Chapter 807

“Shen Cong, come-on, our brothers are of the same heart, and it is profitable!” Brother Dao changed his predecessor to death, and at this moment, seeing the arrival of the Qijianhao-Tianchao, he quickly became alive and well.

Reinvigorate and be vigorous.

It means to underestimate the world.

Shen Cong’s Qijian, Sky-Sweeping Chariot, is no longer the Qijian, but has six Qilin arms, each swinging with a sword, and slashing the kelp leaves that continue to flow in.

The particle-level kelp is frantically attacking him.

Chaos emotions are rippling around, and Shen Cong constantly uses cicada language to analyze, but he can’t analyze any meaningful words. This particle-level tree, Vajra, shouts meaninglessly like a mental illness.

It is impossible to form a complete cicada language.

It is impossible to establish communication.

While smashing the kelp leaves, Shen Cong approached the four-clawed king-robot, cutting off all the kelp that had been produced on the robot dog, and releasing the robot dog: “Go to the periphery, cooperate with Chen Xiuni, and crush this kelp… It’s just a brainless dementia, just study it after killing it.”

All creatures without wisdom are lower creatures.

“I won’t go, our brothers are fighting side by side, how can I let my Dao brother abandon you!” Dao brother is a good dog with a sense of justice and loyalty.

Shen Cong was speechless: “I mean, don’t hinder your hindrance here, just get out of here!”

As soon as Shen Cong turned around, Brother Dao drove the four-clawed king-robot, and tried to fight with him with a dog-plan forward. But unfortunately, it was strangled by the extended kelp leaves again. The tips of its four claws are all made using the attack claw technology, which is very lethal.

However, I need to swim to maintain my balance, and I can’t stop those kelp at all.

Compared with Chen Xiuni’s torpedo, its combat effectiveness is pitifully weak.

“No, you hurt my heart, my Dao brother wants to prove myself… Come and save me again, this time I can definitely squeeze the ugly head of the seaweed with my hands!” Dao brother said aggrievedly.

Heard this.

Shen Congben was going to save it again, and now he turned around and left. It was a waste of time to save it.

When Brother Dao saw the Qijianhao-Sky-Snatcher far away from it, he immediately yelled: “Ah hello, Shen Cong, what are you doing, you are in the wrong direction, come back and rescue me…”

Han Shoucheng stood next to Brother Dao and patted Brother Dao’s dog legs hard: “Brother Dao, let’s stay calm and restless. Robot dogs have no combat effectiveness underwater and will only hinder Chairman Huang’s actions. We are here. Wait, when Chairman Huang hunts down this kelp, we will be able to go out.”

Brother Dao turned his head with Krypton Golden Dog eyes, and glanced at Han Shoucheng disdainfully: “Stupid opinion, my Brother Dao is the incarnation of justice, how can I retreat when there is a battle! Guys with less than 4H talents are as weak as their brains. , I don’t want to talk to you, please stay away from me!”

Han Shoucheng slandered: “Beep the dog!”

After a hard sweep, the Qijianhao-Sky-Snatcher finally rushed to the edge of the kelp core sphere. At this time, a large amount of kelp leaves had surrounded Shen Cong from outside.

Or it’s a package.

Together with the sky-sweeping vehicle, the whole is wrapped, forming a huge impermeable sphere. There was no way the light could penetrate in, and it was pitch black.

But Shen Cong can still rely on Skyeye Radar to clearly penetrate everything inside the huge sphere.

“A big’head’ is bigger than a sky-snatcher. What is wrapped in it?” Shen Cong was not in a hurry when he realized that he was wrapped.

Instead, with the mentality of a researcher, he carefully looked at the core sphere in front of him.

The core sphere continuously radiates chaotic active waves to the outside, and the emotions are very unpredictable, and it is difficult to distinguish between happiness, anger, sorrow and happiness.

“I can even perceive the emotions of low-level plants like mechanical vines, but I cannot parse out the emotions of kelp. What is it? Is it because kelp itself belongs to algae, one of the very low-level protists in the old world. Like eukaryotes.”

The world of protists includes simple eukaryotes, such as amoeba, plankton, paramecium, and plasmodium.

This is a class of creatures inferior to animals and plants.

However, eukaryotic algae also belong to plants. It is very difficult to carefully identify kelp and divide it into golden bacteria or evolutionary tree. However, Shen Cong felt that it was difficult to define the identity of the particle-level kelp in front of him.

Saying it is a plant, there is no emotion that plants should have.

It is said to be a golden bacteria, and its body shape and structure, including the properties of active waves, are similar to the evolutionary tree.

All in all, this is a scientific research topic that is difficult to judge.

Shen Cong didn’t think about it, so he didn’t think about it anymore, Qilin raised his arm behind him, the barrel stretched out, and aimed at the huge ugly head, raising his hand was a black stone cannon.


The filamentous roots on the ugly head flew, blocking this black stone light cannon, at the cost of breaking thousands of filamentous roots.

After capturing the Combination Chariot of the Scimitar Republic, the Blackstone Energy Treasure Shen Cong has harvested a lot. At this moment, he doesn’t feel distressed at all. Not long after, the filamentous roots on the head of the ugly head were completely flattened, and there was no longer a filamentous root that could fly and stop the cannonball from falling.


A big hole burst out of the ugly head.

Boom boom boom!

One by one, the big holes exploded the entangled rhizomes on the ugly head to pieces, and one rhizome flew towards the Qijianhao-Sky-Snatcher. When Shen Cong thought, Qilin stretched out his arms and grabbed the broken rhizome. The active wave is quickly poured in, and the details of the rhizome are carefully scanned.


Shen Cong quickly found out.

“There is no Shenhuo system in the rhizome, but there is an irregular distribution of fire seeds. It is no wonder that the brain of kelp seems to be problematic, and the emotions are chaotic. Its Shenhuo system has not developed at all, it is just a semi-finished product… Maybe it already has a super brain, but how The sacred fire is not healthy, everything is in vain.”

Throwing away the rhizomes, Shen Cong has roughly grasped the habits and characteristics of kelp.

No longer keep your hands.

The Super Eight Demon Emperor Sword spins like a propeller, rushing towards the big holes that have been blasted, still looking like an ugly head that is unobstructed. He has to find out for himself whether this first-level kelp strain has evolved superbrain.



The sky-snatcher has completely transformed into the image of the six-armed Tianzun-the sky-snatcher, violently pulling the core sphere of the kelp, suspecting the existence of the head. Poor kelp that stretches into a forest, at the bottom of Lake Michigan, I don’t know how long it grew and how many fish and shrimp it swallowed before it grew to its present size.

But unable to resist the second-level predators of particles.

Only follow the rules of Nature The Weak are Prey to the Strong, approaching Death bit by bit.

“Close to the depths of the sphere, the entangled rhizomes have become more and more fragile, far less firm than the outer layer. This is a sign of reaching the most critical position.” Shen Cong raised his eyebrows, a kind of predator’s predator’s predicament. No matter how strong the surface is, any individual can be hunted as long as he wants to.

He is at the top of the food chain!

Once upon a time, ordinary humans are now the overlord of predation.

But just when Shen Cong’s thinking was loosening, his ugly head, which was already almost unable to maintain the defense of the kelp leaves, suddenly banged…in front of Shen Cong’s eyes, it exploded completely.

Large masses of thick green sap dispersed in the water.

The kelp leaves wrapped around it lost support and collapsed softly.

The sunlight came in again, and the vision regained its brightness. Shen Cong furrowed his brows deeply, and the research materials he had gotten exploded unexpectedly. More importantly, not only did a large group of thick green sap explode in the water, but his six-armed Heavenly Sovereign-Sky-Snatcher was also sprayed with sap all over his body.

These juices seem to be alive.

Quickly penetrated into the outer armor of the sky-grabber.

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