Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 826: Mercenary Association


Gu Geoff closed the wooden door.

While taking out two glasses of hot wine from the kitchen.

Put it in front of Brian and Lin Bei.



Brian nodded and took the hot wine.

But to Geoffrey, a little surprised...


Lin Bei actually shook his head and refused his drink.

"I don't like drinking."


Gu Gefu looked dumbfounded.

He did not expect.

A little beggar is so picky.


"This wine is not for you."

Gu Geoff shook his head and smiled bitterly: "You just got caught in the heavy rain. Drinking some hot wine can just ward off the cold."

While talking.

Gu Geoff handed the wine to Lin Bei.

Does not drive the cold.

Once you get sick, you can be in trouble!


"no need!"

Under the shocked gaze of Ge Jeff.

Lin Bei didn't know where he was from, suddenly took out a cylindrical paper cup with a wide top and a narrow bottom.


It also wrote in weird words: a little bit!

to be frank.

Ge Jeff did not recognize these three words.

But just smell the heat coming out of the cup.

Milk tea!

And it is a very fragrant milk tea!

But the problem is...

A little beggar.

There is a set of torn clothes all over the body.


Where did you get this "little" milk tea?


Still steaming.

Gu Geoff had a question mark.


He can't control this for now.

The most important thing is Brian with a decadent face.

So kung fu in his mind.


They have already drunk two barrels of hot wine in one go.

This is no longer a cold.

I want to get drunk!


Put aside the doubts about Lin Bei for now.

Gu Geoff grabbed Brian's shoulder: "What happened to you these days?"


There was silence for a second.

Brian collapsed again.

This time, he even cried directly.



I repeated the local matter I just told Lin Bei.

"This child has been abused miserably!"

Lin Bei sighed.

While looking at Brian's mouth.

The so-called Kingdom's first swordsman Ge Geoff.

First of all.

It looks like an iron tower.

Certainly not a swordsman who takes the light route.


Keep a brownish beard.

Just a face makes people feel brave.


Lin Bei noticed.

This Gu Geoff behaved.

Different from the random mercenary Bryan.

It is, the breath of some military figures.

In other words...


Two great swordsmen.

A mercenary, a soldier?

Lin Bei shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He still couldn't judge.

What kind of world is this!

Thinking about...

Brian seems to have been.

I finished the story of my abuse.

But this time...

Lin Bei got a new message.

"Shatia Bradfren!"

This is the woman.

With a little finger, he defeated Brian.

Lin Bei has a hunch.

As long as you can find this woman.

He can know.

What kind of world is this?


Lin Bei said directly.


Brian and Geff, the two battles zero scum discussion.

"Where can I find her?"


Brian and Gu Geoff were stunned.

"what did you say?"

Brian's eyes widened with confusion.

Gu Geoff on the side.

Also very puzzled.

In his opinion……

Lin Bei is just a little beggar in trouble.

It's on Brian's face.

Bring him into the house.

Hide from the rain.

Drink a cup of hot wine by the way to warm up your body.

It is the best of benevolence.


Little beggars should be grateful.


Don't say it's grateful.

In the eyes of this little beggar.

Not only did he not see the slightest gratitude.


In a trance.

It seems to see some insignificant pity.

Are you kidding me?

He and Brian.

They are the two most famous swordsmen in the kingdom.

Why should a little beggar have mercy on them?



As the chief warrior of the kingdom.

Not really, for such a small matter.

He was angry with Lin Bei.

And Brian on the side.

Suddenly narrowed his eyes:

"Do you want to find Shatia?"


Lin Bei nodded gently.

He was pretty sure.

Just find this Shatia.

He can know the true information of this world.

Brian squinted and nodded lightly.

"it is good!"

"Brian you?"

Gu Geoff looked surprised: "According to what you said, isn't this little beggar going to die?"

"Will not."

Brian smiled coldly, lowered his voice and explained, "Do you think he can really see Shatia?"

With the power of Shatia.

Not a little beggar, you can see if you want!

"I'm nothing but."

"I want to teach him a lesson!"

There was a sneer on Brian's face.

It is different from the warrior chief Geoff.

As a mercenary, his heart is not so soft!


Gu Gefu couldn't help being silent.

Because he thinks.

Give this little beggar a lesson.


It is also a good thing!

This time, it was Bryan who talked to him well.

But next time?

and so……


Gu Geoff nodded slightly.

He agreed with Brian's idea.

The whole process.

Both Gurdjieff and Brian lowered their voices.

I thought Lin Bei couldn't hear it!

But what they didn't expect was...

With the power of Linbei.

Don't say lower your voice.

Even if they fly a hundred thousand light years away.

Lin Bei.

You can hear it clearly!

As for how to find this Shatia.

"According to my experience."

Brian nodded affirmatively: "In the Mercenary Association, she should be offered a reward or wanted."

Brian remembered it clearly.

Xia Tiya was at that time.

One person killed their entire mercenary group.

Such a situation.

She will definitely be wanted by the Mercenary Association!

and so……

"If you want to find Shatia, go to the Mercenary Association first!" Brian squinted slightly.

Hehe sneered in his heart.

The mercenaries are all cruel characters!

But no one.

I will love you little beggar.

Lin Bei smiled faintly, and said nothing more.

Then walked out the door.


The fate between him and Brian.

That's it!

At first, Brian and Gu Geoff helped him.

Calculate that he owes a favor.

just like.

Mark of the Pirates and Kane of Jojo.

But now...

Gu Geoff and Brian planned to pit him again.

One good and one evil.

Naturally it is offset!

From this moment on, they owe nothing to each other.


Before Lin Bei opened the door.

Gu Geoff on the side suddenly stretched out his hand.

"Do you want to stay?"


Brian on the side was slightly puzzled.

He did not understand.

Geoff, why did he change his mind temporarily.


Gu Geoff insisted.

Because he found out.

Lin Bei's footsteps are steady and his roots are excellent.

It's a rare, good shoot for martial arts.


Wizards of Heaven!

"I can teach you to learn swords and become a swordsman!"

Gurdjieff vigorously retained.


"No need!"

Lin Bei smiled slightly: "I think I'd better go to the Mercenary Association and find Xia Tiya."


Lin Bei opened the door without hesitation.


Ge Jeff gave a bitter smile and shouted: "If you change your mind, you can come to me at any time."

Lin Bei smiled slightly.

Leaving behind Gu Geoff’s retention,

Compared with these two wars, there is no scum.

He is more interested in the Mercenary Association and Shatia.


Under the rain.

Lin Bei knocked on the door of the Mercenary Association.

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