Chapter 273 Vulcan Cannon (one thousand monthly ticket plus more)

“The power function curve of the totem engine has been drawn.” After closing the laptop, Shen Cong stopped the operation of the Golden Retriever Horn Totem Machine, removed the Golden Retriever Horn, and prepared to make a fishing hook.

After returning from the camp in Xuyi County, Shen Cong continued to be busy with many things.

He studied the predation principle of blue canna, using small insects to lure blue canna to prey, and then observed that blue canna drowned an insect alive, and then digested it clean.

Shen Cong tried to study the digestive juice of blue canna, but it felt useless.

The whole plant is useless.

So he pulled it out decisively and threw it outside.

In addition to the blue canna, Shen Cong also did an interesting thing. He put a few reserved water master eggs outside in the cold, and then observed the activity. When the water king’s eggs start to become inactive, they are immediately retrieved and injected with activity to make sensory contact.

However, Shen Cong was a little disappointed by the Water Lord’s eggs. He reserved five of them. Four of them died directly after inactivation. It seemed that the desire of life in the eggs was not strong.

Only the last one successfully accepted Shen Cong’s activity and established a sensory connection with Shen Cong.

Shen Cong could feel that this Water Lord worm egg had a rather chaotic, vague, and fierce mood, and overall he felt close to Shen Cong.

“Sure enough, it is the egg of the Water Lord, a predator among insects, and there are more wild characters in the character.”

Only one Shuibawang worm egg survived, and the remaining worm eggs were naturally fried and eaten by Shen Cong. It tasted a bit rougher than eggs, but it was okay, mainly because it provided rich nutrition.

Recently, Shen Cong may have a gradual change in bone metal, which requires a lot of nutrition, so his appetite is also very exaggerated.

The demand for high-level active meats and active fruits has greatly increased.

It’s just that Shen Cong is still unable to judge the direction of his body’s growth in the Lv1 era. He doesn’t know the evolutionary method. He just has a vague feeling. It may sooner or later be the same as the old pearl mussel. After the bones are completely metalized, the various tissues and organs of the body begin. Metal invasion,

Bones, muscles, membranes, organs, body fluids, medulla, brain…

“Is this the process of metal invasion in the Lv1 era? If all body tissues and organs are replaced with metal, will people still be human? Is there still the ability to think? Will metal people still have all kinds of perceptions and desires? Me and Da Vajra Will the two become one?”

“Information…research materials…this is what I am most short of now! I have to find an opportunity for an agent to help me collect this information, otherwise I will find it difficult to find the best way to evolve with peace of mind.”

The change brought about by this disaster, Shen Cong called it a life explosion, and the change of life form called evolution.

But after all, evolution or disease is not wishful thinking.

He embarked on a road with no retreat. He couldn’t see the direction of the road ahead. He only knew that he was currently in the leading position.

If the road ahead is Kangzhuang Avenue, he is the one who runs to the well-off the fastest; if the cliff ahead is the cliff, he is the one who falls into the abyss the fastest.

Perhaps this is also a true portrayal of Shen Cong’s mentality-unsuccessful, benevolent.

Either become a predator at the top of the food chain in the new world, and become a superman who controls his own destiny;

The second transaction with Storm Hunting Company came soon, and it was still in the old town of Pingan. Shen Cong’s intermediate gold core sold a total of 104,000 yuan and purchased active fruit worth 21,000 yuan.

There is also a distribution map of resources in the eastern theater, and the distribution map of Jintongtong. This distribution map is free.

And a batch of nuclear-loaded ammunition purchased in accordance with Shen Cong’s requirements, that is, bullets with bone gold warheads, are machine gun bullets of about 0.5H below 10mm, and machine gun bullets and artillery bullets of larger caliber. Private transactions are prohibited in the Eastern Theater. This batch of about 500 machine gun bullets directly cost Shen Cong 70,000 yuan.

It is equivalent to one hundred and forty yuan for a nuclear bullet. According to the current prices in the eastern theater, one hundred and forty yuan is probably enough for ordinary people to save money and eat for a week.

Once in and out, I found 13,000 yuan.

Shen Cong had a total of 46,000 yuan in his pocket.

“Angkor, there is a weapon that you definitely don’t want to miss.” Xiong Da said, “We just got the news that the Eastern Theater District approved a batch of anti-terrorist police equipment for sale to the camp. There are several vehicle-mounted 6-barrel rapid-fire machine guns, 7.62mm. The caliber, the rate of fire can reach 2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute, it is a Minigan M134 that mimics the US military, but it is a bit rougher than the US military.”

Shen Cong raised his brows: “How much is it?”

“It hasn’t come out yet, but the price should not exceed 5,000. The machine gun is not expensive. The main reason is that it eats too much bullets. At least 2,000 rounds a minute, no single person or camp can afford this big family.”

“I want one and I want bullets. I want as many bullets as I need. Money is not a problem, as long as the bullet specifications are standard.” Shen Cong said directly.

Shen Cong always wanted this killer nicknamed Vulcan. He didn’t find it in New Hefei. The Big Vajra only had two heavy machine guns and one howitzer.

The bullets I bought this time were mainly for heavy machine guns and sniper rifles.

With guns, it would have the lethality against golden beasts flying at high altitude. Otherwise, when encountering golden beasts like the mysterious big eagle, Shen Cong could only stare at him and wait for it to fly down before sneaking a shot. He was very passive.

Moreover, Big Vajra currently has almost no firepower system. Relying on Shen Cong’s primitive methods, he jumped out to fight the golden beast and the enemy, or he used the Big Vajra as a tortoise shell for defense, and the counterattack was almost zero. Once the machine gun and howitzer are armed, and then the Vulcan cannon is set up, it is fierce.

If you have money, you can hoard ammunition, store firepower, and tilt at critical moments. That’s strength.

“OK, these 6-barrel rapid-fire machine guns are wrapped around me. You must get one for Angkor. If there are bullets, I will store them for you.”

“You take the 20,000 deposit first, and you will come back tomorrow at this time. You can help me buy the steel cables and steel in Jinhu County. I am useful.”


The transaction ended in a hurry, not many people from Storm Hunting Company stayed, and Shen Cong not much stayed. Ping’an Town was a meeting point.

The next day, the delivery time is due.

Shen Cong went to the camp in Xuyi County first, and was found by Guo Shanni as soon as he arrived at the camp.

Guo Shanni didn’t seem to be affected by yesterday’s emotions. She still looked sassy and heroic. She saluted: “Chief, here you are, political commissar Liu in the war zone just has something to notify you.”

Shen Cong waved to Ding Ji, general manager of the Hot Wheels Trading Company, and motioned him to get the goods. Then he turned his head and asked vigilantly: “What’s the matter?”

“The theater meeting decided to send a group of troops to New Hefei on the 25th of this month to contact the Anhui Military Region. At that time, Major General Zhou Aoxuan, political commissar of the 1st Army, will personally go to New Hefei. Please be your guide.” Guo Shanni road.

Shen Cong’s eyes flickered, then he pondered for half a minute, then slowly nodded: “Okay.”

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