Chapter 401

Drizzle, breeze.

The heavy fog that has been shrouded in Bayi Town for many days also dispersed in the rain, regaining a clear sky. Even most of the peripheral areas of Xuzhou City have been fogged.

Only around Yunlong Lake, there is still thick fog rolling.

The drizzle has lasted for a whole week, which is not a good thing for the Yunlong Lake settlement, because the rain has too much influence on the growth and development of fog bacteria. The survivors in Xuzhou rely on fog bacteria to move freely on the ground and are not tortured by ultraviolet rays.

The laboratories in the war zone have been experimenting with the treatment of photophobia, but it hasn’t improved much, and it is difficult to cure diseases that are related to activity.

Zhang Xiaohu is a photophobia patient and a golden man with a talent of 0.578H. Before being included in the Eastern Theater, he was a rainbow in the Yun Mansion.

The daily work is to lead a team to collect black bugs and white fog.

Until now, his job is still leading the team to collect black insects and white fog, but with the support of the theater, the equipment is better and more advanced, and the risk of going out is greatly reduced.

Since it rained just three days ago, he couldn’t go far. He could only pick up the mist in the area of ​​Mount Tai Forest Farm where the mist was still maintained to see if there were any missing black insects and white mist.

Also from this day.

He found a person, a car and a huge long-legged snake on the top of the mountain in Mount Tai Forest Farm, which should have belonged to Mount Tai Temple.

With this unfamiliar but familiar configuration, Zhang Xiaohu immediately guessed who came on Mount Tai Temple-honorary commander of the Eastern Theater Command, member of the Standing Committee of the Military Commission, patron saint, general of the army, father of totem, strongest evolutionary, Mankind’s strongest warrior, mankind’s great hero against evolutionary beasts, and the iron man who hunted down the black iron giant bear.

His idol-Hu Ge!

With the establishment of the Yunlong Lake settlement, the survivors in Xuzhou have been able to communicate with the outside world, and naturally they have also heard countless news about Shen Cong.

Knowing that evolutionary beasts are divided into low-level (less than 0.973H), intermediate (0.973-1.946H), high-level (1.946-2.919H), super (2.919-3.892H), extreme (3.892-4.865H), nuclear level (greater than 4.865H, also known as Wushuang level).

Ordinary evolutionaries are very easy to deal with low-level evolution beasts, and to deal with intermediate evolution beasts, they must form a team and use nuclear weapons, variable weapons and thermal weapons to besiege.

As for the advanced evolutionary beasts, it is usually the army that can try to hunt them.

The higher super evolved beasts have basically no single kills before. Only the army can be destroyed by focusing on fire, and with the consumption of large thermal weapons, focusing on fire has also become a luxury.

The Eastern Theater cannot easily hunt the super-evolved beasts, even the survivors in the fog zone, let alone the ultra-evolved beast, which is more ferocious than the super-evolved beasts-the black iron giant bear that broke into the fog, even if the sky eye It is very weak, and it is still not easy for them to deal with. It requires everyone to gather and threaten the army that comes to explore to cooperate in hunting.

But it was such an extremely iron beast that later became a dining table. The “Godzilla” monster that was still alive a few days ago has now become a treat for pigs, cows and sheep.

When the information of the black iron giant bear came to the fog area, I tasted the meat of the black iron giant bear which was not delicious.

The survivors in the fog were shocked collectively.

Zhang Xiaohu was one of those shocked. Someone could actually hunt a giant black iron bear alone. Later, he even learned about the collective landing of the marine golden beasts. Super golden beasts ransacked on the shore, and Shen Cong hunted and killed more than a dozen super golden beasts in a single day, almost killing the cruel golden beasts on the shore.

Such a person, even with only a few words, is enough to be amazing.

What’s more, there are also video images deliberately promoted by the war zone. The hunting scenes in that image are cooler than the epic science fiction blockbuster, which deeply attracted Zhang Xiaohu.

He also wants to be such a powerful evolutionary.

Although Shen Cong only needed one or two minutes to kill a golden beast each time, he didn’t even have a round of fighting. But the eruption that was about to reach its extreme, was even more violent, and it was bloody and bloody. Unknowingly, Shen Cong, who is as simple as cutting melons and vegetables, will be regarded as an idol.

Shen Cong is not only the patron saint in the minds of ordinary people, but also the idol in the minds of evolvers.

When the idol came to Mount Tai Temple, Zhang Xiaohu couldn’t wait to rush over immediately, shouting “Hu Ge” three times, and then took out his notebook to sign.

It was just that Zhang Xiaohu was about to go there, and was immediately held by a golden soldier Li Yao on the same team: “Don’t disturb Commander Hu, Commander Hu is not used to being disturbed by others.”

Li Yao is a soldier in the Eastern Theater, not a survivor in the foggy area.

Many of Shen Cong’s stories were told by Li Yao.

“I’m just going to worship an idol.” Zhang Xiaohu is still young and has the spirit of chasing young stars.

But Li Yao held him tightly: “Xiaohu, you don’t understand Hu’s character. I will tell you today. It is generally known to the veterans in the war zone.”

Zhang Xiaohu was shocked: “What character?”

Li Yao deliberated his words and said in a respectful tone: “Hu Commander’s character is very…withdrawn, yes, withdrawn. He doesn’t live on the same level of powerful existence as us. He has always been a person outside of things, he Never lived in a war zone colony, and rarely participated in high-level meetings, just pursuing evolution alone.”

After a pause, Li Yaoyu said earnestly: “So, Xiaohu, don’t bother Hu Si Ling. Our world and Hu Si Ling’s world are not the same world. When Hu Si Ling came to Mount Tai Temple, there must be his business, you Just know, don’t bother him with vulgar things like signing.”

Under Li Yao’s prevention, Zhang Xiaohu did not go to Shen Cong for an autograph.

But when he returned home, he was very unwilling. Zhang Xiaohu also had a heart to become stronger, and now, the most powerful warrior in the legend came to the door of own house.

“This is an opportunity. If I miss it, I will regret it for life.” Zhang Xiaohu tossed and turned at night for two consecutive days and couldn’t sleep. “Hu Ge Shenlong is so powerful, if you teach me one move and two moves, I will also Can become stronger! No, I must seize this opportunity, I want to worship him as a teacher!”

Thinking, Zhang Xiaohu pushed his newly-married wife to wake up: “Wife hurry up, help me with reference, I want to prepare a teacher apprenticeship.”


“Yes, I want to worship the patron saint as my teacher!”

His wife was just an ordinary person. When he heard that his own husband was going to worship the patron saint as a teacher, Lingling shivered, her body softened, and almost… That night, the two turned the house over and prepared a gift that seemed to be passable.

Just wait for dawn, apprentice to learn art.

On the morning of March 8.

Xiao Yu was still falling, and Zhang Xiaohu was carrying a gift, but did not lead the team to pick up the black bug and white fog. With a fiery heart, he ran directly to Mount Tai Temple and couldn’t wait to apprentice to learn art.

However, the cars, people, and snakes that were parked on the top of the mountain yesterday all disappeared, leaving only the bare top of the mountain with a thin layer of mist rolling.

Zhang Xiaohu stood on the top of the mountain and stood silently.

The Master is gone.

And just an hour before his arrival, when the sky was getting bright, Shen Cong was already facing the dim sky, with the four-legged dragon that finally finished blood gold, and the dragged Vajra ants, larvae and eggs. Quietly leave Mount Tai Temple, leave the ruins of Xuzhou City, pass by Pizhou City, and pass by Xinyi City.

Turn the head of the car to the north, follow National Highway 205, pass through Tancheng County, and drive towards the Oasis of Linyi City without turning back.

There is no sign, no nostalgia, just as when he came to the Eastern Theater with the belief in evolution, and with the belief in evolution, he ran farther.

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