Chapter 221 Death Eater Group (2,200 monthly pass plus more)

“None of us expected that the Radiation Laboratory was secretly studying C1 mutagens. It was simply utter conscience!” Gao Jinyue hated C1 mutagens.

Shen Cong asked: “What is C1 mutagens?”

“A drug that induces mutations, after being injected into ordinary people, can cause ordinary people to undergo mutation-like changes. They say this is an’artificial mutant person’ and an epoch-making achievement that changes the status quo of human beings. But the raw material of C1 mutagens, We need to extract lymph fluid from our lymphoid body, as well as brainless cerebrospinal fluid and a kind of material in the rat body…”

Gao Jinyue said disgustingly: “So many people opposed it at the beginning. The Radiation Laboratory sneakily injected several high-level leaders in the war zone with C1 mutagens. As a result, these demons began to experience physical exhaustion a week later. This was resolved. The way is to continue to inject C1 mutagens…”

Because of the C1 mutagen, drastic changes have taken place in the entire eastern theater.

Several executives who were injected with the C1 mutagen mobilized and formed a mouse trap, saying that it was to catch the mouse man, extract certain materials of the mouse man, and continue to study mutations.

But in fact, the rat team not only catches the rat people, but also kills the lymphatics and the brainless, and secretly produces C1 mutagens for these leaders and their hearts to use.

Fearing to be discovered, these people have successively wooed many high-level ordinary people in the eastern war zone into the water.

When the leaders of the gold, iron, and ordinary people who had not been injected with C1 mutagens discovered that the tail was overwhelming, the Eastern Theater held a meeting to discuss and strictly ordered the extraction of anti-degeneration lymph fluid and anti-degeneration cerebrospinal fluid from humans, only allowed from upgraded monsters. extract.

It’s just that this hasn’t changed the overall situation. The production of C1 mutagens is in short supply, so we can only continue to kill lymphatics and brainless.

Ordinary people in the gathering place called this group of people as Death Eaters in private.

Because what they eat is from the dead, and what they bring is the Death of a large number of human compatriots, but they claim to be super humans.

Originally, this situation has been acquiesced. After all, the lymphatic and brainless, it is difficult to cure, and sooner or later, it will die. It is better to use waste.

However, an iron man in the nuclear warhead unit at the camp, who was responsible for maintaining nuclear warheads, discovered that Little Sister, the own lymphoid guy, was able to eat and drink well the day before, and said to Big Brother “I will take a good rest and defeat the disease as soon as possible.” He was caught the next day. The hospital issued a death notice.

Holding the Death notice, the iron man shed tears of resentment.

No one knows.

He started contacting those who opposed the Death Eaters that night, and madly planned a big plan. They attracted Black Tortoise to the Eight Trigrams state where the radiation laboratory is located-the death eaters injected with the C1 mutagen basically live in the Eight Trigrams state, which is convenient for research and enhancement.

Black Tortoise occupied the Eight Trigrams continent and blocked the radiation laboratory.

Seeing that the Qixia District could be threatened at any time, the conventional warheads in the eastern theater were unable to cause great damage to Black Tortoise, and those who opposed the Death Eaters encouraged high-level nuclear warheads to detonate.

In order to completely eliminate the threat of Black Tortoise, the senior leaders of the Eastern theater decided to evacuate the survivors from Qixia District and detonated a 25,000-ton nuclear warhead in Eight Trigrams.

The effective lethality of nuclear warheads can cover the entire Eight Trigrams continent.

A day later, a mushroom cloud rose slowly, the radiation laboratory turned into fly ash, and Black Tortoise was also killed by a nuclear weapon in a nuclear explosion.

The Death Eaters seemed to disappear with the nuclear explosion.

But not. The group of death eaters had long transformed the radiation laboratory into a solid underground bunker. They dug to a depth of several tens of meters and built a shelter to avoid this nuclear explosion.

After surviving, the Death Eaters who lost the radiation laboratory did the same crazy thing. They upgraded another golden beast that was not much worse than Black Tortoise, the lizard upgraded body-the earth dragon, from a hundred kilometers away. Jurong City was attracted by the Taihu Lake, which is the new gathering place of the Eastern Theater, trying to retaliate against the Eastern Theater.

It also hopes to create panic and attract more ordinary people to eat the ranks of the dead.

But in the end the conspiracy was resolved. When the Earth Dragon advanced to Houbai Town, the nuclear warhead troops ambushed here successfully detonated the second 25,000-ton nuclear warhead and killed it on the spot.

This happened in September, when Shen Cong observed mushroom clouds twice.

The Death Eater’s conspiracy was frustrated, and he was immediately wanted in the Eastern Theater. He had to gather his followers and fled to an unknown place to hide.

However, despite the successful killing of the Earth Dragon in the Eastern Theater, there were two nuclear explosions one after the other, and the formation of nuclear radiation dust threatened the safety of survivors at any time.

So resolutely went north to Huai’an City.

It’s not that I never thought about going west to Hefei.

However, when the advance team went through Chuzhou City to Hefei, they were besieged by a large number of rat people. There were few rat people in Nanjing, but they were almost flooded in Chuzhou City. The repeated bombings in the eastern theater eliminated many rat people, and because of the heavy ammunition consumption, he had to withdraw from Chuzhou City.

In addition, the amount of metal radiation in Quanjiao County is scarce and the land is barren, so the eastern theater decided to move to Huai’an City, where the golden beasts are scarce but the greenery is more abundant.

This time the migration was very hasty, and the nuclear dust drifted towards Jurong City in advance.

A large amount of supplies were not taken away, and the lymphoids, brainless patients and other patients in the shelter did not keep up with the large forces. Together with the Death Eater organization, they kept harassing in the back, and it was a huge loss on the migration road.

In this way, Gao Jinyue and others separated from the large army. In order to avoid the capture of the dead-eater rat traps, they resolutely rushed to the urban area of ​​Nanjing that was about to be enveloped by nuclear radiation dust. Later, the radioactive dust drifted away, and the rat traps arrived. Gao Jinyue and the others kept escaping to Pukou District.

I have been hiding here for a week.

As for the Black Blood Group, it is an organization among the Death Eaters-C1 mutagens are scarce. In order for the Death Eaters to get more shares, conflicts continue and eventually split into many organizations, large and small.

Among them, the Black Blood Group has extended the mousetrap’s hand to Pukou District.

“We want to escape, we want to escape to Huai’an City, but the main intersections are occupied by the Death Eaters organization. There are too many rat people in Chuzhou, and we dare not go, we can only stay in Pukou District and wait for death… …I will die sooner or later anyway.” Gao Jinyue said pessimistically.

Shen Cong couldn’t comment, but frowned and thought that the road to Huai’an City was occupied by the Death Eater organization.

In other words, if he were to go to Huai’an City, where the Eastern Theater was located, he would be intercepted by the Death Eaters at any time.

“Death Eater Organization…” Shen Cong chewed on the information he received, and felt danger in his heart. These death eaters have lost their humanity and may be his greatest enemy.

I don’t know how many conspiracies are waiting for him in secret.

“I must be cautious and make the most adequate preparations!” Shen Cong suddenly developed a hostile temperament between his eyebrows, and then slowly unfolded, continuing to digest the information he received.

“Metal Radiant Beast-Golden Beast-Evolution Beast.”

“Mutated Radiation Beast-Iron Beast-Iron Beast.”

“Natural mutant-golden-mutant.”

“Mutated mutants-iron man-iron man.”

“Metal radiation tree-greening tree-evolutionary tree.”

“Anti-lymphatic patients-lymphatics-sick people.”

“Cerebral spinal anti-degeneration patient-no brains-half-orcs.”

“Artificial mutant-Death Eater Superman.”

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