Chapter 811 Strong Planting Poison Touch

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The Yinglong-Sky-Snatcher landed in a vast expanse of white, and was restored to the Vajra-Sky-Snatcher.

Analysis of suspected viruses continues.

After several years of experimental research career training, Shen Cong can now master various research skills proficiently and analyze and resolve suspected viruses from all aspects. Coupled with his second-level super active wave perception ability, it seems that many details of the virus cannot escape his observation.

Young mechanical vines contain explosive energy.

This is a magical evolutionary tree, there is no possibility of becoming a tree Vajra, but the chance to get a combination of suspected viruses and become a particle level is still an amazing miracle.

Three days in a row.

Shen Cong even put aside the research work on field-based active waves, instead of thinking about or trying to figure out wind shields and storm sword rain, he concentrated on researching suspected viruses.

Through a large number of experiments, especially catching a large number of evolved beasts to carry out live experiments, everything about the new mechanical vines finally slowly unfolded.

The nature of the suspected virus has also been intuitively judged.

“The suspected virus has been clarified. It is a brand-new, first-discovered metal virus-it has all the characteristics of a virus, is aimed at metal life, has a microscopic structure and super reproductive power. At the same time, this suspected virus, In addition, the performance of Zhongjin bacteria with evolved individuals is based on the collective as a unit, showing an evolutionary personality.”

The scientific community of the old world gave a definition.

Viruses are a class of non-cellular microorganisms with small particles, nanometers as the measurement unit, simple structure, and strict parasitic properties. They reproduce by replication. It is a source of infection that can only replicate in living host cells. Like all living things, it has the ability to inherit, upgrade, and evolve.

But viruses are different from other microorganisms, because other microorganisms have cell structures, but viruses do not.

Therefore, the metal virus discovered by Shen Cong this time, and the metal bacteria defined by the current “Activity Progressive Chemistry”, are two types of evolutionary individuals.

“I named this metal virus particle-level kelp virus.” When Shen Cong closed the door to study, he did not forget to communicate with the experts of the Academy of Sciences.

It’s just that all research goes through his own hands.

In fact, after the Lake Michigan incident was reported, Liu Yiwu quickly organized manpower and went to Lake Michigan to collect lake water samples in an attempt to extract the particle-level kelp virus. Unfortunately, he did not succeed. It is not known whether the virus is diluted by the lake water, or the virus has died on its own, or it has entered a new evolutionary individual to infect.

Shen Cong is the only one who has the sample now.

The experts of the Academy of Sciences are very interested in the particle-level kelp virus. Not only is the metal virus discovered for the first time, but the reason is that this virus can make the host enter the particle level.

Once the virus is turned into a vaccine, or some other nutrient solution, it can spawn particle-level powers in batches, which is definitely an epoch-making discovery.

“Chairman Huang, you can adjust the next research direction to the effect of the virus on the metal base. However, I still suggest that you can provide a virus sample and hand it to the Academy of Sciences, so that we can work together to quickly study the particle-level kelp virus. Thoroughly and serve the public,” Zhao Kan said during the call.

Shen Cong couldn’t comment on this.

He clearly sees the huge potential of the particle-level kelp virus. The new government wants it, but it is temporarily impossible.

Go into the cab.

Shen Cong poured himself a glass of fine metal wine, tasted one or two, and relaxed his mind. He couldn’t relax at all when he was just tasting the wine, the original fire kept running, and the sparks of thinking kept flickering.

“The original particle-grade kelp virus samples are no longer available. They are all combined with the original fire and become prokaryotic cells. They are then swallowed by mechanical vines and assimilated into brand-new plant cells. Such plant cells can release new virus samples. This is what the Academy of Sciences I don’t understand yet.”

Some secrets can only be known by yourself.

The new virus contained in the new cells of the mechanical vine is kept secret, and Shen Cong is preparing to name it.

“It’s called Crane Dingjin…”

In ancient times, there was a crest of a crane with red blood, and the throat was sealed by blood;

Heding gold is a powerful metal virus with rapid reproduction ability and can effectively destroy metal structures. Because it does not destroy cells like a normal virus, but directly acts on the metal structure, no matter it is an evolutionary individual, a vehicle, or the spirit of the fire seed, Heding Gold can invade and infect it.

The effect is terrifying, and the activity cannot prevent the invasion of the virus at all.

“The discovery of the virus sounded the alarm for me. The powerful metal life is incredibly powerful on the surface, but to overcome it, perhaps only a metal virus is needed. Nature has quietly turned the food chain from a pyramid shape to a circle that is connected end to end. , The predator is no longer Wu You.”

Shen Cong’s eyes are gloomy. This is the real reason why he is unwilling to share the virus.

At least for now, the virus is still in his hands alone, the food chain is still closed, and the predator status is unshakable.

“Fortunately, the original fire seems to have the effect of restraining the virus, generating mutations, supplementing the incomplete structure of the virus, and making it evolve into a cellular structure… Then I have strong planting armor, and metal seeds can swallow prokaryotic cells. Together Assimilation serves as a defense line of immunity.”

Crane top gold is a virus carried by mechanical vines, so it is like an immunity. As long as there is a parasitic metal seed, Crane top gold has no risk of infection on the crane.

It’s like a vaccine.

And Shen Cong can use crane top gold as a means of hunting.

Thinking, Shen Cong thought, the Vajra-Snake Sky Car’s front front suddenly pulled out a greenish-golden rattan from the armor layer.

The longer and thicker the rattan, it becomes a tentacle-like existence in a few seconds.

On the sturdy cane, some leaves grew sparsely, and countless filamentous roots stretched and shrunk. This is the hunter’s shotgun, ready to give a fatal blow to the prey-injecting crane top gold.

“Particle-level mechanical vines are not only tough enough to be broken, but the infection attack of Crane Top Gold is even more vicious. Your name no longer suits you, I will give you a new name that fits your current image and temperament-strong Phytotoxic touch!”

Strong plant armor, virus crane top gold, rattan tentacles.

The strong phytotoxic touch was born.

This is the sky-grabbing vehicle following the perception means skyeye radar, resonance drum; communication means cicada language, super thunder wave; defense means reloading alloy, active water wave; long-range attack means black stone light cannon; short-range attack means active light wave, radiation nuclear knife; Combination means cluster shield wave, directional cluster gun wave, etc.

Newly acquired means of control and virus attacks.

“The metal virus research has to continue, and the field-based active wave needs to be brought up again, but now we can focus our main energy on the east coast.”

Shen Cong disconnected from the strong plant poison.

The Vajra-Sky-Snatcher quickly transformed into a six-armed Sky-Snatcher.

The left hand has over eight one-handed shields and the right hand has over eight Demon Emperor Swords. The third and fourth Qilin arms are differentiated from the back. Instead of holding the big sword, two powerful poisonous touches are produced again, which are held in the hands like two Leather whip.

Vigorous and unrestrained!

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