Chapter 809 Romantic Legend

Metal seeds need to absorb activity in order to grow rapidly, which is a special attribute of mechanical vines.

However, this time, while the metal seeds were absorbing their activity, they even absorbed the virus-upgraded prokaryotic cells into the spores.

The green juice that infiltrated the entire armor layer has basically turned into prokaryotic cells, but the color is still green, making the six-armed Tianzun-Sky-Snatcher still green like a green-skinned monster.

However, with the crazy growth of mechanical vines, the prokaryotic cells of the armor layer were absorbed, and the color finally changed back to the original black, white and red three-color painting. Of course, the red spray paint was lost again, leaving only black and white… and the mechanical vines extending outside the armor.

“Wow, my Cong, what’s wrong with your sky-snatcher? Just now I have dyed my hair like green, but now my body is covered with grass. Wow, is it a drag party today?” When the dog climbed ashore, Brother Dao smiled as if he was stubborn, and drove the robot dog to roll on the ground.

See Shen Cong ignore himself.

Brother Dao turned his head again and said to Chen Xiuni, “Iron Lady, do you think Shen Cong’s brain is flooded? It seems that his big guy is of poor quality and leaks.”

Chen Xiuni did not jokingly thought: “I think Shen Cong is in trouble now, Brother Dao, you are very close to the core area, do you know what happened there? Why did the kelp suddenly die and the sky-grabber was all over her body? What’s the green color?”

“You ask me how do I know, he and the big waterweed are playing around in a ball wrapped in kelp leaves. I don’t know how happy they are.” Brother Dao said as he said, he began to sulking, “Shen Cong is not authentic enough. The scene doesn’t take me, so it’s cool now, he looks like this!”

Chen Xiuni felt that asking Brother Dao was wrong.

Han Shoucheng hosted the Chao Leibo radio station on the side: “Female God of War, we did not see the specific situation clearly, but Chairman Huang’s current situation should be adjusted… Those vine-like plants are one of his masters. technology, the Eastern Theater Command once had a record.”

Shen Cong, the mechanical vine, is not often used, but he has also used it several times in combat, especially during the period in the Eastern Theater.

It is normal to be filmed and recorded by the government.

some things.


Chen Xiuni was curious: “Oh, he has mastered this strange technology?”

Han Shoucheng nodded and said: “Dean Zhao Kan once said that Chairman Huang is very suitable for scientific research. At the time when he was struggling to survive in the new world, Chairman Huang made great contributions to the reconstruction of mankind. It can be said that without Chairman Huang’s words, we and There will be no difference in the Scimitar Republic.”

With the setting sun shining, the six-armed Tianzun-Sky Rider has become a big green ball, and the mechanical vines continue to grow and grow, and peculiar changes are taking place.

Very subtle, but continuous.

Shen Cong devoted himself to the guidance and observation of this change, without any idea of ​​communicating with the outside world.

One dog, one person, two deformed Vajra, stood not far away, as a protector.

“It’s true.” Chen Xiuni looked at the big green ball and didn’t have much worry in her heart. In her cognition, there was nothing rare to hold Shen Cong. “If he hadn’t appeared in the first place, Mushroom City and us people, There is no way to escape the enslavement of the insect warrior.”

At the battle of the insect warriors, Mushroom City was liberated.

The figure of Shen Cong left an indelible impression in Chen Xiuni’s mind.

Han Shoucheng responded: “The Chinese survivors in the New World are lucky. Chairman Huang is able to suppress the national fortune, let us steadily transition to the new regime, and have enough time to explore the most suitable way of survival. I have been with Brother Tao these days. Traveling throughout the Great Lakes region, people’s livelihood is dying, and many ordinary people died not from natural disasters but from man-made disasters.”

“How is the development of the Scimitar Republic? Is there any technology worth learning from?”

“It hasn’t been sorted out yet, but the treatment of scientists here is not good, because ordinary people are difficult to access, cognitively active, and unable to develop active technologies. Most of the active-related information here is explored by the evolutionary alone, and many are Realized in the battle.”

“The team is bad, there are too many iron men, fighting with each other.” Chen Xiuni sighed.

“The system built by the fleet has certain characteristics. The Great Lakes is not the most concentrated area of ​​survivors. On the east coast, New York and Philadelphia are the high-density areas. The super-large fleets there are not inferior to the Scimitar Republic. When we finish digesting the Great Lakes region, we will begin to explore the east coast.”

There are more than 300 million people in the United States, and only 350 or 60 million people in Canada.

The whole of China, including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, has a total population of less than 1.4 billion.

Differs greatly.

According to the statistics of the new government, the total population of survivors in China is close to 5 million. The number of survivors in the end of the world is about 15 million. After the opening of the new world, many survivors have died of various disasters one after another. In the end, the number of survivors reached a ratio of two hundred and eighty to one.

If United States is also in this ratio, it should only be more than 400,000.

Among them, there are hundreds of thousands of people living in the Great Lakes region, and there should be hundreds of thousands of people on the east coast. Other areas, such as the west coast, are more than tens of thousands.

In fact, the proportion of survivors here is higher.

Chen Xiuni said: “I feel that the survivors here can easily survive.”

“Probably because the population of United States is not concentrated in big cities. There are a lot of people living in small towns. In the process of tinder energy baptism, the proportion of evolutionary awakening has greatly increased. Therefore, the proportion of gold and iron men in the Great Lakes region is all We are far ahead of China. We have too many high-rise buildings in China, not enough fire energy, and the buildings will collapse and the death will be heavy.”

Chen Xiuni nodded. By 2022, the population of China living in cities will exceed 60% to 70%. The young and Zhuang all go to the city, only the old and the young stay in the countryside.

Meteor showers are extinct, the probability of death in cities is extremely high, and it is difficult for the young and old in rural areas to survive.

Han Shoucheng immediately said: “But anyway, the biggest disaster is over and the best situation for the Chinese is ushered in. The new government will re-formulate the global strategy… It is time for us Chinese to dominate the world. And all of this, Realized because of one person.”

Because of who, it goes without saying.

Chen Xiuni was silent for a few seconds, and said with emotion: “But after all, he will leave the earth to find the vague source of evolution. That will not be a good result.”

“Yes, the ideal of traveling in the Universe is too lofty.”

“Perhaps, if you don’t have a dream, what is the difference between being a man and a salted fish…”

Brother Dao suddenly interrupted: “Hey, “Shaolin Football”, I have watched it.”

It interrupted Chen Xiuni’s words-“But, I will follow him and see how incredible this universe is. Even if the road ahead is destined to be endless and dark. It’s better than traveling alone, even someone who can share the scenery. nothing.”

When she was interrupted, Chen Xiuni did not say anything.

Instead, I replaced it with another sentence: “Sometimes I think I can understand his thoughts. When this world has nothing worth remembering, why not put my limited life into the boundless universe? Turn it into a hand on the earth. How can Huangsha be more romantic and legendary than burning out in the sun?”

Han Shoucheng smiled: “I am very envious of this ending…I am a little worried about it. On the earth, my homeland is hard to leave.”

Between emotions.

Half an hour passed.

The huge green ball has been silent for a while…

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