Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1519. Catastrophe

With so many eternal immortal emperors looking, it wasn't convenient for Wu Yu to speak too frequently.

He looked at Nangong Wei in disbelief and felt complicated. He had never experienced betrayal from those he was closest to. Wu Yu had went through a lot with her. It was especially so when he forcefully pulled her back from what seemingly was death for certain.

When she acted so haughty and dominant without a chance for negotiation, Wu Yu couldn't understand her at all!

This was like Full Moon of Nanshan or Ye Xixi betraying him!

Something impossible had actually happened.

Nangong Wei still couldn't accept he had married another girl?

However, she wouldn't have to upset the apple cart at this point! If Wu Yu's secret was exposed, his enemies were all eternal immortal emperors. That would be frightening......

The outcome was unimaginable!

Therefore, he was especially anxious. He couldn't speak reckless and could only communicate with his eyes. He was begging her to show mercy on him this time.

He was anxious and had rarely begged her.  When they parted in the Great Void Immortal Path previously, she wasn't like she was right now. Also, Wu Yu could tell she definitely wasn't Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord. She was Nangong Wei. Her eyes were telling Wu Yu she knew everything about both of them from the very beginning...... Including how they met when she was still a little girl...... 

However, even his earnest gaze couldn't stop her! 

Nangong Wei didn't hesitate at all. After speaking to Sky Heart Dragon Emperor, she shouted, "Sky Heart Dragon Emperor and the mystical dragon tribe, I believe you guys would remember Tian Que Dragon King and others had pursued an immortal named Wu Yu. In the end, three of them died and only Tian Que returned. However, are you guys certain the one who returned was Tian Que Dragon King and not the husband of Luo Pin from the mortal domain? The one who is Wu Yu?"

She really said it.

After she was done, her eyes lit up with nine-colored flames while staring grimly at Wu Yu!

Perhaps she wouldn't want to divulge what she was feeling right now. Therefore, she was trying to use this to hide herself!

Nonetheless and regardless how she felt, she had dealt the greatest and most severe blow to Wu Yu!

Wu Yu and Luo Pin felt as though lightning had struck them!

Even if they had prepared for all scenarios, they wouldn't have expected it was her who would step forward to cause harm to him.

Wu Yu had initially thought he would be entirely safe after this wedding.

He could keep a low profile and focus on cultivating.

He thought of ten thousand possibilities that his identity might be discovered. This included the Eye of Heaven of the True Lord Erlang. However, ten thousand years had passed and True Lord Erlang had not agreed to help Mighty Miracle God and others by activating his Eye of Heaven for an insignificant Wu Yu.

In the past, he was most afraid of the Eye of Heaven. At the same time, he was most confident of Nangong Wei. After all, they were first in love, hated each other subsequently and eventually getting past those emotions.

He couldn't understand this at all. Therefore, he was staring at Nangong Wei in complete disbelief. She knew his weakness clearly. If she was determined to cause harm to him, no one could possibly stop that mouth of hers!

The more Wu Yu tried to deny, the quicker he would be exposed.

Luo Pin understood the outcome too and couldn't help but to grab Wu Yu's arm with both arms. She was still immersed in the greatest bliss of her lifetime just moments ago. Yet, her eyes were now filled with tears. She wasn't just melancholy but also petrified. She knew what Wu Yu had done in the sky palaces which were ruled by force. Now, she just want to hold him closely and be with him through thick and thin just like the pledge they made previously.

Till death do they part!

However, Wu Yu was still reeling in shock! Disbelief! If someone had told him that his imminent destruction would be because of Nangong Wei, he wouldn't have believed!

Once, she broke his heart. He was forced to hand over the Disciple Amulet and everything he had in Shushan. He opened numerous blood wounds on him so as to give back everything to her.

Subsequently, he helped her out greatly and even saved her life!

Yet, why would she still demand more from him at this point?

Moreover, she spoke with such gusto and conviction!

Obviously, what she just said was preposterous to others. Upon hearing, Sky Heart Dragon Emperor laughed, "Provenance Phoenix Empress, your daughter is really imaginative but is a little overly mischievous. Not all words could be said. Are you implying I couldn't tell my own grandson......"

The crowd also smiled. When Nangong Wei said those words, the crowd heaved a sigh of relief. So Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord was making a joke on this? This was the so-called secrets? They had all seen it as a joke.

Most of people were laughing at the preposterous and strange thoughts that Nangong Wei had. They naturally believed Sky Heart Dragon Emperor wouldn't have mistaken someone as his own grandson. Sky Heart Dragon Emperor was an elite eternal immortal emperor!

Only a few people found something was amiss.

Wu Jun, Wu Hao and Ye Qianning exchanged glances in shock before looking at Wu Yu.

They too felt they were struck by lightning!

They finally understood why Tian Que Dragon King became more likeable suddenly! 

Why would Luo Pin be willing to marry Tian Que Dragon King who was supposed to be her personal foe. With their understanding of Luo Pin, even if it was several tens of thousands of years, Luo Pin wouldn't have agreed to the wedding!

Why would Luo Pin tell them not to worry and she had a sense of propriety!

All these were implying what was taken as a joke currently might very well be true! 

Therefore, their hearts started racing.

When others burst into laugher, Nangong Wei laughed too. Her voice still stuck out as she said, "Yeah. An insignificant Wu Yu would not be able to hide from the eyes of Sky Heart Dragon Emperor. It's a coincidence that Mighty Miracle God is here today! Everyone, listen up! What if this insignificant Wu Yu is the true identity of Chifeng Immortal Lord?"

Those laughers came to an abrupt stop when the words "Chifeng Immortal Lord" were mentioned.

Everyone's smile froze. Previously, they thought they were smart and found Nangong Wei hilarious. However, when they heard the words, they knew they were the hilarious ones.

"Chifeng Immortal Lord is capable of numerous transformation. His true identity is none other than Wu Yu, or the Tian Que Dragon King in front of you guys now."

Nangong Wei's eyes were filled with colorful flames as she concluded her final remark nonchalantly. 

At this moment, silence dawned upon the entire Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm.

Everyone was stumped. They looked at Wu Yu in disbelief, turned to see the cold Nangong Wei before looking at Luo Pin who had hugging Wu Yu.

Complete silence.

Sky Heart Dragon Emperor, Mighty Miracle God, Four Heavenly Kings, Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor and others were all focused on Wu Yu.

It was as though enlightenment struck everyone at the same time.

Wu Yu had never expected this day to come so soon and he was sent to hell by someone he was completely at ease with.

Nangong Wei.

He felt he was in a dream. His eyes was on her, wishing to say something but his throat was shuddering.

No matter how much he wanted to deny, this had happened. He had not died because of the Eye of Heaven but was betrayed by someone he couldn't believe would have done so. 

He had endless questions in mind. However, it didn't matter. Those who learned of the truth after being kept in the dark would definitely explode. 

Sky Heart Dragon Emperor, Mighty Miracle God and the Four Heavenly Kings who were fuming because of the tarnished reputation of Mo Yuji. In fact, they were still rumors going around about Chifeng Immortal Lord having his way with Mo Yuji on that day.

"Tian Que Dragon King, Chifeng Immortal Lord, Qing Xuan Immortal Lord, White-Eyed Ghostly Lord, White Chalk Ghostly Lord and even the Snow Region Immortal Lord that once held me hostage were all Wu Yu from the beginning. A guy who came from the mortal domain and is capable of numerous transformation."

Perhaps she felt the damage wasn't lethal. Nangong Wei followed up with another blow.

All these were like a dream.

Only the warmth and love he felt from Luo Pin who was hugging him tightly felt real. In this vast world, only she was still standing with him.

The silence continued. There were only confusion in Wu Yu. Even till now, he didn't hate Nangong Wei. He just didn't understand...... 

Pa pa!

Claps broke the silence suddenly. The crowd looked over and it was Mighty Miracle God clapping with his gigantic palms. His eyes were like two blazing suns, locked on Wu Yu. It was at this moment Wu Yu felt he couldn't move anymore, let alone escape. The only part he could move was his mouth. While still reeling in disbelief, he missed the opportunity to escape.

Just moments ago, he could have escaped with Luo Pin. With so many eternal immortal emperors in front of them now, he couldn't have escaped with Somersault Cloud, let alone using the Gateway to the Ancient Demon Realm.

In other words, under the suppression of Mighty Miracle God, his death sentence was certain.

"So your real name is Wu Yu! A miracle that had never happened in the sky palaces in history!" Mighty Miracle God clapped as he spoke. From the force he was clapping, the crowd could tell how intense his desire was to find Wu Yu over these years. Now, he finally had Wu Yu where he wanted!

The reason why he clapped was because he was impressed. An insignificant being had taken various eternal immortal emperors and eternal devil emperors for a spin! If he wasn't exposed today, it was clear he could live on as Tian Que Dragon King. No one would be able to find him, period.

Therefore, he clapped.

Soon, the Four Heavenly Kings clapped too. It was just that as they clapped, they looked especially grim.

They had been through a lot over the past ten thousand years. For them, this was a plesant surprise.

For Sky Heart Dragon Emperor, it was like he was struck by lightning.

Now that the cat was out of the bag and they had seen everything, they knew who Tian Que Dragon King really was.

Other than Wu Yu, who could possibly make Luo Pin agree to the marriage?

So this was the truth......

Sky Heart Dragon Emperor roared and stared intensely at Wu Yu with his snow-white eyes. His fury had given rise to frightening murderous intent.

"Bastard! You dare to fool me as well?"

If it was just Tian Que Dragon King who died, it wouldn't matter. The key was he organized such a grand event today. A dragon emperor was toyed around by an insignificant immortal. If this got out, he would be the butt of the joke in the sky palaces!

Only reducing Wu Yu to ashes instantly would possibly save his some face.

"You better don't." Just as he was about to make a move, Mighty Miracle God and the Four Heavenly Kings stopped him.

"Sky Heart Dragon Emperor, we have been working hard for ten thousand years so as to capture him. How could we possibly just let you kill him here? If we don't torture them for millions of years, it wouldn't compensate the efforts we have expended!"

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