Chapter 272 Travel Expenses Reimbursement (170,000 recommended votes plus more)

This Guo Shanni is very beautiful. Although she is an ordinary person, she is sassy and heroic, and her military uniform is particularly impressive to her.

Shen Cong also has a love for beauty, but when he thinks that the other party is sent by Liu Yiwu, trying to control his own person, maybe even a beauty trick, Shen Cong is full of disgust and murderous intent.

“Sure enough, these people made my heart alive!”

He doesn’t like this feeling. He can take the initiative to hug others’ thighs, but he will never allow others to murder him-I really want to kill Guo Shanni first.

Of course he was not to the point of losing his mind, just a little indifferent.

No one felt Shen Cong’s killing intent, and the atmosphere was still harmonious. Sun Kai asked, “I don’t know what Colonel Chen wants to buy?”

“Steel cable, as much as you want.”

“Let’s go to the trading market first. I don’t know if there are steel cables. Bartering is more frequent in the camp’s current transactions, and there are very few people among the iron men. Although the maintenance of steel cables is simple, they will waste inventory. , It’s usually booked in advance.”

A group of people walked to the trading area, Guo Shanni followed Shen Cong closely and had already entered the role of attendant.

The area of ​​the camp is very small, and the trading area is only two steps away. Sun Kai asked his subordinates to ask various companies and scattered individuals if they could sell steel cables.

Camp administrators only act as supervisors for a platform provider, ensuring legal trade, camp security, and warehouse management. They themselves do not have much binding force on companies and scattered individuals, and they rarely get involved in trade.

After the subordinates inquired, they came back to report: “Only Hot Wheels Trading Company has a batch of steel cables that have just been maintained for sale.”

Shen Cong said: “How much is the price?”

“Fifty-one meters.”

“How many meters are there?”

“One hundred and twenty meters.”

Swish, Shen Cong took out six thousand yuan green leather, and handed it over: “I want it.”

Sun Kai took the money, returned five hundred yuan to Shen Cong, and then told his subordinates: “Tell Ding Jikai that it is my Sun Kai’s guests who want to buy it, so that they can make it cheaper.”

The subordinates used to buy, and soon saw Ding Jikai, the general manager of Hot Wheels Trading Company, walking with the company employees holding the steel cable.

Shen Cong took the steel cable and stuffed it into the car.

Then he moved down half a box of gold cores and put them on the ground: “I plan to sell a batch of gold cores, managed by Sun, how are they sold here?”

Ding Jikai, general manager of Hot Wheels Trading, had not left yet, and immediately said: “This, our company is willing to eat.”

Sun Kai nodded and said, “Colon Chen, Hot Wheels Trading Company is the largest company in the camp. The price is reasonable and the financial resources are also strong.”

Shen Cong said: “The price is reasonable, you take it.”

“Colon Chen can rest assured that our Hot Wheels Trading Company is well-known in several camps. The professional masters who touch Jinhe will never quote prices indiscriminately.”

The teacher Ding Jikai talked about was an iron man. After taking a surprised look at the big Vajra, he began to sort the gold cores.

Shen Cong stood by the front of the big Vajra, silently watching the other party sorting the gold cores, and from time to time he raised his head and scanned the surroundings, or dealt with Sun Kai’s nonsense.

Sun Kai also noticed Shen Cong’s indifference, and stopped saying a few words.

Guo Shanni showed a lot of curiosity about the big Vajra: “Chief, your car is really beautiful.” After saying that, I want to polish the headlights of the big Vajra by hand.

Shen Cong immediately stared at him coldly: “Don’t touch it!”

With a murderous look, the surrounding gold and iron men suddenly felt a very uncomfortable depression, and their eyes looked at Shen Cong in surprise.

This is the effect of coercion.

Normally, Shen Cong tries to constrain his own active radiation, coupled with the blocking of semi-activated battle armor, can effectively reduce the effect of coercion. When the difference in active amount is not very large, it is difficult for ordinary people to notice. After all, when going out hunting, the coercion is too obvious, and the prey will be scared away early.

Learning how to manage coercion freely is a must.

But when Shen Cong no longer converges, his coercive effect will explode. Without him, the high-ranking gold men and iron men will feel uncomfortable to varying degrees.

However, active coercion has no effect on ordinary people.

Guo Shanni couldn’t feel Shen Cong’s coercion, so she behaved normally. As soon as she stood up, she stood upright and said: “Yes, chief.”

The sorting of gold cores continues.

The atmosphere was embarrassing a lot. After enduring it for a while, Sun Kaicai asked eagerly, “Chen, you have reached the pressure point? May I know what your verification point is?”

The pressure point is the 1.946H critical value judged by Shen Cong, and it is called the pressure point in the eastern theater.

“Didn’t you already feel it.” Shen Cong replied briefly, without saying what his own core point was.

The hole card of coercion has been released, and the stronger hole cards of Super Three Talents and the Lv1 era have to be held in hand for the time being.

When the fishing rod is finished, catch the hexagonal dragon and play another card.

At that time, the war zone should have another look at how to deal with a powerful iron man correctly.

“Admire.” Sun Kai praised with emotion.

Ding Jikai also came over at this time and handed his own business card to Shen Cong: “Colon Chen, Hot Wheels Trading, thanks to your care. In the future, whether Colonel Chen ships or gets the goods from our company, the absolute best price.”

Shen Cong received his business card.

Soon, the iron man master finished sorting the gold cores, and the price was calculated at 33,000 yuan.

After the money and goods were cleared, Shen Cong ordered a 200-meter steel cable and a lot of steel with the Hot Wheels Trading Company, and ordered Houtian to get it. This time the trade is complete.

Shen Cong was about to leave, and Sun Kai tried his best to stay for a meal together.

But this is impossible.

When Shen Cong was about to get in the car, Guo Shanni hurried over and asked: “Chief, where do I sit?”

“Don’t follow me.”

“But I am your liaison.”

“I don’t need a contact person, don’t bother me.” Shen Cong frowned.

Guo Shanni continued: “Chief, I was personally assigned by Political Commissar Liu, and it is my task to contact you. I will not hinder you. I will only act as a bridge between you and the war zone, and serve the leader as my duty. ”


Shen Cong held back his own emotions and glanced at Guo Shanni.


Shen Cong nodded, took out a pile of green leathers from his arms, counted five Black Tortoise, and handed them over: “Five hundred, I will give you a task, which is to find a hotel in the camp of Xuyi County. I’m reimbursed, and you just stay here honestly!”

“Chief, you…”

“Five hundred is not enough, then one thousand. Remember, eat, have fun, live well, don’t follow me.” After counting the one thousand yuan, after finishing speaking, no matter what Guo Shanni’s reaction is, she gets in the car and closes the door and starts the big Vajra. Turned around and left the camp in Xuyi County.

Guo Shanni, who was at a loss, and Sun Kai and others staring at each other were left behind.

After leaving the camp in Xuyi County, Shen Cong found a strange place to park and camp.

Started to fabricate thicker steel cables to prepare for the two-car five-rope pulley group fishing pole, only waiting for Houtian to get the remaining steel cables and steel.

You can start to execute the dragon fishing plan.

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