Chapter 263 Pearl Milk Tea

Golden wool sheep, talent 1.367H, active volume 1.124H, Lv0.822, the quality of the golden core is not bad.

For golden beasts of the level of golden wool sheep, Shen Cong is not very attractive now. There are only two types of golden beasts he wants to hunt. One is the powerful individual type of golden beast, which obtains higher-quality golden cores; the other type is the group type of poisonous golden beast, which obtains more toxic materials.

For the time being, he still has no shortage of advanced gold cores and toxic materials.

The two gold cores of the Water Lord are enough for him to build several sets of high-standard bone-gold weapons. There are still about 80L of hot pepper water left in the hot pepper, and there are also a few convenient bags with poisonous burrs, and there are also a few rubber bags for the metal slag of the dung shell and corpse ball. In addition, the Vajra ant team also produces some super-diomic acid every day.

The third-generation upgraded ants of Black 1, Black 2, and Black 3 produce formic acid, which should be called super triformic acid. The quality is better than that of blackhead super diformic acid, and it has caught up with the inactivating spirit of dragon wasp.

“Speaking of the killing spirit and the dragon wasp, with my current strength, this group of super-evolved beasts shouldn’t be scary, right?”

“Perhaps I should go back to Xinhefei to get rid of the dragon wasp and the leprosy flies, and then I will meet the iron-eater. I will look for the meteorite fragment in the Huoshan Oasis if I have the opportunity.”

The strength of the power has changed Shen Cong’s mentality again.

Before the Lv1 era, he kept away from the iron-eater, but now he has begun to think of the iron-eater. Speaking of it, Shen Cong has never seen an individual superweight golden beast, let alone a nuclear golden beast.

The individual heavyweight golden beasts have fought against each other and have come into contact with a lot of them-the golden scorpion, the swift leopard, the four-legged snake, the big eagle.

Not long after the storm hunting company left, Shen Cong drove the big Vajra and left the town of Ping An, where it has been exposed.

He did not go too far, but went to the ruins of Jiupu Town six kilometers away, stopped by a not-so-small lake, prepared to catch some fish, and cooked some fresh fish soup to drink at night.

The research on totem engines has entered a brand new stage.

Shen Cong found that basically the activity level reached more than 1H. In the dual-core totem mutual cutting, the loss of the gold core itself began to stabilize and continue, and it could last for a long time. Moreover, the speed and intensity of the rotation are sufficient to achieve 1000 horsepower and a constant output. This is the experimental result obtained by Shen Cong with the double horns of the golden wool sheep.

In the evening, Shen Cong even took out the two highest-level totems, the Golden Dragon Totem and the Violent Ape Totem, one serving as the stator totem and the other as the rotor totem.

When the stator completely covers the rotor, the output horsepower reaches more than 2000 and stabilizes.

The current gasoline-electric hybrid power of the Big Vajra has a maximum horsepower of only 1,900, which is slightly weaker than the “violent ape-golden dragon totem engine”.

“Unfortunately, although the Totem is a bit stronger than the hybrid electric power, from the perspective of various performance parameters, it cannot replace the hybrid electric power for the time being.”

“I need a better quality gold core to act as a stator and rotor.”

“It is best that both the stator and the rotor exceed 2H, and at least 3000 horsepower can be stabilized by that time, so that the Vajra can have strong off-road capabilities.”

“Gold cores over 2H… kill more heavyweight golden beasts. It’s more suitable like a four-legged snake.”

If the gold core does not reach 2H, the output power will not be enough to replace the oil-electric hybrid power. Diesel engine and electric motor will still be the main power of the big Vajra. However, the totem engine can be temporarily used for power generation, and when the sun is not enough in the cold winter, the power generation will be handed over to the totem machine.

in this way.

Totem chariot needs to be postponed.

However, Shen Cong is not in a hurry, as long as it is proved that the totem machine can replace the traditional engine, it will be a matter of time before the replacement. And now it is also very effective to use it to generate electricity, reducing the dependence on photovoltaic panels.

In the afternoon, Shen Cong stopped the repeated experiment and prepared to move around.

When he took off with the drone, he found a lush forest near Shaoji Township to the south. He wanted to see if there were live fruits there.

Put on the half-activated battle armor, and the bouncing rocker accelerates.

It didn’t take much time to come to this woods.

Located in the fertile zone, even in winter, the trees are still green here. It’s a pity that when I went into the woods, I found out that they were all poplars, and there were no fruit trees. Shen Cong felt it for a while and found that the levels of these poplars were all very high, all above Lv0.8, not far from the Lv1 era.

So far, Shen Cong has seen an old pearl mussel entering the Lv1 era, a yogurt banyan tree entering the Lv1 era, and he himself is also in the Lv1 era.

In addition, I never saw the evolutionary individuals of the Lv1 era.

However, he still lacks the information of the Golden Man and Iron Man in the Eastern Theater, and he does not know if there is an evolutionary who has entered the Lv1 era.

“You need to get some information. If you can, drive the car near Hongze District at night to listen to the radio from the Eastern Theater.”

“Forget it, can’t be anxious, now it needs to be slowed down.”

It’s another day.

December 19, the 26th month of the November of the lunar calendar, is about to enter the twelfth lunar month. The current temperature in the fertile zone remains between 5 and 10 degrees above zero.

The warmer the oasis toward the north, the colder the barren zone toward the south.

After eating so many banyan yogurt and live pearls yesterday, Shen Cong found that his height did not increase, and it was still 1.9 meters. The teeth in his mouth have all grown straight, neat and white, just like commercials on TV.

The upper teeth knocked the lower teeth, and the bangs sounded.

Biting a metal rod in your mouth, it snapped directly.

The nails on the hands and feet also grow quickly, and the nails need to be cut. The hair on the body did not grow vigorously as expected, basically reaching the level before the hair change, and then began to stop growing. Only the hair grows very fast. It was only two centimeters yesterday and five centimeters today.

Then Shen Cong discovered a tragic thing, his hair clippers could no longer cut his hair.

He can only cut with knives made of gold cores.

“No, I’m going to make a bone-gold knife-head electric hair clipper!” After cutting the hair on both sides unevenly, Shen Cong vowed to himself in the mirror.

The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the hairstyle should not be messy.

Either bald or fan!

“There are also bone-gold nail clippers.”

The combination of banyan yogurt and live pearls did not make Shen Cong’s body continue to develop, but he could feel that the speed of the metal gradation in the bones of his own body was accelerating.

The rapid growth of nails and hair is the signal.

Therefore, banyan yogurt and live pearls still need to be eaten every day. Mixing with Mibao is a pearl milk tea. After drinking it one day, the growth of nails and hair slows down, and then the bubble tea can be stopped.

The wash is over.

After stirring a large cup of pearl milk tea, Shen Cong picked up the cup and put it on the table.

I continued to prepare the active fruit platter, fried water bawang worm eggs, roasted fast leopard meat, boiled lotus root slices and soy milk lotus seed soup, and then sat down to eat.

Blackhead would come to the kitchen every time at this time, and then Shen Cong would feed him something good.

Today, feeling that the blackhead is about to shed her skin, Shen Cong poured a small portion of bubble milk tea to it: “Drink it, drink it, shed your skin early, and strive to enter the Lv1 era and become stronger, otherwise how to lead your little brothers.”

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