Chapter 264

After breakfast, Shen Cong rummaged in the material room of Vajra. He was sorting the gold cores.

Low-level golden cores can be used as food for the Vajra ant colony; high-level golden cores can be used to build bone gold weapons; symmetrical golden cores can be used as the stator and rotor of totem engines; intermediate golden cores are ready to be packaged and used as trading commodities .

If these gold cores are not used up, sooner or later they will be lowered due to the loss of activity. The shelf life is about one year, although it can be stored for a long time, but it occupies the volume.

Shen Cong is a very regular person. He has an order for the inventory of Vajra.

For the materials that you can easily obtain, you don’t need to store a lot, as long as you can handle it for a period of time. For example, active meat, active fruit, gold core.

Therefore, the extra part can be used for trading. As for the “more lively” active fruit, it is a strategic resource, and it is not possible to deal with it for the time being.

At 2:50 in the afternoon, Shen Cong observed the tractor and wooden cart of the Storm Hunting Company from the drone.

Five people came, the five golden people before.

Brought some goods.

There were no people with ulterior motives around. When the five Xiongda arrived, they couldn’t find Vajra, and turned around, looking a little anxious.

Shen Cong observed for ten minutes before driving the big Vajra towards Ping An Town.

About five minutes later, it reached the 205 national highway.

Seeing Da Vajra, Xiong Da and others immediately relieved and greeted him: “Angkor, you are finally here, we can’t find you in a hurry.”

Shen Cong got out of the car and said, “I’m going to have something wrong, did you bring the money and the green fruits?”

“Bring it.” Xiong Da turned around and said to Xiong Er and the others, “Go and bring the green fruit over.”

Immediately, he took out a large bag of paper bags from his arms and handed it to Shen Cong.

“Angkor, because the three golden wool sheep did not have a golden core, the price was discounted. A total of 23,500 pieces of green leather were sold. There were not many green fruits during this time period. We bought four kinds, one hundred kilograms of sea rice. , Fifty catties of loquat, fifty catties of mangosteen (mangosteen), and twenty catties of wild bananas cost fifteen thousand yuan, and eight thousand and five hundred pieces of green leather are left. Angkor, you have a little bit.”

Shen Cong turned to the oiled paper bag, opened it and looked at it, and it turned out to be piles of green leather paper.

This kind of green paper is the currency issued by the Eastern Theater. The basic equivalent of the previous RMB has no transaction value, so it can no longer be used. This set of currencies read the words “Temporary Issuance in the Eastern Theater”, and the denominations are 100 yuan, 50 yuan, 10 yuan, and 1 yuan.

One hundred yuan drew the Black Tortoise pattern, fifty yuan drew the earth dragon pattern, ten yuan drew the nuclear warhead pattern, and one yuan directly wrote a slogan “Unity to defeat the catastrophe, and join hands to build a new home.”

The material used for currency is a very peculiar bark, which has been specially tanned to make it thin, corrosion-resistant, wear-resistant, non-fading, and difficult to imitate.

The official name is “New Renminbi”, because it is green, survivors call it “Green Pizi”.

Counting, eight thousand five hundred yuan a minute, Shen Cong raised his head and asked: “This is the market price? Did you not collect the difference from it?”

“How can it be, this is yours from Angkor. The original market price must be confirmed, and the difference will be confiscated.”

“Your company also does private trade?”

“Yes, we work part-time as Erdao dealers. There are many scattered people in the camp. Sometimes we will go to small rest spots. The scattered people will put in the sign to stay time. When the time comes, we will go to collect the goods.”

“Under normal circumstances, you receive goods from someone else and then resell them. What is the difference?”

“Let’s see what the goods are, like whole golden beasts and fresh green fruits. We set a price for private individuals and sell them back to the camp. It will increase by 10%. The waste pick-up is cheaper, and it usually increases. It will be sold at two or three points.”

“What is the price difference between the goods you bought from the camp and sold to casual people?”

“This is relatively small. They are sold at a one or two percentage point increase, mainly due to the receipt of goods.”

Shen Cong silently calculated it in his heart, and then said: “In this way, three golden wool sheep will give you eight percentage points, which is RMB 1,880; for fifteen thousand goods, you will be compensated by one percentage point, one hundred and fifty. Chunk. A total of two thousand and eighty.” After finishing speaking, he ordered twenty Black Tortoises, one earth dragon, and three nuclear warheads, and handed them to Xiong Da.

“Angkor, what are you doing? Why are we embarrassed to accept your money from Angkor? We are all grateful for Xiong Er’s life, but we can’t thank you. Take it back Angkor. We can’t collect the money.” Xiong Da hurriedly refused.

Shen Cong frowned, his voice indifferent: “First, I believe in the principle of fair trade; second, I don’t intend to save you, I’m just hunting animals. Take the money, collect the goods at eight points and increase the price, one If you click to purchase and increase the price, all future transactions will be based on this standard.”

Seeing that Shen Cong’s tone did not seem to be polite, Xiong Da had no choice but to settle the money: “Then… well, Angkor, your friend, I am Xiong Changben, and I will trade according to what you said in the future. Receive eight points and ship one point.”

Shen Cong didn’t want to take advantage of others, besides, he only had so little money, it was not worth his own price drop.

He has the own principle, and own arrogance.

No matter how muddy the world is, he only sticks to what he thinks is right.

After the payment was settled, Shen Cong began to ask the camp market for the purchase price of the golden core-according to the information brought by Xiong Da, the active fruit is the most expensive, the technology product is the second, the nuclear installation is again, the golden core is again, and then Golden beast materials, then Life items, and finally scavenging items.

Active fruit is expensive, because active fruit is not only helpful to evolvers, but also to ordinary people.

Technological products are purely rare and expensive; nuclear packaging requires craftsmanship and is naturally more expensive than gold cores; gold cores and gold beast materials are good things; life items are optional and belong to the pursuit of life quality and have nothing to do with survival; Scavenging items are tattered and naturally not expensive.

“I have a batch of golden cores here, you can buy them.” Shen Cong took out a few boxes of golden cores.

The dazzling array of gold cores almost blinded the employees of Stormwind. Such a large number of medium-quality gold cores would not be surprising if they were taken out by a large company, but it would be incredible if they were taken out by one person.

But thinking about Shen Cong’s strength, these people are relieved again.

Xiong Da said: “Angkor, your batch of goods are all medium-sized gold cores, at least worth more than 100,000 green leathers. I can’t afford the money in my hand.”

“You can owe credit first, but I must warn you. I can hunt these golden beasts, and the three golden sheep will kill them if they say they want to. You should understand.”

“Angkor, don’t worry, this batch of goods is far less important than your friendship with Angkor in my eyes.”


Shen Cong didn’t think he had friendship with them, of course he didn’t break it. He just replied: “I need a map of the distribution of golden beasts and resources in the Eastern Theater. In addition, the more active fruits of other varieties, the more the better, and the ones that can enhance physical fitness. Special items, if the money is not enough, I will add them.”

It was agreed that the delivery time would be three days later, and Xiong Da led the team to leave.

Shen Cong shook the six thousand four hundred and twenty yuan green leather in his hand and threw it on the table at will.

For him, money is not an attractive thing. Before the end, he spends money lavishly and does not treat money as money at all.

The money spent has turned into strength, and this is good money.


Pay attention to Lao Bai’s V letter public account: bai-yuhan

The starting point cannot be illustrated. Lao Bai will publish some base maps of the relevant materials of the “Heavy Truck” works on the public account.

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