Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 827: Write bad guys on your face

late at night.

The heavy rain made the air cold.

Available in the Mercenary Association.

The atmosphere is still very hot!

"Give me this E class, the mission to defeat the goblins." "I want this D class, the task of expelling the werewolves."

"Senior silver team, open up wasteland and deboning wasteland. Without a priest, recovery skills are preferred."

It's like a vegetable market.

The mercenaries are here. The task was discussed fiercely.

And at this moment...


Suddenly someone knocked on the door of the Mercenary Association.


There was a long silence.

A well-equipped warrior suddenly grinned: "It looks like a rookie is here!"


Other mercenaries.

They all nodded.


Old mercenary.

He wouldn't knock on the door at all.

Kick open the door, it is already gentle.

Will knock on the door like this.

No need to think about it.

It must be the first time a rookie to the Mercenary Association.

And seeing the rookie...

The first reaction of the old mercenary was all.

"Go, everyone go tease him, have fun!"


Lin Beigang pushed the door open.

He was surrounded by dozens of heavily armed mercenaries.


When I saw Lin Bei's appearance.

All the mercenaries couldn't help but stunned.

"Little beggar, are you lost?" "This is the mercenary association, not where you beg."

While talking.

The mercenaries planned to drive Lin Bei out.


"I'm looking for the Mercenary Association."

Lin Beimian didn't change his face, and smiled faintly, "I'm here to inquire about one thing."


The mercenary soldiers were taken aback.


"Inquire about things?"

A spellcaster holding a red staff laughed loudly: "You regard us as a vegetable market?"

The head of the Mercenary Association.

Also a helpless wry smile:

"Only mercenaries can inquire about news here."


The person in charge intends to kick Lin Bei out first.


"Then I will be a mercenary!"

Lin Bei's voice was not loud.

It happened.

It can be heard by everyone in the entire mercenary association.


It caused a roar of laughter.


The caster laughed, tears were almost coming out, and pointed to the red staff in his hand:

"did you see?"

"This is a staff!"

The other mercenaries all laughed.

One after another took out their own weapons.

"I'm a sword!" "I'm a hammer."

All mercenaries.

Not stingy in mocking Lin Bei.



Lin Bei glanced around and nodded affirmatively.

"It's all fighting zero scum!"

Lin Bei was thinking.

Do you want to breathe?

Blow these annoying ants to death.

"and many more!"

A strong figure.

A strong bald man with a fierce look.

Suddenly sneered and walked out of it.

Lin Bei noticed.

This brawny bald man just appeared.

The entire mercenary association suddenly fell silent.

The mercenaries who were arrogant just now closed their mouths tightly as if they had seen a cat or a mouse.



Still fighting zero scum!

"Little beggar, what do you want to hear?"

The brawny bald man smiled:

"Tell me, let me ask six arms for you."

Heard this...

Lin Bei hasn't spoken yet.

Mercenaries around.

He closed his eyes unbearably.

"Being stared at by six arms, this little beggar is over!" "I guess he, I'm afraid he won't survive tonight!"

Listen to the discussion around.

The brawny bald man named Six Arms had an ugly face.

"Shut up all to me!"

Six arms stared, looking around: "Whoever is saying a word, I will chop off his tongue!"

The mercenaries immediately closed their mouths.

But what they didn't expect was...

On Lin Bei's face.

They didn't even see the slightest fear.

Not only not afraid!

Lin Bei even really asked Six Arms.

"I want to inquire about Shatia!"


The mercenaries were stunned.

Is this little beggar a fool?

These six arms know that he is not a good person at a glance.

How dare you still dare to ask him?



"This name seems familiar!"

There was silence for a while.

A spellcaster holding a red staff.

Suddenly screamed:

"Xia Tiya, didn't it kill all the top monsters of the mercenary group and priest camp two days ago?"

Heard this.

Everyone in the Mercenary Association came to their senses.

That's right!

This Shatia.

It was three days ago.

A horrible monster who killed hundreds of people alone.


"She is dead."

Lin Bei.

He got an answer that surprised him.


already dead!

Killed by Momo, a mercenary of the steel grade!


Air of the Mercenary Association.

For a time, it also solidified.

Because they can't figure it out.

A little beggar in Lin Bei, how could he inquire about Xia Tiya's top monster.

It stands to reason.

He can't even know this name!

Could it be that……

Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

No one is a fool after being a mercenary for so many years.

just now.

Think carefully...

Lin Bei acted previously.

Indeed, weirdness is revealed everywhere.

Thinking of this.

Even the arrogant six arms.

I couldn't help becoming nervous.

Could it be that……

Did he really hit the iron plate?



Lin Bei shook his head slightly:

"Shatia must not die."

Thought about it.

Lin Bei looked to the side with six arms: "Do you have any other channels? Help me inquire again."


Six arms stunned.

The other mercenaries were also stunned.

Is this boy really stupid or fake?

Fools can see it.

These six arms did not intend to help.

He simply has another idea for Lin Bei.

I didn't expect...

Lin Bei.

I actually have to ask Six Arms.

"Yes, of course!"

Six arms was taken aback first.

Then, there was a grim smile:


"I'll take you to a good place. There you are sure that you can find what you want."


"See you Tuqong!"

The mercenaries sighed.

These six arms.

Sure enough, there are attempts to this little beggar!

You don't need to think about it.

This way, I am afraid there will be no good end.


Even Lin Bei.

It's too late to regret it now!

The mercenaries can already be imagined.

After six arms forcibly grabbed Lin Bei from the ground.



Lin Bei...

Nodding unexpectedly!


The mercenaries present opened their mouths.

They don't know what to say anymore.

Just two words!


These six arms are full of flesh.

Simply bad.

Write the words "I'm a bad person" on the face.

Can this be fooled?

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