juncture, Chakravarti Ghostly King had seen the wretched states the other ghostly kings were in. Those were all his subordinates! Anger smoldered in him as he saw the huge losses to his Chakravarti Imperial Army.

He finally admitted defeat and yelled, "Chakravarti Imperial Army, retreat! All other ghostly kings, follow me back to the Prismatic Thunderball! Quick!"

He wasn't afraid of the besiegement of immortal lords. To this point, he had killed over a thousand immortal lords in battle!

Wherever he went, the immortal lords would hide.

At this point, several tens of thousands of immortal lords had entered the crust of the star. He was probably anxious about this and would want to retreat back to the nucleus of the star.

After which, Wu Yu saw the Chakravarti Ghostly King dashing towards the Hell master's residence. The Hell master's residence was protected by immortal designs and he was probably going to get Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord.

"Where's your brother?" Amidst the chaos, Chakravarti Ghostly King returned to the Hell master's residence and only saw Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord.

"He said he's going to help and I couldn't stop him......"

Chakravarti Ghostly King was furious and cursed, "Help? He probably found a place to hide! In that case, he deserves it if he died!"

Under the current circumstances, he didn't have the time to look for the White-Eyed Ghostly Lord. He brought Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord along, dashed into the cracks of the land and moved towards his Great Void Immortal Treasure, Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti.

The ghostly kings received the orders of Chakravarti Ghostly King and knew where was safe. The majority of them were in hiding to start with and didn't allow themselves to be cornered by the immortal lords. At this point, they quickly darted underground.

The Chakravarti Ghostly King was probably going to defend the Prismatic Thunderball. Nearing the nucleus of the star, few immortal lords could withstand the heat of the lava. The place was also narrower, meaning they would face fewer immortal lords at any point. Retreating to that place was the best option for the Chakravarti Ghostly King currently.

The majority of the ghostly kings succeeded in escaping. As for the Chakravarti Imperial Army, they weren't interested to battle further. Some even escaped out of the Chakravarti-raja Star. As such, the immortal lords weren't interested to pursue them.

Killings and chaos were everywhere on Chakravarti-raja Star.

However, not all ghostly kings managed to escape and were surrounded. Wu Yu gritted his teeth, took the risk again and brought away the corpse of Amethyst Soul Ghostly King. However, he suffered severe injuries that even his Invincible Vajra Body was almost decimated by those frenzied immortal lords!

The Amethyst Soul Ghostly King was just at the first tier of the Great Void Ghostly Realm. 10,000 Bones Ghostly King and him dying here were purely because they weren't strong enough.

Wu Yu felt that three ghostly kings and their understanding of the rule were sufficient. He was contented and probably couldn't take in all if he had more.

Therefore, he let Full Moon of Nanshan out amidst the chaos. Full Moon of Nanshan had reached the Immortal Lord Realm and with Wu Yu's free Imparting, his improvements were astounding and he could match a 7-realm immortal lord.

With his Gone from the Skies, he could move freely outside. As for Wu Yu, he would have 100 times more time. He now had the opportunity to devour the three ghostly kings after waiting for so long.

This was a chance for his metamorphosis.

However, he didn't have lots of time currently. Therefore, he simply devoured the three ghostly kings to digest slowly. As for using their dao to advance in cultivation realm, it would naturally take a lot longer.

After three consecutive devouring of three ghostly kings, he felt he was on the brink of exploding. A large portion of the powers of the ghostly kings remained in his body, causing his immortal spirit to revert to the form of the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast. His eyes were bloodshot and couldn't even hide them with Replicate. This was a sign that his devouring had pushed the limits to which the Ruyi Jingu Bang could still suppress.

Nonetheless, Wu Yu could still withstand for now. At the very least, the devouring allowed his injuries to recover instantly. After all, the corpses of the three ghostly kings still kept the essences of flesh and blood.

This didn't take long. On one end, he was digesting the memories and cultivation arts of the three ghostly kings. Similar to a machine, he picked and chose the portions that he would want to assimilate. On the other end, he left the Floating Dreams Pagoda and flew towards the Chakravarti-raja Star. He had to verify the situation of that place.

After all, that concerned the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King.

"What are you......" Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord was filled with grievances. Looking at Wu Yu with overwhelming "procreation" vibes, she found Wu Yu to be lethally attractive and unbearable. Just as she expected and before she could speak further, Wu Yu cast another Spirit Chaser Art to send her to sleep.

When she was sleeping, her breathing was rapid and her body was of an attractive shade of red. Wu Yu found it especially hard to endure at this point. This was awkwardness brought by the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast. However, even though he desired it dearly, he gritted his teeth and went out so as to keep his mind away.

Immediately after, he carried his almost bursting body and disorderly thoughts underground towards the core of the star.

The majority of these immortal lords wouldn't know the way. Therefore, they weren't as direct as Wu Yu and was exploring the place.

Even if someone found the location of the Prismatic Thunderball, he wouldn't let others know. Therefore, it was an exceptionally chaotic scene within the star too.

Wu Yu dived deeper and soon arrived at where the Prismatic Thunderball was. He realized there were few immortal lords who had found the place.

They had no plans at the moment as they couldn't even see the Prismatic Thunderball. All they saw was the legendary Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti of the Chakravarti Ghostly King in this place. They naturally wouldn't know that the gigantic Prismatic Thunderball was now surrounded by the Great Void Immortal Treasure.

At this moment, the black disc-like wheel was triggered and spinning. All of a sudden, the engravings seemed to have come alive. Above the wheel, countless vengeful spirits lingered and tragic mourns filled the space. Millions of vengeful spirits distributed around the black disc. No matter which immortal lord tried to approach, those vengeful spirits would dived into their body. That would be a frightening experience as the immortal lords would be confronting an internal struggle with the immortal spirit invaded by the vengeful spirits. Some could withstand and retreat. For those who couldn't, they would be surrounded by endless vengeful spirit and eventually lost their lives.

The Chakravarti Ghostly King retreated to defend a small area like this while also releasing the powers of the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti. This was probably the most terrorizing Great Void Immortal Treasure in Astral Hell and the powers would definitely be extraordinary. In a small place like this, several hundreds of thousands of immortal lords wouldn't be able to gather here to attack together. The surface area of the Great Void Immortal Treasure was also way smaller than the Astral Guardian Field and therefore could be sustained longer. 

There weren't many immortal lords currently and as it stood, they couldn't get near the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti at all. On the other end, Chakravarti Ghostly King and his core aides were all in it. The current situation had spiralled into a standstill. No one knew if there would be any changes once more and more immortal lords found this place.

Wu Yu had yet to see Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji.

"They are smart and probably worried there are too few immortal lords around. If they show themselves recklessly, the Chakravarti Ghostly King might come personally to capture them." 

"Since there's a standstill where immortal lords couldn't breach the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti and Chakravarti Ghostly King still didn't find a way to get the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King, I might as well use the time to cultivate."

After assessing the circumstances, Wu Yu made his decision.

He let Full Moon of Nanshan out and made him used Gone from the Skies so no one could notice him. Ye Xixi came out too and transformed into a grain of sand to follow Full Moon of Nanshan. Wu Yu asked them to monitor the situation and inform him at once if something changed.

After which, he could make use of the limited time to cultivate.

Using the time between battles to cultivate was an exhilarating experience!

Wu Yu believed it wouldn't be long before a large number of immortal lords found the place. When the time come, he wouldn't know if anything would happen.

Regardless, a day outside would mean Wu Yu had a hundred days to cultivate.

The experiences of the three ghostly kings were a little too robust for Wu Yu. He had to calm his mind and focus on cultivating.

With the rapid changing circumstances, making each second counts to cultivate would require a certain level of discipline.

After just five days outside, more than two thousand immortal lords had gathered. Full Moon of Nanshan informed Wu Yu that he had spotted Gu Huo Immortal Lord in the crowd.

Wu Yu asked him to keep his eyes on Gu Huo Immortal Lord and to inform him at once if he made any moves.

For now, Gu Huo Immortal Lord seemed to be helpless against the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti. As they didn't know about the Prismatic Thunderball, many people didn't believe the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King would be here. Some left shortly after arriving and the majority of the immortals were still searching the interior of the entire star. 

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