Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 882: The good boy who knows the good news


Slowly rises from the east.

From Lin Bei, the three of them walked out of Tengxi Mountain.

Three full hours have passed!


Xiaohui shook his head gently.

Based on the difficulty of the final selection.

It’s pretty good to survive three people!


I'm afraid no one will come out again.

Xiaoxiang nodded coldly.

She has presided over several final selections.

This time has not yet come out.

I am afraid.

Will never come out again!

Tanjirou on the side also sighed.

It seems...

Only the three of them really survived.

"Come and pick the ore!"

Xiaohui's face was generally cold, and he lifted the red cloth on the table again: "After this."

"You have a lot to do!"


Tanjiro hesitated.

in case.

He had never heard what Lin Bei said earlier.

Maybe I don't care yet.

I have heard something from Lin Bei.

Now choose the ore.

It's almost like.

The deaths of others were announced in advance.

To some extent.

It's so cruel!

This makes him somewhat unacceptable!

Xiaoxiang on the side.

I also saw Tanjiro's hesitation.

"Do not worry!"

"This vine hits the mountain."

"There can never be anyone alive."

This is actually a very simple truth!

think about it:

The only danger in Fujiki Mountain is ghosts.

Only ghosts can stop the killing of ghost swordsmen.

And ghost.

They can only act at night.

The sky was already bright three hours ago!

in case.

There are still people alive.

There are no ghosts.

They, why didn't they leave Fujikiyama right away?

Until now...

No one has appeared yet.

This shows that there are no living people on the mountain!

This is a very simple logic!

and so……

Xiaoxiang can be absolutely certain: "The vine hits the mountain, and there is no more living person."


Tanjirou sighed, his eyes dimmed:

Because he knows.

What Xiaoxiang said is correct.

I'm afraid that it's really not...

"Do not."

Tanjiro's words are not finished yet.

Lin Bei stood up again.

"why no?"

Everyone is confused.

"I do not think so!"

The corner of Lin Bei's mouth was slightly raised.

A deep smile appeared: "I don't think that all the people on Fujiaki Mountain are dead."

"I firmly believe that there are still people alive."


"There are still many people alive!"


Heard this.

The few people present couldn't help being taken aback.

if we assume.

What Lin Bei said earlier.

It sounds like a kind-hearted prayer.

Abbreviated as: "Our Lady Speech!"

But now, it sounds...

It's almost like.

Lin Bei saw it with his own eyes.

Many people have survived!

There is an inexplicable weirdness.



My wife Shanyi looked nervous: "Sure enough, I knew that there must be a ghost in this matter!"

Thought for a moment...


My wife Shanyi raised her hand towards Xiaohui with a grimace: "I want to take my piece of ore first."

Heard this...

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang have no objection.


They had planned to let my wife Shanyi pick first.

Lin Bei.

It just smiled.

Showed great tolerance.

But Tanjiro frowned involuntarily.

He originally thought.

Lin Bei's personality is cold and selfish...

I didn't expect...

He actually saw the wrong person.

It is not Lin Bei who is selfish.

It was my wife Zenizu who seemed to be honest and faithful.

This made Tanjirou couldn't help feeling angry: "My wife Zenyi, I really saw you wrong!"


My wife Shan Yi was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect it.

He was even criticized by Tanjirou.


By now.

He can't care so much anymore.

In his heart.

There is always a very bad feeling!

all in all……

Get his piece of ore first.

I don't care about selection.

"I want this piece."

Picked a piece casually.

My wife Shan Yi held the ore tightly in her arms.

And just at this moment...


Accompanied by a heavy breath.

A young man wearing a pig's head mask unexpectedly stumbled from the Fujiy Mountain and ran down.

Flopped in front of Torii.

"I'm lost!"

Leave such a sentence behind.

He fainted directly.


Everyone present was stunned.

It was the same as Lin Bei said.

This vine hits the mountain, there are really people alive!

Although all over...

But obviously.

He is still alive, this is the most important thing!

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang looked at each other.

did not expect!

There is such a thing...


Tanjiro was also relieved.

Gave a happy smile:

Because of this proof, they finally did not wait in vain.

But soon...

Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang resumed their cold voices: "Okay, now you can choose ore!"

"it is good!"

Tanjirou smiled and nodded.

I just want to get it.

That piece of ore that I had already taken a fancy to.


"hold on!"

Lin Bei's voice is not loud.

But there is an inexplicable magic.

People can't help turning their heads and letting go.

"hold on?"

Tanjirou, Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang all looked blank.

What are you waiting for?

There can be a lost one.

It's already like.

I bought the lottery ticket and won 5 million!

Could it be...

You buy lottery tickets.

Can you win two five million in a row?

Lin Bei smiled slightly:

"Thirty in a row, it's almost the same."


Tanjirou, Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang have question marks on their faces.

They doubt it.

Did Lin Bei fall into illusion?

In the daytime, I started to talk in sleep.

Thirty five million in a row?

"You really should buy a lottery ticket as a blessing..."

Xiaohui couldn't finish her words.


Another teenager with a bruised body and a swollen nose stumbled down from the mountain.

"The second five million!"

Lin Bei smiled slightly and stretched out two fingers.


Several people present were dumbfounded.

But not waiting for them to recover...

Another girl with a bruised body and a swollen nose stumbled down the mountain.

Lin Bei smiled and raised three fingers.


Several people present.

You look at me, I look at you.

TMD, is it so mysterious?

This bonus has already been predetermined?

Not waiting for them to recover.

Lin Bei's ten fingers are no longer enough, so I have to add my wife Zenizu and Tanjirou.

Just enough.

Start to count the number of people.

Don't add the three of them.

It's just right, no more than 30 people!


This time, even Xiaohui and Xiaoxiang sister and brother.

Can't help swallowing hard:

NM is too mysterious!

Even the number is not bad.

And without exception...

These ghost-killing swordsmen.

All have a swollen nose and face.

At a glance, you know that a fierce battle has been experienced.

Just luckily survived!


Surprised and surprised.

The problem also lies ahead.

Just as Lin Bei expected from the beginning.

The number of people who survived.

It greatly exceeds the number of sun wheel mines.

Don't say pick it!

One piece per person.

Not enough points at all.


Xiaohui bowed his head in thought.

Although, he is the young master of the ghost killing team.


The ore for making Sunwheel Knives.

It is extremely rare and few in number.

All of a sudden.

I want to collect dozens more yuan.

Basically, it is impossible to do!

For the present...

Can only.

Let them divide these dozen ores first.

As for the shortage...


Look for opportunities to fill up slowly.


In this way...

It involves the issue of fairness!

After all, no one is willing to fall behind others.

And in this case...

The only fair way.

It is to draw lots and give fairness to luck.

Thirty-two people.

Eleven lots are drawn!

This probability is almost only one-third.

In other words.

Most people.

in a short period of time.

I'm afraid I won't be able to get it, my own Sun Wheel Knife!


My wife Shanyi couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he just made a decisive decision.

Taken away in advance.

That piece of ore that belongs to me!

Otherwise, he has to bet on luck now.

Thinking of this...

My wife Shanyi couldn't help but smiled triumphantly: I am Shanyi, really smart!

Use reverse thinking.

Successfully escaped!


This smile fell in Tanjirou's eyes.


Tanjirou frowned secretly.

He did not expect.

My wife Shanyi can still laugh.

If it was him...

He could not wait to bow his head in shame.

So many people survived.

It's something to be happy!

Just like him.

Sincerely, happy for these people.


He really didn't want anyone to die.

As for the sun wheel.

The drawing of lots is inherently more fair.


Look at Lin Bei again.

Even if the empty lot has been drawn.

In a short period of time, he couldn't get his sunken knife.

Not the slightest irritation.

Still maintained, gentlemanly demeanor!

Smiling lightly!

"Lin Beijun, I really blamed you."

Tanjilang didn't expect that Lin Bei was such a selfless and noble gentleman.

just thought of.

I had also misunderstood Lin Bei before.

Tanjirou felt even more guilty in his heart.


Tanjirou secretly decided in his heart: if he draws a good lot this time, he gets the sun wheel ore.

Give it to Lin Bei.

To make up for his previous misunderstanding of Lin Bei!


With a "empty" lottery drawn.

His wish fell through!

Like Lin Bei, he could not get the ore.


Tanzhilang sighed quietly: It seems that he can only find opportunities to make up for Lin Bei in the future.

But one thing...

He must make it clear.

"I despise you."

My wife Zenyi looked dazed.

He didn't understand at all.

Why Tanjirou suddenly came to despise him.

I am Shan Yi.

What did you do wrong again?

"What do you mean?"

Tanjirou shook his head with regret: "I never thought that you were such a selfish person."

After listening for a long time...

My wife Shanyi finally understood.

Briefly summarize two sentences.

Tanjiro thinks he has seen the wrong person.

My wife Zenyi.

It's the selfish, cold-blooded bastard.

And Lin Bei...

It is one by one.

A considerate gentleman!


Tanjirou was silent.

Gentleman Qianqian?

You said Lin Bei, the Lin Bei I knew.

Is a man?

Come on, how much did Lin Bei give you as a navy?

Such words are said to be exported.

Doesn’t your conscience hurt?


"Could it be."

"Have you forgotten the green-faced ghost who was tamed into artificial intelligence ghosts by the Ten Great Qing tortures?"

Speaking of this.

My wife Shanyi couldn't help but sigh:

That's one.

Poor ghost who would cry even when he saw him!


Tanjiro hesitated for a few seconds, and his eyes were firm: "No, I will definitely not misunderstand Lin Bei."


Lin Bei is only cruel to ghosts!

My wife Shan Yi was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect it!

Tanjirou is a guy with big eyebrows and big eyes.

Turned out to betray!


"How do you explain this?"

My wife Shanyi stretched out her hand and pointed at Lin Bei.

Under the gaze of everyone.

A ragged, bruised and swollen young man was taking the sundial ore he had just drawn.

Pass it to Lin Bei respectfully!

But what my wife Zenyi didn't expect was...

Tanjirou was even taken for granted:

"Explain what?"


My wife Shanyi doesn't know what to say anymore.

This TM.

Isn't it obvious?

Lin Bei, this guy is collecting protection fees!

People with a little bit of common sense.

You can tell at a glance, okay?

My wife Zeni yelled angrily, hoping to awaken Tanjirou's stupid head.


"You are so dirty!"

Tanjirou looked at him with disgust, then shook his head and sighed, "Your thoughts."

"It's so dirty!"

In Tanjiro's view.

This is where Lin Bei is collecting protection fees?

Obviously this boy.

Was moved by Lin Bei's previous behavior waiting for them.

Offer to Lin Bei!

As for.

Why does he think so...

"Because I planned to do that."


My wife Shan Yi was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect...


There was even such a crazy plan!

"Are you sure you are not sick?"

My wife Shanyi covered her head: "How can you be such a naive fellow in this world."

"I think it's you who is sick!"

Tanjirou always insisted on the justice in his heart: "It's your heart, it's too dirty."


My wife Shan Yi doesn't know what to say.


The facts are in front of you...

"Second, how do you explain?"

Under the gaze of everyone.

There was another boy who took his own ore.

Give it to Lin Bei!


Tanjirou pondered for a while: "This shows that these teenagers are all good people who know what they want."


You can explain it like that! ?

"it is good!"

My wife Shanyi almost laughed angrily, and pointed at the third girl: "This, can you tell me about it?"


"The girl who knows the good news!"


The next thing.


It can no longer be explained by Zhien Graphic News.


Lin Bei’s bosom of ore.

Piled into a hill!

Almost every ghost killer who gets a good lottery.

They gave the ore to Lin Bei!

Everyone knows the story?

Could it be...

Quality education in the ghost world.

Already achieved full coverage quietly?

This is obviously impossible!

And something more weird is yet to come...

"Master Xiaohui, I voluntarily transferred the Sunwheel Knife ore that belongs to me to Lin Bei."

The teenager who didn't get a good sign.

He even started to give Lin Bei his own Sunwheel Knife ore through Xiaohui.

In other words...

So far!

Lin Bei not only.

Directly harvested eleven sun wheel ore.

Under the name of the Killing Ghost Team.

There are still twenty sun wheel ore deposits.

Only the pig head boy who is still fainted on the ground.

Did not send out his own ore!


This time.

No matter how Tanjirou explained it, he couldn't explain it.

Send it alone.

It can be explained as a Zhien Illustrated Report!


One for one.

He also only received the Sun Wheel Knife later.

But so many people send it.

It's not just a matter of lateness.


Will be lost directly.

This sun-wheel knife provided by the ghost killing team.

I have already said that.

For the ghost swordsman.

How important is a sun wheel of your own.

under these circumstances……

How could these people be possible.

All gave Lin Bei their own Sun Wheel Knife?

I like the gift packs of the heavens: start from the one-punch man, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) the gifts of the heavens: start from the one-punch man and the literature is updated fastest

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