Chapter 220: Accelerating the destruction of mankind (two thousand and one hundred monthly ticket plus more)

“I am not.” Shen Cong’s voice came out of the toy car’s intercom.

The sick person is still very nervous: “Are you really not from the Black Blood Group?”


“Then you are from the Eastern Theater?”

“A survivor from another place.”

“You are the one who drove the cart just now? Are you really not a mousetrap?”

“You come up quickly, I have questions to ask you, stop talking nonsense, my patience is limited, and the consequences of losing patience are very serious. After answering the questions, you can receive some food. This is the kindness within my patience. Understand!” Shen Cong tried to develop the “carrot and stick” knowledge of language.

This trick may have worked, or the diseased people knew they couldn’t hide, so they could only crawl out of the subway station slowly.

Then I saw the domineering big Vajra, and Shen Cong who had gotten off the car. The dark silver half-living battle armor is equally domineering, and it complements the big Vajra. No danger was found in this area, there were only a few sick people, and for Shen Cong, there was no threat at all.

Putting away the remote control car, Shen Cong turned to face six deformed, non-human-looking people: “I need to ask you some questions.”

The leading diseased person said eagerly: “Um… have you eaten, we haven’t eaten for two days.”

“Answer the first question and answer, I’ll give you something to eat.” Shen Cong saw a few sick people who were as thin as wood, his voice still said indifferently, “What are your names and what do you do before the end? .”

“I, I will answer first.” A sick person rushed to answer, “My name is Huang Muxi, I am from Nanjing, and I used to be a high school student, a senior in high school.”

Then there were five remaining sick people, all of whom said their own names.

The leading diseased person is Gao Jinyue. He was not a native of Nanjing, but Jiangxi, who worked at a securities company before the end of the year. The remaining four, named Yao Jiang, Xu Yadong, Xue Hu, and Li Haiwei, were all ordinary people before the end and were doing ordinary jobs.

After answering the question, Shen Cong, as agreed, took some active meat that he had cooked before from the car.

For him, active meat is a food source available everywhere. Even in this barren Pukou area, Shen Cong used the DJI 8 drone to find many traces of evolutionary beasts.

The six diseased people are all very sick. Not only have their bodies become deformed, they are also weaker than ordinary people.

Especially Li Haiwei felt that he would die in the next second.

After the six diseased people gobbled up the active meat, Shen Cong shook the bottled water in his hand: “Answer the next question, you can drink water…what does the rat trap mean?”

Gao Jinyue said numbly: “The black blood group’s mouse-catching team specializes in catching mouse-men, as well as lymphoid guys like us.”

Shen Cong frowned and threw the bottled water over: “The Rat Man, is the kind of upgraded mouse that can stand upright, right? Then what organization is the Black Blood Group, and what does the Lymphoid mean?”

Gao Jinyue handed the water to others, and answered the question herself: “The rat people are the kind of big mice that can walk on two legs… The Black Blood Group is the’Death Eater’ organization, and the Lymphoid is our kind of radiation sickness but People who do not have mutations have previously studied by the Eight Trigrams Continental Radiation Laboratory, saying that the reason why we do not have mutations is because the lymph fluid produces anti-degeneration… To be precise, we should be called lymphatic anti-degeneration patients.”

Shen Cong kept asking, and after an hour and a half, he dug up all the information that these sick people knew.

Finally, I got a clear idea of ​​what happened here in Nanjing.

When the Doomsday Storm occurred, the situation was similar to that in Juchao District and Hefei City. Nanjing was also destroyed in the storm. However, about a hundred thousand people, including a small part of the army in the eastern theater, escaped in underground shelters.

After the end of the doomsday storm, the Eastern Theater Army was quickly reorganized, and began a large-scale eradication of the evolutionary beasts, and successively searched and rescued survivors. Finally, a large settlement was established in the Qixia District of Nanjing City, and the reconstruction of homes began, and the cause of the disaster was studied. .

The senior leaders of the Eastern Theater Command established a laboratory in Eight Trigrams, Jiangxin Island of the Yangtze River-Radiation Laboratory.

The upgraded monster is called the “metal radiation beast”, referred to as the golden beast, and the active core is named the radiation core, referred to as the golden core. Upgraded trees are called “metal radiant trees”, or green trees for short, hoping to green the barren environment. Among the human beings, the upgraded mutants, half-orcs, and diseased humans are all called “radiation mutation” patients here, and they have radiation sickness.

At this time, under the efficient organization of the Eastern Theater, the reconstruction of homes has been initially completed. Hunted a large number of evolutionary beasts, cleaned up the surrounding areas of Nanjing, and gradually advanced to the surrounding cities of Yangzhou, Chuzhou, Ma’anshan, etc., in an attempt to gradually restore human order.

At about the beginning of August, when the army advanced to Zhenjiang City, they encountered a super abnormal golden beast. They named this golden beast-Black Tortoise, which is a huge upgraded snapping turtle, ferocious and ferocious. It is a hundred meters in size and hunts everywhere along the Yangtze River. The missile will not break the defense at all.

The army in the Eastern Theater suffered heavy casualties and retreated back to Nanjing…

The survivors in Qixia District gathered more and more, and eventually gathered about 200,000, but the crisis was also accompanied by the destruction of the production line of ammunition and weapons, and the metal was corroding.

“But we all thought we would survive, at this moment…” Gao Jinyue’s crow’s voice revealed horror.

At this moment, the Radiation Laboratory of Eight Trigrams State developed a result of “accelerating the demise of mankind”. This was Gao Jinyue’s assessment.

Through continuous research, the radiation laboratory has solved a small part of the secrets of radiation mutation.

“What I heard from the doctor is that metal is affected by the unknown substance brought by the meteor shower and begins to release radiation. This radiation stimulates the pathological changes of the organism, which are divided into benign lesions’mutation’ and malignant lesions’anti-change’… We Several of them are the lymph fluid in the malignant lesions.”


It refers to the kind of disease that occurs in normal golden beasts. Metal radiation stimulates mutations in the body tissues of animals and humans, thereby condensing the golden nucleus-the radiation mutation symptom that condenses the golden nucleus. In humans, it is called “natural”. “Mutant”, because it corresponds to the golden beast, it is also called the golden man.

There is a very special kind of mutation among the golden people, that is, mutations combined with large-scale machinery and equipment.

This is not very detailed in the explanation of the radiation laboratory. It is probably because during the mutation process, the mechanical equipment and the diseased individual induce unknown changes to each other and combine them together-this is called a “mutagenic mutant” “In order to distinguish it from the Jinren, it is called Iron Man for short.

The title of Iron Man, coincidentally, collided with the title of New Hefei.

A similar phenomenon was also found in Golden Beasts. This upgraded monster is called “Mutated Radiant Beast”, or Iron Beast for short, and it is also called a collision with the new Hefei.

Corresponding to mutation is resistance to mutation.

Refers to the lesions of half-orcs, diseased humans, and evolutionary beasts that have failed evolution.

According to the results of the radiation laboratory research, the condition of the diseased person is that the human lymph fluid in the radiation mutations has an anti-mutation phenomenon, which resists the mutation and offsets the occurrence of the mutation. Therefore, this type of patient is called “lymphatic”. Anti-degeneration patients”. Many survivors were discriminated against because of deformities and skin ulcers, and they were called lymphatics.

The other half-orc type of patients belonged to the cerebrospinal fluid that has undergone anti-degeneration. They are called “cerebrospinal anti-degeneration patients.” They also suffer discrimination from many survivors, and they are called brainless.

The discovery of mutation and resistance to mutation cannot be said to be the result of “accelerating the demise of mankind.” What accelerates the demise of mankind is another terrifying invention-the C1 mutagen.

The potion that turns ordinary people into powerful mutants!

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