With a flick of a finger.

Seven days have passed.

The final selection of the Ghost Swordsman also ended.


"Lin Bei!"

Tanjirou grabbed the Sunwheel with a serious face: "You better not do anything harmful to mankind."


"I will kill you!"

The threat to Tanjiro.

Lin Bei just spread his hands and smiled faintly:

"welcome any time!"

Speaking of which...

The two have officially parted ways.


Before separating.

There is one more problem to be solved.

"My wife Zenyi, who are you going to be with?"

As soon as I said...

My wife Zenyi was dumbfounded.

He almost forgot, there is still such a thing.

It's like a divorce.

The child chooses to be the same!

It is the evil Lin Bei.

Still the kind-hearted Tanjiro.

My wife Shan Yi now has the right to choose.

See this...

Tanjirou couldn't help standing up: "Sen Yi, I can see it these days."

"You are different from Lin Bei."

"You are also a kind person!"

The next words.

Needless to say naturally!

Everyone is a kind person.

Of course my wife Zenizu must choose him Tanjirou.

just like.

Divorced couples grab custody.

The mother said to the child: "Good treasure, choose your mother, and your mother can make you delicious food every day.

This is a temptation...


Good baby, my wife Shanyi looked at Lin Bei with groaning.


Lin Bei would also say something nice to keep him.


Lin Bei just smiled faintly and said nothing.

He didn't plan.

With these two guys.

What game to play for custody.

My wife Shan Yi is not important to him either.

See this...

Tanjiro nodded secretly in his heart.

Take it!

The custody of my wife Shanyi belongs to him!

He couldn't think of it.

Why should my wife Shanyi reject him and choose this, Lin Bei, who looks more terrifying than a ghost.


"Brother Lin, I'll follow you!"

My wife Shanyi thought a little.

He stood beside Lin Bei without hesitation.


Tanjirou was stunned.

He did not understand.

My wife Shan Yi, why choose Lin Bei!


My wife Zenyi bowed to Tanjirou with an apologetic face: "Because I just learned to sing pompously, so..."

"Needless to say!"

Tanjirou stretched out his hand with a look of anger: "I am honest, but this does not mean I am stupid!"

Decided to custody because of a song?

I read.

It's not that this song is called pompous.

Your acting skills are called exaggeration!

My wife Shan Yi smiled awkwardly.

In fact, the reason why he chose Lin Bei is very simple.

In this dangerous world.

There is a big brother who is scarier than a ghost.

Isn't it another level of security?

My wife Shan Yi is indeed very kind.


He is also very timid.

It is natural for the timid to rely on the strong.


In addition to this.

There is another important reason.

every time.

Lin Bei's actions were beyond his expectations.

In other words...

If he wants to guess Lin Bei right.

Just guess it yourself.

Then, just choose a completely different answer.

just like……

If you cross into the world of Naruto.

I met Tsunade who was gambling at the casino.

You are not necessarily.

Going to gamble with Tsunade!


You just have to bet on the opposite result of Tsunade.

I will definitely win!

such as.


Tsunade bet big, you bet small.

Tsunade bet small, you bet big.

Be the richest man in Konoha within three days without any problems.

And this time...

My wife Zenyi made such a bet.

He bet on his decision.

Is wrong!


Tanjiro didn't know what to say.

But vaguely...

He always feels.

My wife Shanyi seems to have been taken into the ditch.


By now.

He is not good to say anything.

Lin Bei, my wife Shan Yi and Tan Ji Lang.

Walked out of Fujiki Mountain without saying a word.

After seven days.

Back to the foothills of Fujiki Mountain again!

And the same as when I first entered.

A black-and-white boy like a "prodigy".


Waiting in front of the Torii at the foot of the mountain.

Of course!

Knowing that it is the world of Demon Slayer Blade.

Lin Bei.

have already known.

The true identity of this black and white boy.

The black-haired boy is a good wife.

It's called Sanya Teriya, here referred to as Xiaohui.

The white-haired one is called Sanya Shiki Nikka.

Referred to as Xiaoxiang!

simply put……

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang's father.

No one else, but the master of the ghost killing team.

Yoya Shiki.

Referred to as Xiaoyao!

Xiao Yao is the master of the ghost killing team.

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang.

Naturally the young master of the ghost killing team.

Put it on the earth.

That is, the son and daughter of the company boss.

So to speak...

Ghost kill team.

It is indeed very human.

Recruit the lowest-level ghost-killing swordsman.

All were interviewed by the boss’s son in person.


The only thing that makes people a little concerned about...

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang are two young masters.

The next year is not big.

It looks like only about eight years old.

Can speak.

It's all cold.

It's not like a living person!


"Passed the final selection of the ghost killing team."

Obviously thank you.

But the cold voice was like a machine.

Without the slightest feeling!

My wife Zenyi got goose bumps.

What's more terrifying is...

It's like endorsement.

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang.

He clapped his hands blankly and nodded:

"Not bad!"

"This time the final selection."

"It's really gratifying to have three people survived!"

See this...

My wife Zenyi only felt terrible.

Tanjiro, I don't know why.

And Lin Bei...

I just feel depressed!

This is only seven or eight years old.

It's like a robot.

And next...

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang both.

Continue the endorsement commentary.

"Passed the final selection."

"You have become a ghost-killing swordsman."


"The ghost kill team will send out the same uniform."

These words.

Basically no one cares.

The ghost squad acted outside. In order to hide, the clothes they wear often change.

The uniform of the ghost killing team.

It is generally only worn at the base of the ghost killing team.

Not much!


The next words.

It's the point of joining the ghost killing team.


It is the biggest benefit of joining the ghost killing team!

While talking.

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang.

One side opened the red cloth on the table behind him.


About a dozen yuan.

Strange ore with red light.

"These are the ore used to build the Sunwheel Knife. You can choose one from them."

"By the ghost killing team."

"Forge a Sun Wheel for you!"

That's right!

The biggest benefit of the ghost killing team.

Just a handful.

The sun-wheel sword that belongs only to the ghost swordsman!


Every sun-wheel knife.

Will merge with the master's breath.

So as to play a more powerful force.

It's like my wife Zenizu and Tanjirou.

Both of them.

Although there are also sun-wheel knives.

But they were all borrowed from the master.

It can't be complete.

Show their strength!

As for the ghost swordsman.

Every increase in strength.

All of them, when facing ghosts.

The key to survival!

and so……

A sunken knife of his own.

Is very important!

And the ghost kill team.

Why should they be asked to select ores.

The reason is also very simple.

Ore is born.

Naturally there will be a quality gap!

In other words...

Some ore.

Can create a top-grade sun-wheel knife.

And some ore.

It can only create an ordinary sun-wheel knife.

The gap.

Needless to say, naturally!

and so……

"Start choosing!"

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang stepped aside expressionlessly.


Lin Bei and Tan Zhilang can choose.

See this...

Tanjirou sniffed his nose first.

Then, walking forward with excitement...

But when he was about to stretch out his hand.

"and many more!"

Lin Bei stretched out his hand.


Tanjirou turned his head in confusion.

He didn't understand,

Why did Lin Bei let him wait?

Could it be that he also fell in love with that ore?

But soon...

Tanjiro found out.

Lin Bei wasn't telling him.

Lin Bei this "wait".

It was with Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang.

"What's the matter?"

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang's sisters and brothers were still cold.

Lin Bei didn't care, but smiled slightly: "I have an important question, I must ask."


Xiaohui continued to be expressionless.

Lin Bei smiled slightly and pointed to the table: "There are only a dozen ores here. What if there are not enough points?"


Everyone present was stunned.

This Lin Bei.

Is it a fool?

There are only three of them.

There are dozens of ore here.

How could it not be enough?

"Quite three, enough!"

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang were still cold.

But my wife Shanyi squinted her eyes: In his impression, Lin Bei is not a fool.

Could it be that……

Lin Bei felt that one piece was not enough.

How many more pieces do you want to divide?

The Tanjirou on the side also thought of this.

He frowned immediately.

Lin Bei's greed made him a little dissatisfied.

But before he speaks...

"You misunderstood."

Lin Bei smiled and shook his head:

"It's not that I want to divide more."

"What I think is that besides the three of us, there may be others who are still alive and have passed the selection."

Heard this...

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang haven't spoken yet.

Tanjiro on the side was stunned.

He didn't expect...

He actually misunderstood Lin Bei.

Lin Bei did this.

It turned out to be for other people's consideration!

This discovery...

Suddenly Tanjirou's heart was shaken.

Could it be that……

Did he misunderstand Lin Bei?

Lin Bei.

It's actually one.

A good person with a knife-mouthed tofu heart?

Thinking about...

"Will not."

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang shook their heads gently.

"In the hundreds of years since the selection started, there has never been a single time when more than ten people have passed the selection."

In other words...

A dozen ores here are definitely enough!

Lin Bei is worrying for nothing.

Tanjirou thought for a while, and he would continue to stretch out his hand to take the piece of ore he had just fancyed.


But Lin Bei spoke again.

"I think everyone still needs to be patient." Lin Bei raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a kind smile.

"Since it's good."

"Seven days in Fujikiyama, even if you pass the selection."

"It's not over yet, just wait for it!"

Lin Bei smiled slightly and glanced at the few people present: "Don't you want them to survive?"

"how come!"

Tanjirou was a little annoyed.

He Tanjiro.

How could he be such a shameless person! ?

If possible.

He actually wants everyone to survive!


Lin Bei smiled slightly:

"In this case, let's continue to wait!"


If it breaks history.

Dozens of people survived at once.

A few of them took the ore first, isn't it too selfish?



Tanjirou still took his hands back.


He cannot be so selfish.


He did not expect.

Lin Bei was so selfless and gentle.

It seems.

He really misunderstood Lin Bei!

To this!

Two siblings, Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang, standing on the side.

There is not much opinion.


Both of them.

I had to wait until dark.

Among the people present.

Only my wife, Shan Yi, looked suspicious.

With his experience from people.

He always feels...

Lin Bei is not such an "honest" person.


this matter.

I am afraid it will not be that simple!

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