Chapter 267

After molting, the black head burst into excitement and enthusiasm, and then it threw the molted skin to the larvae to eat.

This made Shen Cong’s mouth twitched.

However, the larvae of Vajra ants eat very happily. It is probably the molting of blackheads that contains the substances they need.

The black head spins around Shen Cong’s legs like a puppy, touching Shen Cong’s legs with his tentacles from time to time to show closeness. It also learns a new skill-called call.

Use a deck on the abdomen to rub it on the ground and make a “hissing” sound.

The frequency of this sound is so high that Shen Cong can’t hear it without paying attention.

Shen Cong squatted down and carefully checked the condition of the blackhead, and found that the golden nucleus of the upper jaw of the blackhead had completely turned into metal. This metal is completely different from the metal of the old pearl mussel shell.

To be accurately defined, it should be a mixture of alloys and metals, rather than a single metal.

The specific alloy is only to find an opportunity to learn from the Eastern Theater, but Shen Cong doesn’t understand it in his own analysis. He patted the shiny black head and asked it to go back to take care of the Vajra ant colony. Shen Cong left the ant colony.


The sun is shining and it is a good weather.

Shen Cong climbed up without wearing the semi-activated armor. He is going to exercise in the sun to allow his body to adapt to the metal bones of an era as soon as possible.

Stretching exercises, jumping exercises.

Then Shen Cong expanded his chest, supported him on the ground, and simply did a few push-ups. Then I switched to one-handed push-ups and quickly did a hundred reps with the left hand, and then a hundred reps with the right hand. After completion, it was replaced with one-finger Zen. Even with one finger, Shen Cong could make a hundred.

And he’s not very tired. He won’t be tired from doing sports now, and it’s hard to reach the limit of his body load.

The main thing is to find out the physical state of own from exercise and adapt it as soon as possible.

After doing a total of two hundred push-ups, Shen Cong suddenly stood upside down, holding his hands on the ground to keep his balance, and then released one hand and stood up with one-handed push-ups.

Then the palm of his hand gradually lifted off the ground, and his five fingers touched the ground.

Then slowly let go of your fingers, leaving only one index finger to support on the roof of the car.

Bend your elbows and start push-ups with one-finger handstands.

One, two, three… fifty.

With one finger, Shen Cong did fifty handstand push-ups, which scared a large group of fitness enthusiasts to death before the end. But for now, it’s just a warm-up.

Shen Cong likes to warm up with one-finger handstand push-ups, because this method requires the coordination of strength and balance.

After the morning exercise, Shen Cong lifted off the drone to survey the camp in Xuyi County and found that there was still no company heading south.

“Waiting here is a waste of time, you have to take the initiative.”

“Go to 121 Provincial Highway and wait. There are companies passing by, stop, and transaction information.” Shen Cong put away the drone and drove the big Vajra to turn around to the intersection of Provincial Highway 121 and Changshen Expressway, a place called Maba. Town place.

This is the only intersection between the camp in Xuyi County and the camp in Jinhu County and Sanhe Town Free Trade Zone.

Parked the big Vajra in the rubble in the town, Shen Cong walked to the fork in the road by himself.

Find a quick stone to sit on it and wait.

Shen Cong didn’t let Shen Cong wait much.

Soon, a car similar to a tractor-wooden cart drove over.

Shen Cong looked past and found that there was a car of people on the tractor wooden car, which seemed to be a means of transportation. For the sake of caution, Shen Cong avoided slightly and did not stop the car.

continue waiting.

After waiting for another half an hour, the new car finally arrived. This time it was not a tractor wooden car, but a human tricycle. There is one person on the bike and three people on the bike, a total of four people. Judging from their appearance, they are all golden men, and the golden core is more obvious.

Shen Cong immediately came to the fork in the road and reached out to stop the tricycle.

Seeing a weird man in armor blocking the road, the four people in the car stopped alertly, and one of them asked, “Who are you? What are you doing to stop us?”

Shen Cong’s eyes swept over the four people, and then he took out a pile of green leather from his arms: “Are you scattered people in the Xuyi County camp or a company? I haven’t returned to the Eastern War Zone for a long time. I want to ask you some questions. information.”

Green leather is the best lubricant everywhere.

The four immediately put a lot of guard down: “The four of us are scattered people. You are also a scattered one. Just ask if you want to ask. We often go to the camp in Hongze District. We know all the troubles in the eastern theater.”

“Refreshing.” Shen Cong pretended to be bold, but his tone was still very blunt. “When will the Sihong County camp be established, do you know?”

“Hey, brother, you asked the right person. My friends who used to hide in the basement together are now working in the Huai’an City Policy Office. I only talked about this after drinking together yesterday.” The middle finger gestures together, “A nuclear warhead can’t be less.”

Shen Cong took out a green leather with a face value of ten yuan painted with a nuclear warhead and handed it over.

This person immediately picked it up, and his smile became more friendly: “My name is Yang Tianyu, brother, what is your name, get to know.”

“Wu Jing.”

“Brother Wu Jing, isn’t it? This armor is very handsome and iron. Brothers won’t be iron men, right?”

“you have not answer my question yet.”

“Brother Wu is impatient, okay, I’ll tell you the news, don’t tell it to you.” Yang Tianyu pretended to be very mysterious and said, “My friend told me that the camp in Sihong County might not be open because of the war zone. It is planned to arrange the company and scattered personnel in the camp to Xinyi City. The 31st Group Army has already opened up Pizhou City and may have contacted Xuzhou City.”

Shen Cong was surprised at this answer.

It doesn’t matter to him that the camp in Sihong County can’t be opened. He just asked a few questions first to cover up the questions he was going to ask next.

Unexpectedly, I got a not-so-trivial news. Pizhou is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou. It has opened up Pizhou and is only more than 30 kilometers away from Xuzhou.

It’s more than 30 kilometers, and it’s an hour’s journey, which means that Xuzhou City has basically gotten through.

Of course, this still has nothing to do with Shen Cong.

He continued to ask: “The meteorite fragments in Longti Town should be excavated. Jianhu Laboratory, have you unlocked the secrets of the meteorite fragments?”

Yang Tianyu said disappointedly: “I want to earn tickets, but I don’t know.”

Then Shen Cong asked two more questions, which cost twenty yuan. Then he asked: “A man named Zhao Zilong came to the war zone two days ago. Have you heard of it?”

“Zhao Zilong? I have heard of Zhao Zilong in the Three Kingdoms.” Yang Tianyu turned to the three people behind him, “Have you heard of it?”

“I have only watched “New Three Kingdoms”.”

Yang Tianyu spread his hands: “This ticket can’t be earned again.”

“Is there any news about the Death Eaters in the south?” Shen Cong squinted his eyes and asked again.

“Death Eater?” Yang Tianyu shook his head, “Brother Wu, you are an old man in the war zone. We are not. We are from Lianyungang. We don’t know what happened to the south. Or Brother Wu, you can tell us what those Death Eaters are. People? It’s so terrifying, I heard that they all set nuclear bombs to convince them.”

Shen Cong ignored this and handed over fifty yuan: “I often float outside and don’t bother to go back to the camp. You can help me find out about the Death Eater, as well as Zhao Zilong. If you have news, you can go to the side of the road. Press a sign under the big stone, make an appointment, meet and communicate.”

Yang Tianyu took fifty yuan and smiled: “Hey, underground party? Exciting, if you have money, don’t make a bastard, all right!”

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