Chapter 806 Seaweed Forest

Thanks to the leader Zhan Feiyun for his 20,000 starting coins reward!


“I swear, really, I really saw that fish looked like a bitch, with beautiful curves, exquisite limbs, wow, it’s like the lover of my dreams!”

Brother Dao tried his best to paint the picture he saw, the fish that looked like a bitch.

But obviously, Shen Cong didn’t believe it at all, just hehe. He understood Han Shoucheng’s subtext, but it was because Brother Dao felt that working all day was boring, so he wanted to go swimming, so he asked a bitch as an excuse.

Then the four-claw king-robot entered Lake Michigan and was entangled in the first-level kelp particles.

The rescue is for sure.

Although Brother Dao is mentally disabled, after all, he is a crew member approved by Shen Cong, and the robot dog is also an important combat power, one of the core modules of Battlestar.

Moreover, Shen Cong really wants to see the first-level kelp.

The evolutionary tree grows into a tree Vajra is inherently scarce. Looking at the new government’s huge control area, there are no two hundred trees Vajra. Among them, the oak orchid is the most talented, which is nuclear-level. Kelp is obviously a plant, so kelp becomes the first-level particle, which is a breakthrough of the tree Vajra.

“Are you going to rescue Brother Dao?” Chen Xiuni sent a super Leibo message.


“Let’s go together, I also go to see what the particle-level kelp looks like.”

“Do you have a deformed underwater structure?”

“Yes, torpedo structure.”


Shen Cong hung up the Super Thunderwave communication and transformed directly into the Yinglong-Sky-sweeping vehicle and flew towards Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan is south of Lake Superior, sailing due to the south. Not long after the Yinglong-Sky Sweeping vehicle took off, the four-propeller helicopter that Chen Xiuni had transformed also took off.

Two very noisy helicopters flew into the sky, one in front and one behind, and the movement was huge.

Attracted countless workers to look up.

James Dwight sits on a steel pole to have lunch. Work on the construction site is much easier than before. The eight-hour work schedule allows you to relax after completion. Of course, you can also choose to work overtime. The better the performance, the higher the evaluation received. At that time, it is said that after being incorporated into the new government, you can get a water covering agent.

The overcoating agent can make ordinary people become evolvers, which makes all ordinary workers have enough energy to work.

James is no exception. After eating, he only intends to digest for five minutes, and then continue to work, striving to get the best evaluation, the first batch of injections of water-covering agents.

“If I could drive such a powerful deformed Vajra anytime, it would be so cool.” He raised his head and watched the two helicopters rush into the clouds and disappeared, and said with emotion.

The worker who couldn’t wait to finish the meal without looking up said, “Don’t think about it. I’ve heard Stone say that the ones who can fly to the sky are Big Macs and mechanics, and they are the most talented ones. For a batch, even if you and I are injected with water covering potions, you can only become super warriors and Titan giants.”

“Of course I know that as long as I’m an evolver, I’m satisfied.” James said with his last bite of rice clean, full of Khitan, “I thought I would just hang around like this to death, now I want to be an evolver, I I want to be a Titan. I like muscles full of power.”

“I prefer super warriors. I don’t want to change too much. I can’t imagine a person that big, like a beast.”

“You don’t understand. In the last days, violence can survive.”

“Super warriors can also be violent.”

“I won’t discuss with you, I should go to work, anyway, I must get the water covering potion!” James raised his head and glanced at the disturbed clouds again, full of energy.

Over Lake Michigan.

Shen Cong followed the signal sent by the robot dog and flew to the place where the incident occurred. The topography of the Great Lakes region has also changed quite a lot. From a high altitude, the northern half of Lake Michigan has almost dried up, forming a number of small lakes intermittently. The southern half is much enlarged, and there is an ocean of unknown depth.

The location of the robot dog’s accident was in the southern half, not far from the location marked as Grand Rapids on the map.

“The land near Grand Rapids was submerged, and it should be caused by the sinking of the crust. However, although the topography here has changed a lot, the basic structure has not changed much. The most important thing is that the five great lakes are connected together and the waters are nourished, making the place The fire energy is relatively uniform, forming a super large oasis environment.”

I have to say that the Great Lakes region is a very suitable place for human living.

China has dense fire islands and oasis, but not many large areas are gathered, so large-scale livable areas cannot be formed, and scattered cities can only be used as habitats.

Yinglong-Sky-Snatcher arrived at the place, and immediately transformed into Qijian-Sky-Snatcher at high altitude and crashed into the lake.

Later, Chen Xiuni also changed the structure, turned into a huge torpedo, and fell into the lake.

Sailing in the water does not exceed ten kilometers.

Kelp has entered the field of vision.

“This shouldn’t be said to be kelp, but the submarine forest.” Chen Xiuni followed Shen Cong, the torpedo structure is not slow, but it always makes Shen Cong feel strange.

A living person, someone he has fantasized about.

Become a steel machine.

But this steel machine has the emotion and tone of the original human.

Really awkward.

Feeling awkward, his thoughts flashed, and Shen Cong quickly focused on the kelp forest in front of him. A huge kelp leaf has a length of several tens of meters and a width of several meters, brown-green, with large waves on the edges. The position of the petiole is not stuck in the soil, but suspended in water.

According to the scientific records of the old world, kelp is a kind of seaweed plant, and a leaf is an individual.

Sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction alternate generations, releasing spores to spread.

Strictly speaking, it is not impossible to be classified as golden bacteria.

It’s just that the kelp forest in front of it is obviously formed by the continuous differentiation of an individual, and all the roots and stalks are connected to each other through densely entangled false roots, which stretches endlessly.

It stretches for at least a few kilometers.

It’s like a primitive jungle on the bottom of the sea.

“The particle first-level, 5.917H, is not very powerful, but it looks very exaggerated.” Shen Cong drove the Qijian-Sky Rider, quickly deformed two Qilin arms, and then wielded the Super Eight Demon Emperor Sword and others. The low-end sword kept shredded and brought leaves around.

Chen Xiuni also split up the Qilin arm and cooperated with Shen Cong in the work.

The reaction force of the kelp is not very fast, but with the invasion of two particle-level deformation Vajra, it is quickly noticed that the entire kelp forest is moving.

The kelp leaves tightened and began to rotate and cut, like a saw.

It’s a pity that the Yinglong-Snatcher could not be broken.

Even Chen Xiuni couldn’t cut it.

“Oh, thank goodness, Shen Cong, Chen Xiuni, you are here!” Dao brother sensed the two and cried out in surprise, “Hurry up, I am here in the head of Dahaicao. Ha, what an ugly head, so disgusting , It actually wants to eat my Dao brother, it is unreasonable, Shen Cong teaches it for me!”

“Head?” Shen Cong asked while weeding.

“It may be the location of Ultrain or the original Tinder.” Han Shoucheng answered, “We have been entangled in the kelp leaves around its core area. These leaves are very resilient… I will send you the picture of the head. I can tell by myself.”

Super Thunderwave information is sent.

Shen Cong saw the image perceived by the four-claw king-robot.

It was a dense jungle of kelp that shaded the sun. All the false roots of the root stalks in the jungle were entwined and held up a huge disgusting sphere. The surface of the sphere has a net-like structure of entangled tree roots and is attached with white mucus. Just above the sphere, it looks like hair is growing, and countless white filamentous roots are flying.

Extending to the four-claw king-robot, trying to penetrate the steel armor layer.

This is a bit like the filamentous roots of those scavengers.

It is impossible to speculate whether the sphere is Ultrabrain or Protinder, or nothing at all. Shen Cong can perceive its mood swings, which are very chaotic and hard to have meaning, unlike higher intelligent creatures. But the emotions are very clear, which is another characteristic that the tree Vajra often shows.

“Perhaps IQ has not yet been developed, and has not experienced the baptism of civilization.” Shen Cong thought in his heart.

Gradually, the kelp leaves that appeared became thicker and thicker.

Chen Xiuni said from the rear: “Shen Cong, I feel very strenuous. My big sword needs to consume too much activity to cut off these kelp leaves. I may not be able to rush to the core area.”

“You are on the periphery, listen to my instructions, and clean the outer kelp if necessary.” Shen Cong is supported by the Super Eight Demon Emperor Sword, which is effortless.

An acceleration will rush into the core area.

Seeing the four-clawed king-robot who was tied into a zongzi, unable to move, countless filamentous roots were looking for weak spots and trying to get in.

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