Chapter 284

After the meeting, Shen Cong did not leave the new Hefei building area immediately, but went to find Yu Fucheng, the director of the sweet potato experiment. Under the leadership of Yu Fucheng, he visited the active fruit cultivation in the sweet potato laboratory.

“The active big sweet potato is currently the main planted variety. The sweet potato has a high yield and a short growth cycle, which means that it consumes a lot of gold. The output of life-saving soybeans is slightly lower. We are all used for processing and storage. Nowadays, there are many soybean products. , Tofu, thousand sheets, soy milk, etc. have all been added to the dishes.”

Yu Fucheng said as he walked: “The active peaches have already produced a crop. The peaches have a very strong effect on the evolution of the camp. Speaking of which, these three active fruits are inseparable from your help from Colonel Hu. The entire new Hefei can survive the famine, and it depends entirely on Colonel Hu.”

Shen Cong just nodded faintly: “Well, I have already visited the sweet potato laboratory, you can go to work.”

At the next stop, Shen Cong went to the Mibao laboratory. He wanted to see what the Mibao bee he had thrown here was like.

The director of the Mibao Laboratory, Xu Changde, the deputy director of the research institute, personally accompanied Shen Cong: “Col. Hu, now the Mibao has reached the size of the wild population you mentioned. In order to protect the Mibao, we have built a large The protective net cover envelops the honeycomb honeycomb.”

The honey bee’s growth is very good. A room-sized honeycomb is full of honey bees. A huge honey bee is lying comfortably on the top of the king’s platform.

Shen Cong silently compared the honeycomb hive in his car, and suddenly felt that the same honeycomb queen bee, own honeycomb queen, that lived a slave life, even royal jelly could not be fully guaranteed; new Hefei honey The queen bee, living is the true king of life.

Shen Cong asked: “Is the production of Mibao and Baowang Jelly sufficient?”

Xu Changde said: “It’s not enough for the entire population for the time being, but we have a lot of stock, and Colonel Hu can get it first.”

“Okay, you prepare for me… How many points do I have to stay here? Give me as much as you can give me, don’t have to be too forceful.”

The honey bee in the big Vajra recently collected creeper flowers and brewed a lot of honey. Life was a bit tighter, but at least it was guaranteed that Shen Cong would drink honey every day.

As soon as I came out of the Mibao laboratory, I met Liu Yanbing, the director of the automobile laboratory.

Liu Yanbing is here to find Shen Cong: “Colonel Hu, your aircraft engine is still in the laboratory. Do you keep it or take it away? I don’t know if you are still leaving New Hefei, Colonel Hu.”

“You handle it, I don’t want it.”

With the totem engine, Shen Cong’s thoughts on aircraft engines have long since gone.

Liu Yanbing nodded and said: “Indeed, the utilization effect of the aircraft engine is no longer as good as the Totem motor.”

“Totem motor?” Shen Cong raised his brow, “What do you mean?”

“Does Colonel Hu still know that the Totem Motor is the technology you have left behind. Using the repulsive force between the totems, the generators created and the camp’s current electricity are all provided by the Totem Motors.”

Shen Cong’s heart was tight, but he didn’t expect his new idea to be realized in New Hefei.

“You come with me and go to Director Zhao Kan.”

“Director Zhao Kan should be in the battlefield hospital. Every night he will accompany Xiao Li Du and explain some high-level knowledge to Xiao Li Du, regardless of whether Li Du understands it or not.” Liu Yanbing hurriedly said.

On the way to the battlefield hospital, Shen Cong quickly calmed his ups and downs.

Totem motor!

Totem engine!

This was beyond Shen Cong’s expectation, but it was reasonable. When he handed over the knowledge of totems to Xin Hefei, he should have thought that Xin Hefei would definitely dig deep into the totems, and it was not difficult to understand the secrets of totem motors.

“Sure enough, organized scientific research is far more productive than doing scientific research alone.”

“Maybe I can rely on a whimsical inspiration to find a big killer, but my scientific level and accomplishments are far from enough to dig deeper.”

By the time he entered the hospital, Shen Cong had completed his self-examination.

After adjusting his mentality, he met Zhao Kan.

I also saw the second-generation Xiao Li Du.

Xiao Li Du was just two and a half months old, but he looked like a one-year-old child, already babbling and toddler, but still living in the hospital, and easy to check at any time.

“Colonel Hu, why are you here? I’m hesitating to find you in the evening.” Zhao Kan met with Shen Cong in the afternoon, but was anxious to learn information with people in the Eastern Theater and did not talk to each other in depth.

Shen Cong looked at the crowded hospital and said, “Director Zhao and Liu Yanbing, go to my car and talk.”

“Okay, I will also carry Xiao Li Du, and you will also be checked.” Zhao Kan said.

Then the group of three and a baby returned to the independent high platform of Great Vajra.

Shen Cong opened the door and led them into the aisle at the end of the big Vajra carriage, where there was a meeting place, and no one was allowed to visit inside.

Let’s talk about the totem engine first.

Shen Cong quickly learned the passage from the words of Zhao Kan and Liu Yanbing.

At the beginning, he left the USB flash drive and left behind the three knowledges of perceptual connection, totem, and coercion. Zhao Kan immediately organized a human public relations if he had won the treasure.

They don’t have much research on coercion, after all, no one can reach the level of coercion in the current position.

They dare not touch the golden beasts that are too powerful to produce coercion.

Perceive the connection and develop the deepest.

“Do you know Colonel Hu? We followed the method you provided to establish a perceptual connection with the egg that was about to be inactivated, and successfully allowed many iron and gold men to gain own perception and contact pets. When these pets grow up, they will become a major combat power. Supplement. And we have also conducted experiments on pregnant evolutionary beasts, and established a sensory connection with the embryo in the mother.”

“Now the canine golden beasts in the camp have begun to crossbreed, giving birth to a lot of small lives. After they are born, they will also be a huge addition to their fighting power.”

Zhao Kan smiled again and said, “Col. Hu, have you ever thought about raising a puppy?”

Shen Cong wanted to raise a dog before, but he didn’t want to raise a golden beast dog, but an ordinary dog. Now there is a group of ants in the car and a group of honey bees, so I don’t have so much energy to raise a dog.

“Don’t talk about pet domestication. This kind of thing has been promoted on a large scale in the eastern theater. Let’s talk about totem motors.” Shen Cong changed the subject.

The level of scientific research in the eastern theater far exceeds that of New Hefei, and animal training is the result of their early development.

They have also developed the concept of pressure point and are studying it in depth.

The only thing that lags behind in the Eastern Theater is the concept of totems. No one would have thought that the golden core could be used by resonance. This is one percent of the sparkling inspiration, even if you spend ninety-nine percent of your sweat, you can’t get any inspiration.

Shen Cong was really excited when he first heard about the totem motor developed by the new Hefei.

There is a deep sense of crisis.

I feel that I have lost one of my leading hole cards.

But after careful consideration, I don’t feel regretful-the totem engine is a big killer for Shen Cong, and it is not a big killer for the eastern theater, at least not for now. All the vehicles in the Eastern Theater have a larger horsepower engine, which is not comparable to the current Totem engine.

In particular, the disassembled engines of large machinery and equipment that have never been maintained in the Eastern Theater District even have tens of thousands of horsepower.

Tens of thousands of horsepower, at least equivalent to a totem engine composed of 4H gold core.

Shen Cong suspected that even if he killed the iron-eater, he would not necessarily get the 4H gold core.

In other words, at the current stage, the Totem engine will not replace the position of the fuel engine for a while. Even if Totem Technology is acquired by the Eastern Theater, it is difficult to arm all the tanks at once with the products developed.

Instead, he will make wedding clothes for Shen Cong, because Shen Cong’s lone ranger habit prevents him from getting fuel casually.

For Shen Cong, the totem engine is thirsty for talents, and for the eastern theater, it is only a reserve of future science and technology. This does not conflict.

After thinking about this, Shen Cong felt that he should hand in his totem knowledge earlier, and use the scientific research water bottle in the war zone to seek his own welfare.

“It’s still too conservative!”

“My goal is to evolve, to become a predator at the top of the food chain. I want to surpass myself! Race against time and race against time for evolution!”

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