Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1520. Judgement

Nangong Wei had announced the truth publicly and clearly.

She revealed the truth in front of an entire group of eternal immortal emperors, which included the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor, Dong Hua Great Emperor Lord, and Central Ecliptic Great Yellow Horn Immortal.

Even if Wu Yu could fight an immortal king, the vast differences in power between him and these emperors were too great to overcome.

These were the eternal existences who controlled the Heavenly Domain through the endless years.

A mere glance from any one of them could freeze Wu Yu on the spot.

The entire place was in complete silence.

When everyone found out that Tian Que Dragon King was Wu Yu, and Wu Yu was Chifeng Immortal Lord, they were utterly shocked. The sheer amount of information to absorb was too overwhelming.

They stared at each other blankly and dared not comment in front of the angry eternal immortal emperors.

Obviously, this was no longer a wedding.

The wedding was a thing of the past.

Now the focus was on Chifeng Immortal Lord.

The Sky Heart Dragon Emperor and the entire mystical dragon tribe had been played out mercilessly by Wu Yu.

Compared to the death of Tian Que Dragon King, it was the revelation that Wu Yu had tricked them that resulted in the entire tribe's humiliation.

A furious ball of flames burned in the Sky Heart Dragon Emperor's chest. He had never been so angry within the past few Yuan of time. Instinctively, he wanted to smash Wu Yu to vent his anger. However, he felt that the Mighty Miracle God's words made sense too.

The Chifeng Immortal Lord had stirred up anger in many other eternal immortal emperors too.

At present, Mighty Miracle God, the Four Heavenly Kings, as well as Beiyin Necropolis Grand Emperor and White Impermanence from the 10,000 Levels of Hell were at the wedding.

They bore greater hatred towards Wu Yu compared to the Sky Heart Dragon Emperor. Hence, they could not possibly allow Sky Heart Dragon Emperor to kill Wu Yu just like that.

Hence, Sky Heart Dragon Emperor pressed down the anger in his heart and uttered calmly: "You can torture him, but leave some for me. Such an interesting little rascal. I think he deserves 'special' treatment from all of us victims."

Mighty Miracle God glowered at Wu Yu. He also spoke coldly: "Sky Heart Dragon Emperor, be rest assured that we have discussed what we will do after we catch him. Now, the only change is simply your addition to the party."

Dhrtarastra was just beside him. After the Great Void Immortal Path, Mo Yuji had refused to leave the house due to the rampant gossip outside.

He said: "Actually it is not only us. Beiyin Necropolis Grand Emperor, Judge Wangfeng, and White Impermanence from the 10,000 Levels of Hell have also come to an agreement. This time, we cannot forget them or else they will be unhappy."

After saying, he used the immortal message talisman to send out messages. He was probably inviting Beiyin Necropolis Grand Emperor and the others over.

They had actually formed an alliance over all these years just to search for Chifeng Immortal Lord!

Eternal immortal emperors and eternal devil emperors rarely interacted and an alliance had actually formed because of Wu Yu. Even now when the eternal immortal emperors had found Wu Yu, they still remembered to contact the eternal devil emperors.

Such an alliance was rare even in history.

"This rascal have wasted our manpower and efforts, and even resulted in our alliance. Even if we catch him today, I think I will remember this for a long time." Virupaksa commented.

"He can live until his 1 million years of life ends. It is just that he can forget about living it well." Virudhaka replied.

As for Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor and the others, they simply watched on. After all, Wu Yu had not offended them. This was not the Sublime Gracious Sky as well. Hence, even if they were stronger, it would not be convenient for them to pass judgement on this group of eternal immortal emperors trying to exact revenge on Wu Yu.

"Dancing Flame, how did you know?" Provenance Phoenix Empress frowned and voiced out the doubt that many people had. Of course, Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord was now their benefactor. She would only be rewarded, not punished.

That woman in bright red dress spoke proudly: "I recently absorbed a phoenix egg which came from the same realm as them, the Jambu Realm. It is an incredibly tiny place. The phoenix egg survived unexpectedly and had encountered Wu Yu before. So she knew some of their past. Not only that, she had a relationship with him too. So, I'm actually helping her to get revenge as well."

Her explanation was logical.

But she must have lied.

Because she was not the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord but Nangong Wei. Wu Yu knew that as she had avoided his gaze when she spoke.

She avoided him by burning bright flames in her eyes.

Wu Yu still did not know what was going on with her.

However, it was because of his misplaced trust in her that he was in this dire state.

He was like a weak little bunny surrounded by packs of lion. At this crucial juncture, his current position was equivalent to being trapped in a cage. There was no way of escaping at all!

These eternal immortal emperors had finally gotten their hands on Chifeng Immortal Lord. How could they slip up and give Wu Yu a chance to escape?

Now Wu Yu could not move at all.

Other than the eternal immortal emperors' discussion, the entire venue was still silent. Everyone was astonished.

On the other hand, Wu Jun and his family were filled with worry. They had known the truth too late. They only knew too clearly that Wu Yu was doomed.

Besides, under such a situation, how could Luo Pin get away?

Now they were all waiting for Beiyin Necropolis Grand Emperor and the other eternal devil emperors to come over.

Sky Will Dragon King flew above Wu Yu. His eyes glowed as he asked: "You killed my son?"

Wu Yu could not raise his head. He was immobilized and could only speak now. When met with such a calamity, Wu Yu could only laugh out loud. He was also a proud person. He retorted: "That is because your son is too useless."

Today's predicament was out of his expectations.

But, how could he blame Nangong Wei?

He just did not understand!

Until now he could not figure out why she would do this to him.

But, he thought that this was fate. Whether he lived or died was up to the heavens.

Some calamities could not be resolved by being reckless or heavens defying. Some was a dead end just like the situation today!

He was doomed to have fallen into their hands!

At this moment, feelings like fear and hatred were useless.

Now he could only sense the warmth from Luo Pin. She was terrified but still stood in front of Wu Yu to protect him. Her cold sharp eyes were fixed on Nangong Wei. She uttered each word slowly and clearly: "I don't understand why you are doing this but if you have a hint of conscience, you will regret this forever."

Nangong Wei ignored her, her face calm and expressionless.

Sky Will Dragon King had just been insulted by Wu Yu and was furious. When Luo Pin stood up for Wu Yu, he scolded her harshly: "Traitor! The Sky Heart tribe had treated you well but you forget your roots and help this outsider to harm your own family!"


Luo Pin did not evade in time and was struck by Sky Will Dragon King's slap. Half of her face instantly reddened and became swollen.

"How dare you touch her!" Wu Yu was triggered. His eyes glowed red and the ferocity of the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast exploded from him.

No one had dared to hit Luo Pin in front of him. Wu Yu was not a mystical dragon but this was his achilles heel. Even people who were 1000 li away could sense his raging anger.

Sky Will Dragon King scoffed: "Why can't I slap a traitor?"

Wu Yu growled. His fierce glare pierced into the Sky Will Dragon King as he said: "Heed my words, if I survive today, I will return the humiliation by ten folds when I get the chance!"

"Ha ha!" Sky Will Dragon King guffawed so heartily that the other mystical dragons could not help but laugh along.

"Such a naive child. He's still unaware of his predicament."

"Doesn't he know the difference between an eternal immortal emperor and immortal king?"

"Maybe he thinks that an eternal immortal emperor is just slightly stronger than an immortal king, and he can catch up with another Hundred Years, Thousand Time talisman."

"Too naive... ..."

Derisive laughter erupted from everywhere.

The surrounding mystical dragons and guests gradually reacted and realised that this was no longer a grand wedding. It was now an exposé of Chifeng Immortal Lord.

It had been over 10,000 years. The mysterious Chifeng Immortal Lord was finally exposed and it was only now that everyone realised that he was just an ordinary person. The only reason that he could survive after killing so many eternal immortal emperors' children was because of luck.

When Sky Will Dragon King stopped laughing, he tried to grab Luo Pin. He said: "Since he is Chifeng Immortal Lord, then you are his accomplice. Let's see how my father will sentence you."

"Stop it!" Wu Jun rushed down and attempted to stop Sky Will Dragon King. However, an eternal immortal emperor blocked Wu Jun's route.

Mighty Miracle God did not even want to let Luo Pin off.

Wu Yu knew that he might be destroyed but he would never allow Luo Pin to be destroyed together with him.

At this moment, Luo Pin's eyes had reddened too. She had groomed herself well for one month just for the wedding today. She was dressed beautifully but was in such a perilous predicament. When she looked at Wu Yu, Wu Yu could tell that she was feeling terrified and helpless. It was a pity that even he could not turn the tables around this time, much less to create a miracle.

However, the least that Wu Yu could do was to protect her. He called out loudly: "Dragon emperor! Revered Dragon Council! I gave her the Dragon Ancestor's Legacy that I have gotten from the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory! I believe that this is something of great merit to the mystical dragon tribe. I do not ask for your help, but please protect her!"

Wu Yu's words roused another discussion. They had heard legends and myths of the Dragon Ancestor. Even now, only a few eternal immortal emperors had guessed that Luo Pin had received an eternal immortal emperor's legacy. However, they would never guess that she had received the Dragon Ancestor's legacy!

The Dragon Ancestor was the absolute being in the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm.

Wu Yu only knew that with the Dragon Ancestor's legacy, Luo Pin would be spared.

After hearing Wu Yu's words, Sky Will Dragon King regretted slapping Luo Pin. He knew that Luo Pin would not be punished today. From the way Luo Pin had looked at him, he knew that one day he would have to pay for the slap when Luo Pin became an eternal immortal emperor.

He had acted rashly due to the sudden news that his son was dead. However, he was now filled with endless regret.

He actually trembled under Luo Pin's stare. She was just a woman but her eyes were filled with intense hatred.

"Come back!" Sky Heart Dragon Emperor ordered. Sky Will Dragon King could only return to him obediently. He saw the Sky Chariot Dragon King and Sky Shadow Dragon Queen looking at him gleefully. After having to swallow their dissatisfaction for so many years, the two of them were happy to see him committing a mistake today.

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