Chapter 268 Radio Invasion (900 monthly pass plus more)

The same technique was repeated. An hour later, Shen Cong stopped another motorcycle with only one person in it.

The rider is a powerful golden man, who is indifferent to Shen Cong.

For Lu Pizi’s sake, he reluctantly answered a few questions from Shen Cong, and then walked away without any intention of making a deal.

Shen Cong cannot deny this. Others are unwilling to make transactions. This is the freedom of others.

After the motorcycle man left.

Shen Cong also left Maba Town, digesting the information he learned from the two groups of people on the way.

“The news of the Death Eaters has not changed, and Zhao Zilong has not been spread. There are two possibilities. The first is that Zhao Zilong and others have not yet contacted the high-level war zone; the second is that the high-level war zone does not pay much attention to the Death Eater. Maybe there is no plan to go south, so I don’t care.”

“Of course, it is also possible to operate secretly…”

Shen Cong needs to know this information, mainly because he wants to know if Zhao Zilong and others have revealed his information, and how the military will deal with him.

There are too many human conspiracies. Although Shen Cong knows that he is very powerful now, he still needs to beware of conspiracies if he does not have the Realm that can resist nuclear warheads. What’s more, his physical body can’t even hold a bomb now, and he can be killed. The battle zone has enough strength and strategies to kill him.

So contact must be careful.

Return to Guiwu Town from Maba Town.

Shen Cong went to the Xuyi County Forest Farm again and came to the edge of the crack. This time he brought a small golden beast that he had just caught. Tie with rope and threw it to the edge of the crack.

At the same time, three mobile phones were used to superimpose a wide-angle camera, which was placed on the edge of the crack to capture the entire picture of the crack.

Then wait quietly.

Jin Beast was tied by Shen Cong’s limbs and could only roar at the edge of the crack.

This roar quickly attracted the hexagonal dragon that Shen Cong wanted to see. The huge body of the hexagonal dragon silently protruded from the edge of the crack. This time Shen Congzi carefully saw the shape of the hexagonal dragon.

It is not that there are no eyes, but that the eyes have degenerated and have grown the same color as the body.

In order to see the full picture of the hexagonal dragon, Shen Cong pulled the golden beast back. But before he could pull it, when the head of the hexagonal dragon was ten meters away from the golden beast, it suddenly opened its mouth, and then its thick tongue protruded out like a lightning bolt, wrapped the golden beast, broke the rope, and swallowed it in. in stomach.

Then, slowly retreat into the crack.

After the hexagonal dragon disappeared completely, Shen Cong took the phone back, played back and checked the video, and found where the hexagonal dragon crawled out and where it came back.

“In the depths of the cracks over there.” Shen Cong took a visual measurement, and the hexagonal dragon’s nest was probably located directly under a slope with a relatively large slope.

Click, click, click.

Shen Cong took a bunch of photos, prepared to bring back the situation of today’s investigation, and then devised a reasonable plan to take down the hexagonal dragon and dig out the gold core to build a totem engine.

At night, Shen Cong drove the car to a place not far from Sanhe Town.

He began to implement a plan to listen to the radio to collect information.

Many of the broadcasts in the eastern theater are trivial matters of people’s livelihood. Sometimes there will be high-level connections, just like the military intelligence connection that Shen Cong once received, and he invited Lieutenant General Zhang Yicai. This Lieutenant General Zhang Yicai, Shen Cong also inquired out, was the commander of the 12th Army.

Today, the broadcast was received again, intermittently, barely able to hear clearly, but occasionally the signal was interrupted.

“No, it’s too troublesome to listen to this. I should continue to drive towards Hongze District. Hongze District is not yet the key defense area of ​​the war zone. It doesn’t matter if you are careful.” Shen Cong thought, activating Vajra, crossing Sanhe Town, and toward Driving in Hongze District, it probably stopped at the ruins of Dongshuanggou Town.

Here, the signal can already be heard clearly.

Only after listening to the broadcast for about ten minutes, the signal of the car radio was cut off, and then a female voice came out of the microphone: “Hello, are you Colonel Chen Kun?”

This sound surprised Shen Cong.

Be alert immediately.

Immediately there was a female voice from the radio: “Please don’t be nervous. I am a signalman at the Eastern Theater Broadcasting Signal Station. I am responsible for the broadcast of the radio signals in the Eastern Theater and the audit of foreign stations. Your radio station does not have a serial number and does not belong to the Eastern Theater. In the theater, the unnumbered radio station currently active in the eastern theater may be Colonel Chen Kun. Can you connect?”

Shen Cong looked at the car radio, and didn’t even turn off the radio.

The military’s ability to invade his radio station made him a little nervous. He still underestimated the military’s strength. In terms of communications, he still has a strong technology.

However, using the way of communicating with wheat also made Shen Cong feel that it is safer than face-to-face communication.

At least he has the opportunity to retreat at any time.

And since the other party directly called the pseudonym he used before, it means that the Eastern Theater has noticed him.

“I knew that Zhao Zilong and the group would definitely reveal my news.” Shen Cong frowned. There was not too much mood swings about Zhao Zilong and others’ disclosure of own information, and he did not cover it.

He didn’t come to the Eastern Theater to surreptitiously sabotage. His original purpose was to trade, obtain information and transform resources from the Eastern Theater.

Sooner or later we have to contact.

After thinking for a while, after repeated urging by the female voice, Shen Cong finally switched on the microphone: “I am Chen Kun.”

“Ah, Colonel Chen Kun, it really is you. Our radio station has been searching for your radio station for a long time. Please wait a moment. I will inform my superiors to contact Colonel Chen Kun. We have someone in charge. “The female voice said in standard Mandarin.

Shen Cong remained silent, watching the radar chart closely, and was ready to leave at any time if there was any abnormal movement.

For about thirty seconds, the voice was changed to a male voice: “Hello, Colonel Chen Kun, I am Qiao Changning, Chief of the External Liaison Section of the Eastern Theater Command. I will be responsible for the communication with Colonel Chen.”

“How do you know me?” Shen Cong asked.

“Comrade Zhao Zilong from Nanjing told us that she also asked us to tell you that she is now living in Huai’an City, and our war zone is also discussing the issue of dealing with the Death Eater organization in the south.”

“What can you do with me?”

“Of course it is to unite all forces that can be united. Is Colonel Chen a colonel in the Anhui Military Region? I don’t know what position he holds? How is the disaster situation in Anhui Province? The war zone is currently unable to search and rescue in the east. We need time to develop.”

Shen Cong pondered for a few seconds, picking up the innocuous message and said: “It’s not very good, but during the reconstruction, I don’t have a normal position. I left two vacant positions as deputy commander and member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee.”

“Is the establishment of the Anhui Military Region still intact?”

“Sorry, it is inconvenient to disclose at the moment.”

“Okay, Commander Chen, is it convenient for us to meet? You can come directly to Huai’an City. I learned some of your personalities from Comrade Zhao Zilong. Please rest assured that the Eastern Theater District will not do anything harmful to Commander Chen. …Oh, wait a minute, the political commissar Liu Yiwu of our war zone attaches great importance to the disaster situation in Anhui Province and rushed to the radio station in person.”

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