Chapter 402 Mysterious Water Hole

After finishing all the materials and getting the information he wanted, Shen Cong set out without hesitation and headed north.

The thoughts on the road are actually a bit messy. After all, I have lived in the Eastern Theater for a long time and participated in many major events.

To say that there is no feeling at all, that is a lie.

When he left New Hefei, he dropped a USB flash drive, which was actually not a mood swing. Whether this fluctuation is to leave a trace of walking, or is it because of inexplicable emotions, it is difficult to distinguish.

“Oh, I still can’t get rid of human cowardice…”

Listening to an unknown English song, Shen Cong opened all the windows to let the wind and drizzle blow into the cab.

This caused the temperature in the car to drop rapidly and also kept Shen Cong’s mind sober.

You can carefully sort out everything that happened.

Speaking of it, Shen Cong has changed a lot. He seldom opened the window to let the wind in. Now I often open the windows, and I don’t feel that if the windows are open, I am insecure.

Strength has brought him a lot of confidence.

Although he still feels that everyone is like a critical own, his heart is not as nervous as before. You can even hunt and kill sea crocodiles with the Iron Man of the Liaoning. Many times, his mentality changed into another.

“You want to harm me, but you can’t harm me.”

Of course, being confident is one thing, but being cautious has never changed. Even if you can’t hurt yourself, it’s annoying to keep thinking about hurting yourself, so it’s better to just leave.

“Many things are not satisfactory…”

The chaotic thoughts of parting were only a moment of melancholy on the highway. When he entered the oasis of Linyi City, Shen Cong immediately withdrew himself from this state.

His eyes changed from scattered to cold.

The whole person seemed to be from ordinary appearance, suddenly pulled out the sword out of the sheath, exuding an aura. The windows were closed, the SkyEyes radar was turned on, and the speed was slowed down through the oasis of primitive jungle.

He took the 205 national highway.

Soon it entered the ruins of Linyi City. Linyi City, located in the Tanlu Fault Zone, has uneven landforms. It is difficult to walk without a highway. The road has been severely damaged by a large number of vegetation. Fortunately, Hetu Da Vajra has a strong power, and the herringbone shovel shovels away all the golden trees blocking the road.

Traces of humans can also occasionally be found here. The black iron giant bear, the dominant evolutionary beast of the oasis, has died. The danger of the Linyi Oasis has been greatly reduced. The eastern theater has long coveted the fatness of the Linyi Oasis.

The oasis is formed by tinder fragments. The secret of tinder fragments has not been solved, but it does not prevent it from becoming the number one item to look for in the Eastern Theater.

It’s just that the small and medium-sized oasis like Huanglishu small oasis, Longdi Town oasis, and Yunlong Lake small oasis are convenient for finding fire debris.

Huoshan Oasis, Luoma Lake Oasis, Linyi City Oasis, such large oasis, it is very difficult to find fire debris. It is necessary to search within the possible range of several hectares or tens of hectares, and it is almost impossible for an individual to find it.

Shen Cong has a small fire fragment, and there is no urgent need for it.

He just wants to evolve.

There were a lot of golden beasts in the dense forest, and stunned by the coercion of the four-legged dragon, they ran away far away. Occasionally, you can see the super golden beast, its huge body is not easy to hide in the dense forest. The super golden beast is immune to the coercion of the four-legged dragon, and is eager to try, wanting to fight.

At this time, Shen Cong would release his own coercion, and as soon as the super four talents came out, the super golden beast had to retreat.

There is no need, Shen Cong is too lazy to kill the super golden beast.

Either the materials are not enough, and the super golden beasts are hunted to supplement, or the golden core is fancy, and the super golden beasts are hunted down. In addition, hunting is also a waste, and there is a risk of missed and injured.

Not cost-effective.

The drone lifts up from time to time, and the humanoid radar is constantly turned on.

With an unclear purpose, Shen Cong slowly moved north in the oasis of Linyi City. He planned to take an adventure all the way and finally reach the capital Beijing.

However, Beijing is too far away, and the advancing speed is too slow.

It is not like in the eastern theater, from south to north, one road is directly racing, and there is no need to worry that there will be unexpectedly evolved beasts in the human-ruled area. Here, hidden terrifying evolutionary beasts may appear at any time, underground, in the sky, and in the dense forest.

It is hard to say that the ultimate evolution beast has only one black iron giant bear, but there are two ultimate golden beasts in the Luoma Lake Oasis.

“Slower, slower, now I am not in a hurry, everything is safe.”

Slow speed also has its advantages.

Shen Cong can carefully study the development of the forest in the oasis and get a glimpse of the evolutionary secrets brought about by activity.

“The temperature of the oasis has reached 25 degrees Celsius. It is very suitable for the development of plants. On my way, I have found 40% of the golden trees. They have entered the Lv1-pure gold era. The bark is all metalized, and the trunk is gradually metalized, and some leaves The metal has also been gradual.”

The evolution of the golden tree is from the outside to the inside, first the bark and then the trunk, and finally the core and roots.

In fact, plants are not suitable for the division of evolutionary stages in the Lv1-Pure Gold Age. However, there is no need to separate the evolutionary stages for the Golden Tree, at least for Shen Cong, this is not necessary. The evolutionary stage is just for a more intuitive understanding of the evolutionary process, in fact there is not much basis.

The Lv1-Pure Gold Age, Lv2-Dark Age, and even Lv3, and even Lv4, can actually be collectively referred to as the Age of Gold. The body tissue changes from the bones to the brain, all of which are metallic.

But everything is people-oriented, and if humans want to be divided, animals and plants must be divided accordingly.

“From the point of view of the evolutionary stage, the evolution of the oasis is the fastest, almost close to the evolution of the ocean.” Let the blackheads go outside to chop down the branches of a few golden trees and throw them in. Shen Cong studied while adding up, “The rich belt Again, the barren zone is the slowest, which is proportional to the amount of activity absorbed.”

“After completing the Lv0-activation era, it is still necessary to absorb activity every day, but this absorption process has stabilized. The rate of metal gradation is not determined by the upper limit of the absorption activity, but by the rate at which the activity turns into gold. On the one hand, the higher the talent, the faster the conversion speed, I have personal feelings.”

“In the fog area, my blood gold completion speed is higher than that of the small four. As for the low-level gold beasts with black heads, the metal gradient is very slow. I stay in the fog area for half a year and I don’t know if it can be completed.”

“An era has come, and the number of species everywhere seems to be slowly Ascension.”

Shen Cong looked at the various golden trees that he had never seen before, as well as the strangely shaped evolutionary beasts. He felt that compared with the beginning of the last days, the shabby trees and the few beasts on the earth would have changed too much.

In almost half a year, the earth has entered a new world from a barren disaster. The active energy is unpredictable.

It seems that the creator is adjusting the direction of civilization drastically.

Throwing away the branches, Shen Cong recalled the black head.

“Go, it’s late, find a place to camp.”

As night was approaching, Shen Cong finally found an open space.

The trees around this clearing are not growing very well, and there are only a few grasses in the middle, which surround a big puddle in the middle. It is raining lightly. It is raining in such a large area from Lu’an, Anhui to Linyi, Shandong. After three or four days, there has been a lot of water on the ground.

However, looking at this puddle, Shen Cong always felt something was wrong, not like a naturally formed puddle.

“This puddle seems to have a problem. How can there be a place where there are no trees in the dense forest like a primitive jungle? On the outer edge of the puddle, there seems to be traces of dirt being turned over.”

After scanning by the Skyeye Radar, Shen Cong gradually gave birth to deeper doubts.

From this puddle to the north, there was an obvious trace of movement of an object, and many small trees were broken. It’s like there was something here in the puddle, but after leaving here suddenly, it left such a puddle and such a trace.

Shen Cong frowned and thought: “What will happen?”

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