Chapter 810: Compiling Metal Base

In the big green ball.

Shen Cong runs the original fire cultivation method at full speed to provide upgraded “energy” for the suspected virus. He is not investing in enemies, but evolving a suspected virus into a prokaryotic cell.

As a kind of nutrient, the metal seeds of mechanical vines continuously absorb prokaryotic cells through spores, and then become part of mechanical vines.

When the spores of the prokaryotic cells continue to grow, the prokaryotic cells will gradually merge into the plant. These prokaryotic cells evolved to plant cells, but the evolved cells are completely different from real plant cells. The most important point is the fluctuation of activity.

“What kind of existence is a prokaryotic cell, and why does the new type of cell it evolves carry particle-level active waves?”

Shen Cong could not answer this question.

He hadn’t noticed that when more and more prokaryotic cells merged with the mechanical vines, the active waves of the mechanical vines gradually changed. The fluctuations begin to be unstable and produce violent ups and downs. As the prokaryotic cells converge and assimilate to the surrounding radiation, the active waves gradually complete the precipitation.

The brand new, 5.846H talent coercion, began to produce from the mechanical vines.

“That kelp is a talent of 5.917H, and the mechanical vine turned into a talent of 5.846H… It seems that the reason for the high talent of kelp is not the kelp itself, but these viruses. The virus combines with plants to produce a particle-level talent. Only by nature can mechanical vines be changed.”

The mechanical vine hasn’t even reached the high-level talent, it’s only the intermediate level.

Now go directly to the advanced, super, ultimate, and nuclear level, and go straight to the first-level particle.

Very unreasonable.

But the facts do exist, and Shen Cong has to believe that mechanical vines have completed a completely reborn change: “The materials of mechanical vines are getting stronger and stronger. Now they have almost exceeded the level of nuclear-grade wood and copper. It is indeed true. Real particle first-level.”

It may also be a first-level particle in disguise.

But Shen Cong couldn’t see through the disguise, and could only choose to believe it was true.

He constantly controls the growth of mechanical vines. The first-level mechanical vines consume and absorb the amount of activity that is terrifying. If it weren’t for the sufficient amount of Blackstone Energy Treasures in Shen Cong’s inventory, it would have been impossible to spawn such a large piece of mechanical vines to form a big green ball.

“Particle level is the transition of the metal-based decay system to the source, from intermediate to particle first-level, indicating that the metal base of the mechanical vine has been transformed by prokaryotic cells in a short period of time… Then the virus should directly invade the metal base. , This is a virus that can compile a metal base.”

Shen Cong studied the green ball and the new changes in mechanical vines while trying to find the theoretical basis for the existence of the virus.

“Kelp has no IQ. Obviously, it is not a perfect particle level, but is produced by combining with viruses. Mechanical vines are now also entering the particle level. I can still control its growth through the interference of active waves, but this is not a long-term solution. , I must figure out the behavior of the virus.”

The virus transforms the mechanical vine into a particle-level existence, and the force is great ascension.

However, Shen Cong knows nothing about the harm of viruses that can change the metal base, especially since the virus was planning to invade the six-armed Tianzun-Sky Rider. The armor layer has no defense against the virus. Once the virus is combined with the Six-Armed Heavenly Sovereign-Sky-Snatcher, it is difficult to predict what kind of abnormality will occur.

Now it means that Shen Cong is carrying a time bomb on own.

May explode at any time.

He cleared all the prokaryotic cells out of the armor layer, but was reluctant to clean up the metal seeds of the mechanical vines. The metal seeds formed a strong planted armor, which provided a 120% increase in defense strength for his armor.

Without such strong planted armor, the combat effectiveness of the sky-snatcher would be greatly reduced.

Half an hour of research to no avail.

The theoretical basis is hard to find.

It is difficult to speculate the properties of viruses that change the metal base.

How prokaryotic cells assimilate mechanical vines and whether mechanical vines have sequelae are difficult to predict. The only thing Shen Cong figured out was that the mechanical vines, besides the strong Ascension, can withstand the attack intensity below the particle level without breaking, but also have a kind of “toxicity.”

This toxicity is the conclusion he reached when he attacked the iron lion with mechanical vines.

After the mechanical vine is wrapped around the iron lion, many filamentous roots will grow from the rhizome. These metal filamentary roots pierce into the metal shell of the iron lion like a needle. Then Shen Cong sensed through the active wave and saw that the filamentous roots began to have cells ruptured, releasing a large amount of suspected viruses.

The suspected virus quickly invaded the metal shell, began to damage the structure, and collapsed the shell, just as it did before destroying the six-armed Tianzun-Sky Rider.

The difference is that the sky-grabber is a second-level particle and is difficult to destroy; the iron lion has only a total activity value of less than 3H, and it is easy to break a large shell.

Broken into powder.

If it weren’t for Shen Cong to remove the shell in time, it would be normal for the iron lion to collapse as a whole.

“The attack power is very strong, and the effect is not much worse than the toxic materials of the Lv0-active age… If the virus is harmless to me, this will be my exclusive technology again.”

Shen Cong likes this technology that can quickly destroy metal materials.

But you must ensure that it is harmless to yourself.

“It is impossible to study any important results in a short time. The mechanical vine absorbs a large number of prokaryotic cells, and the sky-grabber is already safe. Now there are metal seeds in the armor layer, and these small spores are assimilated by the prokaryotic cells and become virus carriers. Body, can’t stay.”

Reluctant to throw away metal seeds.

I am also afraid of a virus outbreak.

What Shen Cong can do is to temporarily gather all the metal seeds in one part, and then cut off the part to give birth to a small mechanical vine and plant it.

After the research is thorough, consider replanting the strong armor.

Do it when you think of it.

Ten minutes later, the metal seeds have been cleaned up. In the small greenhouse, a particle-level mechanical vine swayed its branches, quietly exuding the repetitive emotions of “I am so comfortable” and “I am uncomfortable”. This is an emotion that Shen Cong has heard countless times and can be ignored directly.

The virus did not cause the emotional confusion of the mechanical vine.

From this point, it shows that the virus is still mild.

Maybe there is a chance to tame it.

After breaking open the huge green ball carrying the virus, Shen Cong consumed a large amount of activity and incinerated the pile of canes by means of active light waves without leaving a trace of virus residue.

The virus has not been solved before.

Should not be leaked.

“As for the virus in the lake, I don’t know why it didn’t invade the robot dog. It’s weird… Forget it, don’t worry about this. If there is a virus, I’m afraid Lake Michigan has been infected. Go back and tell the new government and go into the water carefully.” Shen Cong looked at the shimmering lake in the moonlight, thinking about it in his heart.

Then she said to Chen Xiuni and Dao who were chatting, “It’s up here… Kelp may be a special existence infected by a virus, not a simple particle level. The kelp was killed by me, and the virus was released. Now my infection has been resolved. , But Lake Michigan may be polluted.”

After finishing speaking, before Brother Dao and Chen Xiuni could answer, the six-armed Heavenly Sovereign-Sweeping Crane suddenly squatted down.

Then suddenly jumped into the air.

Suddenly it transformed into the Yinglong-Sky-Sweeping Vehicle in the air. When it was about to fall to the ground, the four huge propellers roared, rolled off the sand and rocks, crashed into the vast night, and disappeared.

The roar went away.

Everything returned to peace.

Chen Xiuni glanced at the robot dog, and transformed into a helicopter, and flew towards the small town of Pence. Brother Dao murmured “Shen Cong, you are not loyal enough”, followed by transformation and flight, and returned to the town of Pengsi.

Lake Michigan at night.

Reflect the bright moon.

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