Chapter 285 The Reason That Must Be Strong (One thousand three hundred monthly pass plus more)

“Colonel Hu, the USB flash drive you left is definitely of special significance to New Hefei. If it weren’t for me that I didn’t have a car, I would have rushed over to catch up with you. You left New Hefei for our scientific research institute. , Is a huge loss, your invention is epoch-making.”

Zhao Kan is still full of feelings about Shen Cong’s departure.

Their research on totems is actually the same as Shen Cong’s thinking, focusing on the rotation of repulsive force. Because there is no suitable high-grade gold core, the rotation is not strong enough, so I never thought about installing it on the car, and it was installed in the form of a motor in the power generation room.

At present, the Totem Motor generates enough electricity to supply the daily electricity consumption of the entire new Hefei.

With electricity, it is easier to resist the cold winter. With the continuous supply of active fruit and honey treasure, it can be said that the life level has been restored very well.

New Hefei, the homeland reconstruction work is going very well.

After introducing the Totem Motor, Zhao Kan kindly embraced Xiao Li Du who was walking crookedly on the side, and handed it to Shen Cong: “Colonel Hu, Xiao Li Du is very good now. You will check it.”

Little Li Du’s first impression was that the two dark silver canine teeth were already very prominent, which seemed to ruin the beauty of a little baby.

The second is those bright and big eyes, very vivid and vivid, shining with bright and intelligent light.

A large tooth pendant hung on Xiao Li Du’s neck. These were the teeth of the swift leopard, which Shen Cong gave him at the beginning. When Shen Cong gave it to him, he forgot to consider coercion, and he didn’t know how Xiao Li Du managed it.

Perhaps his talent is more than 1H, which can effectively resist the 2H activity of the swift leopard.

Taking off his leather gloves, Shen Cong touched Xiao Li Du’s bald head, not knowing if he felt the faint pressure on Shen Cong’s body, Xiao Li Du suddenly calmed down and stopped twisting his body.

The talent is 1.027H, the active amount is 0.011H, and the Lv0.01. This is the little Li Du information that Shen Cong perceives at the beginning.

However, this time the perception was quite different.

The talent is 1.031H, the activity amount is 0.157H, and the Lv is 0.152. The activity amount and level are all in Ascension. There is nothing wrong with this, but the talent is also Ascension. Although only Ascension is 0.004H, it breaks Shen Cong’s consistent idea.

“His talent is natural growth?”

“Colonel Hu, you can feel it. I am an ordinary person who can’t feel the change of talent, but they have come to check it. Little Li Du’s talent is almost ascending 0.003H a month, which makes it difficult for us to explain. The talent can be natural. Growth.” Zhao Kan replied.

Shen Cong frowned and looked at Xiao Li Du. The growth of talent is not a big deal. The iron man can increase his talent by devouring raw metal.

Accept the irradiation of meteorite fragments, you can also Ascension talent.

When the larva molts and pupates, it is possible to increase talents.

But talent is like the transformation of life form. Every change is bound to be accompanied by drastic changes. This kind of natural growth of Li Du is really rare.

“Or is it like a bug developing?”

Shen Cong thought that the larvae of insects can change their talents to a height higher than their mothers, so why can’t human children continue to increase their talents in the process of development and growth. Insects can shed their skins, and humans can only rely on growth. This is probably a different way of innate growth.

Different routes lead to the same result.

Shen Cong said: “Record the growth process of Xiao Li Du, maybe his talent can exceed our expectations.”

“Of course it must be recorded. This is the first transformation of the new Hefei. He is not only a baby, but also the dawn of mankind. The world will be theirs in the future. By the way, Colonel Hu, there are also newborns in the Eastern Theater, right? ”

“I don’t know.” Shen Cong had never entered the Eastern Theater at all, but was hovering around the periphery.

Zhao Kan shook his head: “In any case, it is a miracle for Du Yafang to survive the disaster, and it is also a miracle for Xiao Li Du to be born. He is unfortunate. His parents died when he was born, but he was lucky to become a mutant. The Eastern Theater District is called Natural Mutant, right. He who will create the future of mankind in the future must have his name.”

He has high hopes for Little Li Du, regardless of whether the other party is less than three months old or not, he will explain a lot of advanced scientific content to Little Li Du.

Zhao Kan always believes that Xiao Li Du’s IQ developed in advance can understand these content subtly, even if he does not understand it, he will remember it.

“Continue teaching.”

Shen Cong somewhat agreed with Zhao Kan’s point of view, and encouraged Zhao Kan that wisdom is also evolving, and he knows the limits of Li Du.

Unconsciously, Shen Cong’s vision has expanded far away, no longer limited to the vision of ordinary people, and reached another level.

“Let’s talk about it tonight, you can go back.”

Watching Zhao Kan and Liu Yanbing take Xiao Li Duyuan away, Shen Cong closed the doors and windows of Vajra.

Take off the half-activated armor and enter the laboratory.

Sitting at the table, expressionless.

In his heart, far less calm than his appearance, he cast his gaze on the huge clam shell in the corner of the laboratory. Inside the clam shell are meteorite fragments wrapped in several layers of material.

There is a sense of crisis in his heart spreading, like a poisonous snake, choosing people to eat, lingering.

“It is very likely that the Eastern Theater District has already surpassed me in the study of meteorite fragments.” Shen Cong thought.

A person’s scientific research level is certainly not comparable to that of a large organization. This is why Shen Cong tried to find a large organization. He is just an ordinary person who has good luck, is cautious, and knows how to think. He is 22 years old and has not graduated from high school. The only thing he is proud of is that he DIY a tank.

“Totem, perception… The advantage I can maintain is not the technological water bottle, but my talent and evolution. I have entered the Lv1 era. As an iron man, I am the only one in the entire Eastern Theater to reach the Lv1 era. It is also the strongest Super Three talent!”

People must know how to introspect, so that they will not be confused by what they are doing.

Shen Cong was doing introspection at this time, and he had to do it every day.

See clearly the disadvantages of own and understand the advantages of own.

“My goal is to become a predator at the top of the food chain. I must maintain my advantage, continue to accelerate the pace of evolution, and maintain an absolute crushing situation against humans and golden beasts.”

“Undoubted power, cautious and vigilant mentality, only in this way can I smash all threats and ubiquitous conspiracies…Someone will come to harm me, how can I let you succeed!”

Shen Cong squeezed own fist.

Fist is truth, which is the most basic law in the last days.

If he didn’t have a strong personal combat power, Liu Yiwu wouldn’t care about his lone ranger style at all. No matter what he thought, he would be directly conscripted for military service. But only knowing his combat power can he use such an important identity as the administrator of Xinyi City to be tender.

The oil and water of this position can be imagined, people in the eastern theater will break their heads to fight for it.

But they didn’t have a chance, but Shen Cong got it casually.

“This is strength!”

There has never been fairness in this world, and equality for all is just a slogan.

Even in the Eastern Theater, in terms of superficial policies, the treatment of gold men, iron men, and ordinary people is the same, but in fact, how can it be the same? The golden man and the iron man eat the best active meat and green fruits, while ordinary people eat poor food, which is obviously different.

That is to say, the order of the new world has not yet been established, and the moral foundation of the old world is still being continued… But as the world changes, golden beasts are evolving, and humans are evolving.

When a person’s combat effectiveness is equivalent to a troop, how can he be required to enjoy the same treatment as an ordinary person.

Shen Cong is now an example. His combat power is equivalent to a troop, and he has proved himself with a hexagonal dragon, so he has been treated specially in the Eastern Theater.

“The Weak are Prey to the Strong, this world is really dangerous, I can only believe in myself!”

“It must be strong!”

Shen Cong kept hypnotizing himself with self-suggestion, which is the guarantee of his survival.

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